Eskalith (lithium carbonate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Eskalith (lithium carbonate)

Puking up bile. Lack of focus. Lack of concentration. Brain numbness.

Would substitute for tea and a brief morning prayer to Jesus.

Polydypsia, polyuria, hypothroidism.Memory problems.

It’s a miracle worker emotional wise.

positives: sleep better, stable mood, not too irritable or crazy =)negatives: water retention/weight gain of about 10lbs, thin and brittle hair, hair loss, acne, metallic taste in mouth, sensitive teeth, dry skin and I sure sweat more.

Have tried to quit this medication a number of times in the last 16 years and it is always a mistake to go off of it for me.

Weight gain- 30lbs,Exhaustion,Hair falling out,Acne,Thirst,Nausea,Diahhrea often.All of these side effects except for weight gain occurred cuz I was on too high of a dose. I have to be on a very high dose because my body flushes out lithium faster than most. I take 1800 mg a day and my blood level is at the lower end of the therapeutic range kind of interesting.If you wxperience hair loss major acne or diahhrea ask your doctor about it cuz you don't wanna get toxic.Anyway most of my side effects are gone now that my dose was lowered. Lithium has been the most helpful medicine yet despite the frustrating side effects

Extremely effective anti manic for me. Had two major 5 month long manic episodes two years in a row and have been fairly stable since. Not as effective for depression but still helps. Been able to get my shit together, get sober and focus on my future

Sedation, issues with toxicity if I skip a meal, stomache pain

Works well, side effects are tiresome as they are with all of the mood stabilisers but overall the drug does it's job.

mental slowness, satanic thoughts, possible delay of puberty

This stuff was hell for me.. . somewhat literally! Those thoughts would stick in my head. Not only that, but they would corrupt my good thoughts. I had almost no filter. I was also numbed to the emotional aspects of good and evil. The dark side would have seemed just another side of things had it not been for my intellectual knowledge and the grace of God. I would also be paranoid that gang writing and stuff was satanic.Stay away from those drugs and especially don't drug your kids on them.

Weight gain (165 to 180 inone summer) which is OK, I am a 6'2" male and needed the weight. I didn't use to eat. Always drinking water and must urinate hourly. Starting to have high blood pressure and am wondering if it is the lithium.

I put up a big curb on my rage. Everything used to bother me and piss me off severly. Now I can still be irritable but can think things throgh enough to not have sudden rage issues. MADE ME EMPLOYABLE!

weight gain, no need to sleep, stay hungry, constant thirst

last resort for anxity and depression, is effective

extreme exhaustion, delayed reaction time, slurred speech

I've watched my mother on these meds since I was small. When they gave them to me, I was hesitant about taking them, but at the time I figured I needed them. Now I know better and I'll never take this again.

I have been taking eskalith for about 5 years now. I was previously taking depakote for my bipolar disorder. I find eskalith to work in a more even steady way.

ESKALITH (LITHIUM CARBONATE): This medication is used to treat manic-depressive disorder (bipolar disorder). It works to stabilize the mood and reduce extremes in behavior by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Some of the benefits of continued use of this medication include decreasing how often manic episodes occur and decreasing the symptoms of manic episodes such as exaggerated feelings of well-being, feelings that others wish to harm you, irritability, anxiousness, rapid/loud speech, and aggressive/hostile behaviors. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Severe anxiety which led to rapid heartrate and high blood pressure. Was taking 100 mg/night, and the two days I tried 200 mg/night led to obsessive anxiety bordering on paranoia. Even 100 mg proved to be too much and I had to stop taking it. It also caused some mental "dopiness", i.e. I couldn't think what I was doing or trying to say. (A lot of "um, um" moments.)

definately helped me sleep. i never had a problem sleeping before but am now on percoset and kadian for back problems, which kept me awake at night (along with the back pain). the doc started me with one 10mg a night, but i was waking up at 3am. the doc then said to take one 10mg at night and another 10mg at 3am (20mg in all) and it seemed to work fine. I never felt groggy in the morning and got my 8 hours of sleep. my insurance company would not pay for a refill (limit of 60 10mgs in 90 days) so i stopped taking it and there was no withdrawl symptoms besides back to not sleeping very well. I then started taking ambien cr 12.5 mg. and it was great. no immediate loss of memory and i sleep all night.

I am having more and more difficulty getting a prescription for this from my family doctor. Insurance now only covers "4 headaches a month" and of course you have to keep your cholesterol low to be allowed to continue with the prescription but this medicine has kept me functional and happy for the last 11 years. Such a blessing! My headaches are primarily hormone related and over the last year, with menopause almost completely behind me, I am starting to get get fewer migraines - dropping from 4 or more a month down to 2 or 3.

Break-through bleeding around the 6-7 week. problems sleeping, bloating, and dryness.

It works well for depression, but you have to decide if its worth it because the side effects getting off of it are VERY painful.

I had all the lymph nodes removed in both arm pits as well as a bilateral dissection 6 inch long surgery on my back from melanoma cancer. Without this drug I would not be able to get out of bed form the nerve damage pain from both surgeries. Although I am forgetful more and often forget what things are called midsentence, and feeling too buzzed occasionally if I awake before 5 am, this medication is remarkable. I actually take all 600 mg of meeds at once before I go to bed. This helped with pain during the day as well as sleepiness.

I've experienced Constipation. Feeling of Calmness, and Euphoria. Sleep good.

This is my 3rd week using it on Monday and Thursday. Seems to be working. My hat is off to anyone that puts this on their genitals...I don't know how you could stand it.