Clozaril (clozapine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Clozaril (clozapine)

Anxiety, depression, weight gain

Be very careful taking this drug. I was put on it to treat delusional thinking caused by heavy marijuana use. The marijuana caused severe anxiety, depression, and delusions. The clozapine caused just as much anxiety and depression. The delusions were gone, but that was probably because I stopped the marijuana.And the worst part is I was stuck on it because the withdrawal was so terrible. I was at 300 mg, and if I decreased to 250 mg, after a few days I would feel unbearable anxiety and had to restart. I kept trying to decrease slower, until finally I tried extremely slow tapering and was able to get off of it. It took three years of decreasing. I started at 300 mg, and I lowered it by an average of 8 mg per month.It took about a decade of my life away and had me laying in bed almost all that time.

Slow metabolism, excessive drooling, dizziness

I'm happy that the med has kept me free of Psychosisfor almost 9 years..but not happy that despite all of my efforts, I've not been able to lose any weight in the past year. Am 34 pounds overweight..

Tachychardy pulse around 100diastolic pressure about 90a little constipation

Just to make a suggestion, try the blood test on your hand, i find it appears less than on the elbow

Schizoaffective disorder bipolar ty

Drooling that needs a towel on the pillow. Need to take early in the evening and then go to bed to get 6-9 hours of sleep. Best to take 200 mg at night and 25 mg in the morning.

A real life saver and do increases in dosage slowly to control side effects

Side effects of malaria prophylactic

Turned into a complete zombie, rapid weight gain, speech problems, sense of being chemically lobotomised, blurred vision, difficulties in walking, zero libido, from excellent blood works to very bad blood works within weeks.I eventually faked the intake and took it only the day of blood sample. That probably saved me.Psychiatrist does not know what they administer, or worse, they know.

Ban this drug now.This poison must come under legal scrutiny.Victims are often given this poison forcibly.

After 25 years of taking every medication you can think of without any positive results, I’m finally feeling better. My racing, intrusive thoughts are now under control.

Brain Zombie. Drooling. Bed wetting. Collapsing.

Clozaril=Chemical lobotomy. Ban this drug.

It was horrible, it droves me crazy. In and out of institute 30 times. I got tardive dyskinesia. I was misdiagnoses badly. Psychiatrist love gives medications to people with out observation correctly. I had drooling, sleeping too much, diabetes, swelling ankle, couldn't walk, causes heart problem, high blood pressure, very obesity, zombie, paranoia, anxiety, high white cell count and in so much pains. I end up 38 pills a day. I got off all medications and I am back to normal except I got Tardive Dyskinesia. I am fight with that disease which had no cure. I am not on any medications now. I am suffering daily.

I end up 38 pills a day. It had way too many side effect. I wouldn't recommend to offer that kinds of medications ever again to anyone especially to women.

Genitals shrinking, spaced out, hard to think, drooling and sweating when sleeping, apathy, craving drugs to feel good, unsociable, weight gain, vivid dreams

I hate this med, but im forced to take against my will. I have monthly blood tests and physical reviews by the doctor.

Bed wetting 3x.Drowsiness.Weight gain - up to 110kg now 64kg.Anxiety.Depression.Embarrassment.

I was a drug addict from a very young teenager and constantly in trouble. I completed year 9 barely and attempted suicide at 15 with a dose of paracetamol at just about 63000mg. I was very infatuated with drugs, alcohol and my family life was unstable. I was molested as a child by my father 1 time I remember and again by him at 14. I was also raped in a caravan park at that age by a 37 year old man while looking for drugs and alcohol. This shaped me for the next few years into somebody I wouldn't recognise or want to today. I was introduced onto cloz* at 19 and I was and still am compliant. I have done a short tertiary course at university for 8 months, am part time employed as a support worker with a traineeship and hope to do a bachelor of nursing with hopes to work in an emergency department. However I am not getting support because of my achievements and how normal** I appear to be. I have moved forward with my life and grown into a mature responsible adult but I am suffering from anxiety attacks and moderate depression because I guess my past bothers me. I am embarrassed by it. I would like to try another medication. I do not want to be a mental health outpatient for the rest of my life because I haven't had my life yet. I am very driven and I am not where I want to be yet however I am slowly working towards being something I am proud of. I am getting frustrated because I pick up my prescription after a 3 minute chat to the lovely employees at mental health but I am not

Very tired after about an hour after I take it. I get real hungry after about 20 minutes. Problems with dizziness. I need more sleep than before. But it has been the best drug I have had.

Scared of what will happen if the blood work says I can't take it anymore, because this has been the only drug that has worked for my. I have been told I am a difficult case. And with this drug I haven't been hospitalized a little over two years.

Very tired after about an hour after I take it. I get real hungry after about 20 minutes. Problems with dizziness. I need more sleep than before. But it has been the best drug I have had.

