Loxitane (loxapine succinate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Loxitane (loxapine succinate)

My blood pressure skyrocketed.Developed extremely stiff muscles in my back, neck and face.Developed muscle twitch in my nose/mouth area.

Aggravated my psychiatric condition. Once I stopped taking this drug, the side effects disappeared in a matter of days.

Had good anti-depressant effect; also helped with confusion and concentration. Developed Akathisia at super-low dose (less than 5 mg.) and had to go off.

LOXITANE (LOXAPINE SUCCINATE): Loxapine is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia). This medicine helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It can reduce aggression and the desire to hurt yourself/others. It may also help to decrease hallucinations (such as hearing/seeing things that are not there). Loxapine is a psychiatric medication (antipsychotic type) that works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances (such as dopamine) in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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This pill is horrible! It is the 4th pill I've tried in the last year and I hate it! After changing from Yasmin; which gave me awful migranes constantly but with no other side effects. I have been taking it now continuously (tricycling because if I don't I get really bad migranes) and it was fine for the first 3 packets (some spotting in the first packet) but after I had a break with no period it's all gone downhill. I've been really bloated, feeling sick and had lots of stomach cramps. Along with massive anxiety attacks mainly due to worrying about being pregnant despite 3 negative pregnancy tests all well after when my period is due. I look 4 months pregnant by the end of everyday. I have gained 6Ibs due to huge sugar cravings. My contact lenses now annoy the hell out of me. My IBS has flared up; I think mainly due to all the anxiety to do with no periods and possibly being pregnant. I have been crying at the smallest things and getting annoyed really easily. I had a yeast infection for about a month when I started this pill then followed by cystitis for 2 weeks. Now that I have typed all this I'm beginning to wonder why I'm still on this pill! So I can guarantee I will be switching as soon as possible.

All the comments about depression, anxiety, sexual disfonction are bullsh... you will find the same on every drug on this site... muscular pain is a known issue, but I never had it...

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I have been on accutane twice. Each time, I took 40mg twice per day for 5-6 months. The first time, my acne flare-ups and side effects were awful and lasted pretty much the entire course of taking the medication. About a year later, I took my second course and the side effects were not nearly as severe (however I did have scarring). My acne is SO MUCH BETTER, but I am considering a 3rd course because I still do suffer from cystic acne. *Use Aquaphor (can be found at any drug store) to help with dry lips/skin *Use a homemade mask of alvacado and mayo once a week to help with flaky scalp *Drink plenty of water!