Invega sustenna (paliperidone palmitate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Invega sustenna (paliperidone palmitate)

INVEGA SUSTENNA (PALIPERIDONE PALMITATE): This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder). Paliperidone is an antipsychotic drug (atypical type). It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural chemicals (neurotransmitters) in the brain. This medication can decrease hallucinations and help you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less agitated, and take a more active part in everyday life. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My period has never been regular and after taking the pill I never experienced any spotting and my period came when it was supposed to, which I liked. However the mood swings were horrible for me. I did not feel like myself and anything or anyone could set me off. I was also never in the mood to have sex.

Was FINE before shot!! Slept well, no anxiety before or during periods, no anxiety PERIOD!! The night of the shot I woke up with my whole body my skin was on fire. I was BEGGING Jesus to help me. I began to have a panic attack, could not sleep, and felt like I was going to die. I suffered it out the night, got a little better, then thought drinking water would "FLUSH" the med...NOT!! I was told by family to give it a few days. I did not sleep and kept having SEVERE panic while trying to sleep. My body was jerking, felt like I was dying. After day two I went to the ER, the Doc felt really bad for me and said it WAS the steroid shot, and I would most likely feel better in a few weeks. NOPE!! In and out of a few ER's after going 3 days with no sleep each time and the anxiety was AWFUL!! Primary care doc told me to take some valium to help; it did a little but not much. She said some people have had this happen, but after a few months it goes away. Well...I am STILL suffering 1 year and 3 months later. After the first three months post injection, I HAD to find a psych dr., I have bad reactions to SSRI's and other psych meds apart from he prescribed 5mg a day. After a week, I felt, ok so I thought I would ween off...BAD idea; symptoms came back. Tried to go back up on 5mg, but it no longer worked. Had to up to 10mg. Stayed on that for about 10 months or so, even on that dose...I had issues before and during my period with worse anxiety and s

I took this at 1 pm after a root canal. By 2 pm I couldn't stay away. I slept from 2-5. I got up at 5, fixed dinner, and was completely fuzzy. It felt like my brain was in a fog and I had fears of dying from the one recommended dose. I would go across the room or kitchen and when I got there couldn't remember why. By 8 pm I couldn't stay awake any longer and went to bed (I usually never go to bed before about 11). I slept until 8 the next morning, so overall, I slept 15 of 18 hours after taking one dose. Never again. This stuff is dangerous and should only be used in a hospital setting.

I was so amazed at not having any anxiety for the first time in my life that everyday for 3 months I would thank the pharmacutical gods for their chemical miracles.

I was taking this off and on to sleep at night for my fibromyalgia pain. It did help me sleep, but after several months of doing this I noticed that taking it correlated with severe vasovagal syncope episodes where I would collapse and drop my BP. It is one of the side effects and none of my doctors ( even the cardiologist) put 2 and 2 together. Be Extremely careful with this if you have heart/blood pressure issues!

I was taking this medication for 6 months and lost 30lbs. It worked great. I had a lot of energy and generally felt good. The only thing was that I stopped the medication, because I could not make it back to my regular doctor's office and the withdrawal was absolutely horrible. I had paranoid episodes, severe depression and anxiety and gained back 20lbs in 2 months. If you do come off this medication make sure you ween yourself off. It was entirely my fault that I went through this withdrawal and I just want to warm anyone who takes this that they need to come off of it under their doctor's supervision.

The withdrawal from Cybalta was SIGNIFICANTLY uncomfortable. I actually ended up in the emergency room because I had fainted. I was told that Cymbalta withdrawal can be as severe a narcotic withdrawal.

The first day I took strattera I noticed most of the above side effects even on my 18mg dose which seemed to get worse every day. This medication scares me, it may fix some people's imbalance but definitely didnt work for me. Any med that makes sleep this choppy cant be healthy.

I wouldn't recommend anyone to use the patch because it nearly killed me, as Im writting right now Im still suffering from the side effects of evra patch. Right now Im suffering from chest pains, blood disorders, headache and all my life changed for the worse, I ve been sick since I started using evra and I ve not been in good books with my husband because he is now thinking that Im just avoiding him but the truth is IM IN PAIN BECAUSE OF EVRA and I don't even know if my life is going to be normal again.

I felt very good, like myself again. No worrying all the time. Dr. took me off of it because of the side effects. Bad headache for two days after stopping it.