Scared of what will happen if the blood work says I can't take it anymore, because this has been the only drug that has worked for my. I have been told I am a difficult case. And with this drug I haven't been hospitalized a little over two years.

Extreme drowsiness 1 hour after taking 300mg at bedtime. Very hard to get out of bed with only 6-8 hours of sleep due to the clozapine still in my system. If I have up to 10-12 hours, I wake up okay and feel normal.

Do not take huge dosage during the day. You may become very drowsy or even faint.Overall, I noticed a positive change in my behavior, thinking, and outlook on life. I feel stable.

It is hard to go stool but only saver to refrain from committing suiside. Good sleep with 0.5 mg rivotril.

Tired weight gain memory problems

People say this is the best antipsychotic. I've been on it 3 times at different doses and it did nothing for me. The drooling at night was horrible. I definitely have treatment reaistant schizophrenia which clozaril is used for but nope was the same as the other drugs that didn't work. Disappointed...

Drooling droziness hard to wake up in morning.

It's the only medication that stopped the psychosis and helped the voices. Not totally but helped a lot. I'm now able to work and go to school. I'm able to concentrate its was a mirical drug for me.

Puts me to sleep at night. Drooling while sleeping. Very hungry at night.

Only medicine that helps me fall asleep.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Sedation, Weight Gain, Apathy, Paranoia

I took this medicine for 6 years.During this time, I felt absolutely dead to the world, and miserable. I gained 30 pounds and got scar tissue from the blood draws. I was forced to stay on this medication for far too long, and I cannot think of one positive thing to say about it.I have been off of it for about a year now, and I feel infinitely better. The withdrawal is absolutely terrible (severe headache, -extreme- insomnia, nausea, ect.) but it is definitely worth going through to stop taking the medicine!

Will knock you out for a while and weight gain

Only antipsychotic that helped me it works

CLOZARIL (CLOZAPINE): See also Warning section. This medication is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorders). Clozapine is a psychiatric medication (anti-psychotic type) that works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain. Clozapine decreases hallucinations and helps prevent suicide in people who are likely to try to harm themselves. It helps you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less nervous, and take part in everyday life. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Woke up feeling like my head is detached and sitting to the left of my shoulders. I dont drink alcohol AT ALL, yet I feel like I just went out amd got drunk for days on end. I do NOT like the feeling i get from this. WISH VERY much that I had read these BEFORE I purchased this product!

I have been taking albuterol for 20 years and have had very few side effects unless my asthma is not doing well and I take too much of it. This can make me nervous, and my heart race. It can also make you a little nervous and shaky when you first start taking it until your body gets used to it. It can cause insomnia if you take it too close to bedtime so I take it about 30 minutes before I go to sleep to avoid that.

Length of time - not really applicable. The Dulcolax was enough to give me a taste of not going through this again.

Works well for IBS but side effects are bad.

Enhances my desire for sex.I really love this products.

Fine for the first month and now I have an itchy dry bronchitis-like cough and strange upper respiratory symptoms that don't go away no matter what I do. I'm not sure what these chemists/docs/drug companies are doing with our meds/and bodies these days, but this can't be normal. I don't think helping consumers or patients is the main goal. Instead, docs are looking for bonuses and handing out these meds without a single care in the world and it is very angering anf depressing. I gave this drug a fair shot and this is a definite NO GO.

I've taken this medication twice for really bad chest infections. I was having a really hard time breathing from the infection. This medicine works quickly and cleared my problem both times. I was a little aprehensive after reading some of the ratings. I think if you're an anxious person and you read these you can send yourself into an anxiety attack. I have to admit as I was reading some of these I was in tears with laughter. Some of these posts are hysterical and can't possibly be related to the medication. Other than the mild effects I had no others. These went away once I completed my medication.

i had the worst headache yesterday i have only had 2 shots and the first one i did fine with but the second really changed me i have discharge now, i am very hungry all the time i have gaind like 10 pounds in 2 minths i have acne and i have never had acne in my life i feel sick all the time and sleepy and old

Didn't want to risk taking an oral HRT and doc said this was low dose and localized estrogen replacement, filled the script and tried it at 11pm before bed. Within half hour felt very unusually hungry. Went to sleep and had very erotic dreams and kept waking up with feeling of anxiousness ( usually I sleep like a log no kidding ) woke up finally and felt a little off, went about my day, felt wittier than usual and had strange energy, but still didn't like the way I had slept and was feeling next day so I decided to give up on it. Called pharmacy to ask if they would like the 19 sealed applications back and they said just dispose them. My insurance covered all but $20 so I'm not too worried about the $ but rather wasting this product after only using one. If anyone out there reading wants the remaining they can have for free just pay the postage to where ever you are and I will send them to you

Child was fine except for constipation before taking miralax. Followed Drs orders and now has much worse problems than before we started it. Keep asking about allergic reaction to miralax but docs have bought in hook line and sinker - keep poo pooing that idea. I say maybe good for some but test before using large doses.