Latuda ( lurasidone hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Latuda ( lurasidone hydrochloride)

I am seeing a new psych dr for schizoaffective disorder and he suggested this med to try to cut down on hallucinations. So far, so good. I like it. It has a calming effect like Xanax.

My face got locked with an open mouth. I was making all kind of involuntary movements. I couldn't pee. I was making involuntary sounds. My eyelids had a droopy look. Red eyes. I couldn't stop pacing. I started to have suicidal thoughts. I was crying loudly with a feeling of despair and desperation. I kept coughing involuntary. My heart and pulse were fast. The worst feeling. I took charcoal pills, cilantro pills, magnesium citrate and lots of water with lemon and slowly the side effects were diminishing.

Awful suicidal feelings I have never felt this bad

Hopefully psych puts me back on olanzopine

Doctor tapered me too fast off Latuda and now I have all kinds of issues. New symptoms include grinding of teeth, jaw clenching, cracking jaw, flu like symptoms, nausea, vomiting, muscle aches, muscle twitches and spasms, itching, headaches/migraines, diarrhea, irritability, fatigue, chills/sweats, brain fog, and more. My symptoms of Akathisia and Insomnia are unbearable now after being tapered from 80mg (was at 120mg for awhile!) down by 20mg each month. Was told to stop at 20mg. 7 months later I'm still experiencing withdrawal.

Emotional numbness, total lack of motivation to take take care of myself or the house, cook, or go anywhere. I barely spoke, lost my creativity and emotional connection to music. I had trouble thinking and remembering.

I've been off for over a year and am slowly getting better but I lost years of my life and my personality. I'm not suicidal but I'm not sure it's worth it.

Unwanted energy, akathesia. Restlessness. Nightly anxiety attacks

It’s too bad because it’s helping my depression.

Bi polar and skitofective disorder

Extremely dizzy extremely irritable Those are the only ones I can remember before blacked out.

I call it death med. Because I almost died while taking it. A Dr in a hospital put me on it. But did not take me off of the SSRI med I was on. Ended up on the hospital with serotonin syndrome. So now I have it down as an alergy. Taking Seroquel now much much better. Hardly any bad side effects.

some shaking and severe anxiety which had to be addressed

This was a game changer for me. On 40 mg it made me very anxious but help really well with the depression. I was put on lexapro for the anxiety because it has a sedating affect on me and it worked. We played with both doses for a while and settled on 40mg latuda and 10 lexapro and that was the secret sause for me, I wouldnt change anything.

Sleepiness/Knocks me out. Weight gain - you have to take it with 350 calories.

It completely lifted my depression for about a week and flatlined after that.

OCD, Major Depression, Anxiety

Extremely tired (had to take before bed), nausea, vomiting, weight gain

It helped tremendously with intrusive thoughts and depression, but the vomiting became too much. It was too much stress on my body I took it off and on for a year and a half before I decided that it was time to switch.

The restlessness was unbearable. Increased my anxiety and appetite way more than any other drug I've been on.

It's changed my life ! Saving my life ! I now want to be apart of life, experience life. No psychosis, no intrusive thoughts .No Paranoia. No delusions. Love it ! I think I'm gonna give my psych a virtual hug

I've only taken one pill and I'm already noticing akathisia, I don't stay put at all and do a thousand things at once. I also find that I am more anxious. Feels like im in drugs. (Google translation)

I hope these side effects go away or are just a placebo. I have already tried so many different medicines that I am starting to get really bored and anxious about this situation. I hope this medicine helps me.

Sometimes restless, restless legs around bedtime, night sweats (but also in menopause so it's likely just contributing factor)

So far this has been a game changer! I was rapid cycling to 2 weeks of depression every month and tired of the cycle-so bad at points I wouldn't shower, couldn't go to work or barely get out of bed. But with the Latuda it was almost immediately the opposite - within a few doses I was motivated again, interested in doing things around the house, and leaving it to run errands, etc. I do have concerns about negative possible side effects so am being watchful for them but at this point I'm happy my Dr prescribed and doing extremely well

20mg instantly made the worst symptoms I had go away. The doc and I went to 40 after a week and I still have had some anger/depression abnd panic attacks. Since I'm avoiding stimulants and benzos we're going to 60mg. Mostly a wonder drug for me, and I hope if you need it to be it works as well.

Hair falling out, feel more angry, it did help with heel pain from neuropathy just got done crying and calling myself ugly and don't feel like being on earth. I know if doses upped I will get side effects as with every other drug in this class.

Restlessness, insomnia, boredom became pervasive in my life. The extreme highs and lows and suicidal ideation stopped and I started being on time but this came at a cost and I could no longer accept it. I like out saughyeento be moved by this night. Please take care of her.

Mask like facial expression, Eye Lid tic, Lips smacking, confused, anti-social, dull depressed state, feet constantly move, feeling flat, brain zaps, trouble staying asleep, weight gain, dry hair and skin, anxiety, swollen lips and tongue

Extreme drowsiness right after taking

Weight Gain, Increased Hunger, Breasts more Dense and Heavy, Knocks me out.

