Etrafon 2-25 (amitriptyline hydrochloride; perphenazine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Etrafon 2-25 (amitriptyline hydrochloride; perphenazine)

Not side effects, only dry mouth

Best drug for depression / antidepressant / sedativenot foggy head, very well concentration, life saver.

Depression, Social anxiety disorder

helps with anxiety, depression and stuttering a little, same results as anafranil except more energy, doesn't solve the anxiety and depression but reduces by 40 percent

dry mouth, constipation, slight weight gain (~5 lbs)

This drug worked terrifically to reduce the anxiety and sense of mental "static" I had with a bad episode of depression. I slept well and was able to concentrate - a really remarkable improvement.

Side Effects foretrafon 2-25 (amitriptyline hydrochloride; perphenazine) - User Comments


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About 25 years ago my skin started to always feel like it was on fire.My skin would always ache. My skin would always feel inflamed. I would ache all over. There is absolutely nothing to see. But it hurts! I've been to probably over 100 doctors. Pain cause depression,So I've taken many different types of meds for the depression. After about 10 years of pain, I was put bactrim to clear up a skin rash. Suddenly all my skin pain disappeared. The rash went away, but when I stopped the bactrim mu skin pain returned. Started bactrim back up, most skin pain disapated.Currently I take lyrica and the bactrim every day. Sometimes I take one bactrim, some times 2 daily. Believe me this drug works!!! No side effects. I love this stuff!!I was told by my dermatologist at Penn State Medical Center that bactrim has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. He said all dermatologists know this. He said it's a safe long term drug. He said it's no worse than taking a blood pressure pill every day. This is a Penn State doctor! This drug has given me hope. I've tried to stop it many times but the pain comes right back. I have no side effects except for sunburn sometimes. I have taken it for 15 years now. Can't live without it. Please don't encourage others to remove this drug from the market.It's not nice!!!!

This drug has changed me completely in the 3 3/4 months I have been taking it and I just threw the rest of my pack away. I can't live like this. The first month wasn't bad as I remember. I had a little nausea and spotted a little at first, but I didn't feel too bad. The second full month I had severe breast tenderness that got to the point where I couldn't lay on my stomach to sleep! I noticed my weight beginning to change a litte, and had a few mood swings but continued taking it. By the third month, my stomach was swelling and my clothes didn't fit right. I took 2 pregnancy tests and wasn't pregnant. Then the mood swings, obsession, and depression kicked in and it took a while for me to connect the dots. Then I started my 4th month, and got a period 2 weeks later and gained more weight, localized in my stomach, very strange. I have been exhausted this last pack, all the time, and my moods are so unpredictable, it finally scared me into stopping today- mid pack. I can't live like this

It was the only medicine I didn't stop when my hair started falling out because no doctor related the severe hair loss to this medicine. 2 yrs later, I stopped taking Zyrtec and my hair loss stopped and hasn't resumed. PDR says alopecia can be a side effect. Not worth the risk. Use something else.

I switched to Tri Sprintec about 2 months ago to save money, and I've noticed a weight gain of about 8 lbs -- nothing has changed with my diet or exercise, if anything I'm more active now than I was before. Also, the water retention is crazy! I bloat up and my fingers swell, I just feel gross. Also, my skin is starting to break out. I'm switching back to Ortho ASAP -- it's worth the extra money to me!


it helps me in so many ways. I can actually go places now and enjoy life. I used to take Xanax but got addicted to it so I finally got off of it. If I miss does of Klonopin, I don't even notice it.

Difficulty breathing, feeling of being drunk for two hours, increased heartbeat, impossible to work, panic attacks, I made no sense when I spoke, slurred speech, confusion

After reading all the scary reviews on this drug. I was really worried about the side effects. I have been battling prostatitis and other antibiotics failed me. My urologist told me Cipro is the gold standard to knock this infection out. And I will say it worked and now I am feeling way better. Make sure you talk to your Dr. about probiotics when taking this drug. And make sure to drink plenty of water.The bottom line is this drug is strong. And before you get worried about side effects. Remember to weigh out the risks of any medication. For me my prostatitis was getting so bad. I got to the point that I did not care about the potential side effects of this drug. And thankfully it worked and I had no real issues. I will rate it 4 instead of 5 due to how it made me feel when I was taking it.Stay off the internet sites that talk about side effects. All that does is cause anxiety.

In higher doses, be close to a couch or bed. Sleep is almost immediate. Complete relaxation of all muscles is quickly attained. Relieves tension of muscles which tense during migraine pain.

I will never take this again. I would rather live with Bronchitis.