Haldol (haloperidol lactate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Haldol (haloperidol lactate)

HALDOL (HALOPERIDOL LACTATE): Haloperidol is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (e.g., schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders). This medicine helps you to think more clearly, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. It can also help prevent suicide in people who are likely to harm themselves. It also reduces aggression and the desire to hurt others. It can decrease negative thoughts and hallucinations. Haloperidol can also be used to treat uncontrolled movements and outbursts of words/sounds related to Tourette's syndrome. Haloperidol is also used for severe behavior problems in hyperactive children when other treatments or medications have not worked. Haloperidol is a psychiatric medication (antipsychotic-type) that works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances in the brain (neurotransmitters). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Dry mouth, extreme thirst, no appetite, bloated stomach, trouble breathing, panic attacks, fatigue

This drug completely changed my life for the better (even with the bothersome side effects). I was/am able to put myself in situations that before were nothing short of tortue to my mind. Finally able to finish high school and go on to university. Became a member of a Board of Directors. Simple things like eating, talking, walking in public. Going to checkout counters. Looking people in the eye when talking. The simple things that once kept me frozen or bolting.

Nausea, vomiting (frequently), sharper pains in pelvic abdomen areas. I felt like my body rejected this medication as if to say, how dare you try to slow Me down. I'll admit, it definitely did decrease my flow a lot. It wasn't effective for pain and the side effects of vomiting are not worth it. Not even medication for nausea was beneficial to me.

Projectile vomiting several times that night--felt awful. High blood pressure--165/90 (mine is usually low normal; very sick for days.This stuff should be banned. I never had a problem with magnesium citrate, felt good in fact.

after taking 3 days,pain in 2 wrists and ankel and after 7 days tingling in my right arm and back and shoulders.

Sore joints, stiff neck, increased cholesterol, lighter wallet

I've been taking this medication for about nine months. It has been wonderful in controlling my depression and anxiety, but the side effects are so strong that I can no longer function because of always feeling ill and exhausted from never getting a good night's rest.

Man, this stuff really messes you up. Don't take it. I got about 10 or 12 pills from a friend cuz he said they get you fucked up and i took 2 or 3 at about noon one saturday and then don't remember much of anything until about 9:00 that night. Turns out i took every last one of them (thats 10 or so pills--WAY TOO MUCH) while i was under. Think about that: I took a double, maybe triple dose (wish i could remember) and was so screwed up from it that i took pill after pill after pill. I bet if i'd had a whole bottle i'd have taken every last one. I literally have no recollection of putting any more pills in my mouth after the original 2 or 3, but the bag was empty when i looked the next day. Scared the hell out of me. This isn't a sleep medication, guys--its a hardcore drug. The "side effects" are ridiculous: I was seeing double, and i could not focus my eyes to save my life. It's a complete de-inhibitor--i remember doing awful things that i would never do if i were sober. Basic

I take Xanax ond and off for years when bipolar insomnia and anxiety is severe, I experience no withdrawal even when taking it for months and no tapering-off, for me is a wonder-drug.

Insomnia!! I took it at 7pm and tried to sleep around 12am to 1am, was not able to... tossed and turned all night! every hour i would look at the clock.