Taken combined with LamotrigineThe voices have left. Relief. Sad though since second increase now to 60 mg in less than a year. I've been on many medications. Reactions to most. From trouble breathing (Invega), TD (Haldol, Ambilify), breast lactation (Forgot while in acute ward), circulation where half body numb when laying on side, if on left side, right side numbed, (Invega), tongue rolling (Haldol, Ambilify), difficult swallowing (Haldol), Manic feeling like wanted to jump out if own skin. A sensation so aweful to where you felt yucky in skin. Had to pace non stop until my legs and I collapsed with exhaustion. Medical term starts with an A, forgot itA competent psych told me what others mistakened as mania. I actually suffer from depression but medication before made me too hyper)(Haldol) enlarged liver (Depakote ER), involuntary sounds like horse from wind leaving, hard to explain but embarrassing (Ambilify), upper respiratory in sinuses getting congested had to take allergy medication (Seroquel), coughing from constant mucus projection(Olanzapine). Needless to say not good stuff. But my symptoms are hell, and I wish this stuff was less expensive. It is a miracle worker for me. So gentle, livable side affects considering the hell these past 12 years have been trying other stuff. The negative talk stopped as did the whispers. Helped so much on depression without making me super happy or numb. I still feel emotions which is important but I can deal with it better now.

LATUDA ( LURASIDONE HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, depression associated with bipolar disorder). Lurasidone helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It may also help to decrease hallucinations (hearing/seeing things that are not there). In addition, this medication may improve your mood, sleep, appetite, and energy level. Lurasidone is a psychiatric medication that belongs to the class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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She gained about 25lbs. And all of the above. Extreme stomach problems. no sex drive. moody, depressed

I love ambien. I am concerned about the long term effects on memory as I have invested a lot of money in schooling at Harvard, MIT and Berkeley. I am only 29, and I have been on and off it since 2002. I know I am addicted-- I would rather eat an ambien than candy or anything. When I try to stop taking the ambien, I usually sublimate by eating more, or drinking alcohol, which I hate. My family and fiancee say I am more forgetful, and that I am mean. It lowers inhibitions, but on the good side-- it often inspires really cool business ideas-- unless I take more than 10mg. I am only 130lbs, so, I can still feel a 5mg on an empty stomach. It is dangerous-- yet it is such a wonderful escape from this difficult world.

Insomnia and brain shivers. I wake up at 3am every single night and remain awake until about 530, it is exhausting. When I don't take my medicine for just 1 day, I have horrible brain shivers and even worse anxiety than I ever had before the medicine.

My Dr. had me try Pantaprozole (sp?) and that gave me a rash, heart racing and very scary anxiety. I stopped that for a week then he had me start Prevacid 15mg. I was a bit scared as the Pantaprozole really did a number on me. I took Prevacid every morning as directed, by the end of every day my head hurt so bad. I had a hard time keeping focused on anything, concentration was waaaaaaaaaay off. I don't know why science keeps making meds that people can't even FUNCTION on. It seems like allot of people here had the same experience I am having. So, that is it. I am done. No more of this stuff it's scary.

Massive headache first day of taking, Constant light headedness, Dizzy when standing, take 3 or 4 steps and felt like I had run a marathon, Pain in leg muscles, impotence, laydown after walking a few steps felt whole body throb with heart beat.

My problem is chronic pain and muscle tension due to neck/back injury causing severe headaches that last up to 2 weeks.I used to take this drug years ago and noticed that I felt so much better when I was on it. I didn't know but I had an anxiety disorder and I was able to relax when on this med. My dr. changed me to an antidepressant and baclofen for a few years but the baclofen wasn't working very well any more.I am now back on flexeril, in fact I asked to go back on it. I can only take it when I am home, not at work or I can't function. It's best to take at bedtime, at least 12 hours from when you need to be at work or functioning. If less than 12 hrs I only take half of a tablet or I have a drug hangover.Only problem I have with it this time around is constipation. I am only taking this drug occasionally now rather than daily just for when I need my muscles to loosen up to relieve a severe headache.

I love the medicine. Has helped me with anger outbursts, fits of rage. Nothing seems to bother me anymore. No jealousy feelings, and I think more logically.

Morning grogginess, headache, unpleasant taste in my mouth, killed my libido!

Started on 5mg and took my first one at night. I had some very bizzare dreams waking up with anxiety. I found that when I woke during the night I was gasping for air. The following morning I nearly fainted 3 times and I felt right out of this world. The Dr took me off it. It lowered my BP quite drastically but the side effects were too much for me. It took a few days to get out of my system and start feeling normal again.

I did not feel as well rested and woke up several times during the night. I also coincidntly developed Right sided ear pain and a sore throat on the Right. Not sure if this is related to the sinus infection.