Invega (paliperidone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Invega (paliperidone)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

I'm still taking this medication. My dosage has been cut in half, but all of these side effects are still ongoing. I'e just gotten used to them after 5 years.

Anhedonia, sexual dysfunction, weight gain

It helped get rid of the noise, but I have lost interest and pleasure in activities.

I am not ambitious. Dr. does not monitor my weight and I forget my words. My heart beats fast and I don't go to sleep like I used to. I'm lactating i look pregnant I gained 30 pounds. My blood sugar is higher. I am falling easily. My eyes move all the time. I am not having and skipping menstrual cycles. I am going to se an obgyn. I am stupid.These are more side effects I am having.

The doctor and the judge. The judge doesn't do anything for me. He just says ok I'll do what the doctor says ok I will make her take the drug. He doesn't respect me or doesn't treat me like a person. He is holding me hostage to be abused. I am a person. The doctor is a dumb man writing orders and blaming me. He treats me like a pet. He does not respect me. This is malpractice.I am confused lots of confusion. I lost everything i had went to psychiatric hospitals am allergic to all the medications and went to shelters after loosing everything I owned and loosing jobs since 2012.

Anhedonia, Sexual dysfunction and Akathisia

Invega can work for some people but it comes with a huge price. Is it worth for you to never enter a psychotic episode again for the price of some serious side effects? You make that decision.

Anhedonia, Hyperprolactinemia, Avolition, Flat Affect, Suicidal, Weight Gain, Increased Appetite and Amenorrhea.

As a person who eats only raw plant foods (Raw Vegan/Fruitarian) I still gained weight on the 150mg monthly depot. I used to be stable on the 3mg tablets and 10kg s lighter with minimal side effects except for a very slight adiposity (compared to most raw vegans) with high prolactin. A CTO has me under the monitoring of a psychiatrist who does not want to lower my medication yet when I am stable, only experiencing side effects of the medication I am on.

This drug is a chemical lobotomy ment for people who are severely mentally ill. As a sane person who got screwed over by a psychaitrist who didn't do his job and lied to judge I was forced this drug against my will. This drug is not meant for sane people. It causes the very symptoms it's supposed to relieve. Weight gain severe weight gain. Anxiety. Suicidal thoughts. Mood swings. Severe agitation. Can't feel caffeine anymore literally doesn't give me energy it does nothing now. I've been bed ridden for like 8 months now got off of it 2 months ago almost. It made me hypersexual I was masterbating 5 times a day. Made me impulsive. Couldn't control my emotions. This drug is not meant for people who are not schizophrenic.

Terrible drug. Should be banned. Should have to take a brain xray before getting prescribed a drug like this.

Restlessness, memory loss, lower IQ, Confusion, thought blocking, tiredness, muscle spasms, sleepiness

Invega helped with psychotic episodes, and panic attacks but the effects are more than I can handle. I find myself having effects and I'm sometimes forced to look at treetops and roofs of buildings. I usually take some medication for this, so I've become dependent on it. I want to withdraw from the use of invega and this other drug this month but I'm scared of the withdrawal effects. Kindly contact me if you have been able to stop taking it completely and are leading a normal life, no tics, no muscle spasms, no confusion. I wouldn't want even the worst of my enemies to go through this. Invega is a really bad drug

I was forced to take paliperidone

Hallucinations, brain zaps, stiffness, insomnia, constipation, anxiety, dryness of skin and mouth, taking telfast. It's third month since I stopped the injection and still no sign of recovery. Before the injection I never heard any voices, now three times a day hearing voices. I was suffering from sexual harassment therefore the doctor forced me to take the injection. I have never had schizophrenia, don't understand why they gave me this injection. I have not given them any consent. I am going to sue the hse in Ireland. God knows how long will I be suffering from this. NEVER TAKE THE INJECTION, IT'S A POISON. Now I am taking antibiotics because the poison got into my kidneys, having kidney infection at the moment, don't know what should I expect next.

It's a toxic poison for the body.

Misdiagnosed with schizoaffective

Lack of emotion, blank mind, memory loss, severe cognitive issues, depression, anxiety, no feelings of joy, anger, humor. No critical or analytical thinking skills. No creativity. It has zapped me of my life. It is truly a chemical lobotomy. I pray to God these side effects are not permanent. Has anyone ever come back from this. I'm hoping since I wasn't on it too long the side effects may wear off but my brain feels damaged severely. God help us. This drug is evil

Loss of iq and memory and tiredness also cognitive impairment

I come to depend on it and cant get off it

No periods anxiety agoraphobia

I actually have been on several different doses at different times. We tried so many different things to help me. Nothing worked as well as Invega. I kept telling people it made me who I would be if I wasn't bipolar. I was calm and patient instead of angry. I didn't yell as much. I could finally sleep at night and function during the day. I waa finally balanced instead of existing at one of the extremes. Unfortunately it ended up interacting with something else I started taking later on from a different Dr. Because of the side effects my Dr stopped the Invega. We tried other things, without success. I'm thrilled we are finally able to try Invega again. Finally sleeping better again already! I never had lots of side effects from Invega like I have with other meds either. Invega has been my miracle drug for my sanity. I'd be lost without it. It calms the constant racing thoughts. And helps the severe depression so I don't have to keep crying myself to sleep at night. It also prevents the mania, which is exausting when it crashes. So thankful to have it back!

Insomnia, Agitation, Weight gain, Weak muscles, Extreme Akathisia

I was forced on Invega ER in a state hospital.I finally changed Dr.s and got off of it. It didn't help me.

Look up the reviews before taking this crap glad I did seems to be a crappy pill with to much side effects and no benefits from it. Hopefully all of you that had bad side effects recover fully.

I had no motivation and a lack of emotion. It was hard some days to find a reason to keep going that's how low it made me feel. The reason I gave it a 2 is because it did help take away the psychotic symptoms and I had more self awareness but now I'm on a much better med after crying to friend, family and doctors for over a year that I didn't feel myself and I felt lost. I'm now on Geodon best drug I've ever been on so far.

Destroyed my life completely..i'm going to commit suicide by overdosing on meds i cannot take this any longer

Takes 150 to 300 days to get out of the body

Invega ruined my life until I actioned by myself the switch to another antipsychotic. Any side effects mean that the meds are not really working to treat the mental illness. I stopped sleeping for 3 years straight and gained so much weight I looked like a mutant. My body and face. I lost both my menstruation and sex drive so was like sterilized. Well I stopped living my life obviously. I couldn't even get out of bed for those years. And I was totally going crazy. Much worse than before my diagnosis. I believe my psychiatrist gets kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies so doesn't really prescribe as a doctor. My new meds, just another antipsychotic still leave me with chronic insomnia but I fought for sleeping pills by now. And the rest, I am back to ME all the way.

Somewhat satisfied with invega. I hate what these meds do to you though make you a shell of you once were Invega is the least one that does, so far. The Eps, tardive diskinethesia is no walk in the park!! These two new meds approved for TD are somewhat of a joke "May cause tardive diskinethesia" or Parkinson's. Really? Please make medications that don't have a risk of Eps or TD that alone makes you depressed, and anxious to try anything. Also lactose shouldn't be a ingredient in the 3 mg tablet & 4.5 mg tablet should be made by the company

No voices, no delusions, less paranoid. **Use with caution** May make your TD worse, or give you TD.

INVEGA (PALIPERIDONE): This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder). This medication can decrease hallucinations and help you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less agitated, and take a more active part in everyday life. Paliperidone belongs to a class of drugs called atypical antipsychotics. It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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My tummy hurts, sulfur burps and I hate them so much, it has lowered my A1C but I feel so gross. I don't want to take it if I keep feeling like this.

hair is slowly turning curly. occasional headaches that seem more than usual for me, but could be caused by something else.

Extreme anxiety, panic, intolerable headaches, neck and back pain

I'm not going to continue taking them, or anything else. But for you people looking how the recreational usage is, then i'll tell you. If you have no tolerance, honestly just try about 2mg. If you have tolerance, take 4-6m. If you don't feel as good as you want, you can SLIGHTLY increase the amount (.5) I hope you enjoy. Just remember, drugs don't need to make you happy. I got a gf last week, quit Ultram, and I feel awesome.

food allergy reaction = depression

That was 2 days ago and I haven't touched it again. I'm still groggy and have slower and slightly impaired speech. All in all the experience didn't lower my anxiety much!

Great! Miracle pill! My son is on it with Prozac. Still taking it. Been taking it for 1 month. Wow! What a difference!!!

Weight gain (significant), decreased sex drive

How could they allow a drug that was banned previously in other countries to be accepted in the USA?

I have been on depo for 2 weeks and since then i am having constant abdominal and leg cramps in fact my left side has been numb. I told my doc about what has been happening and she said the shot would not cause that but i know my body and i know the immediate changes since i started this thing. I am now depressed!