Abilify (aripiprazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Abilify (aripiprazole)

In a year and half taking abilify I developed a pulmonary embolism. Saddle type pe

Stopped working when I took a blood thinner with it. It caused a pe

Only problem I can tell I have on it is I feel unsettling or unsettled. Can't seem to relax. Which suxs because besides that it seems to work fine.

Depression & Anixety with ssri

Restlessness, muscle twitching, increased anxiety, bladder irritation on 1-2mg and could never be in these doses.

I first thought this med was a godsend. Lifted my depression in a day or two- but I always felt restless, too much energy in my chest. As the weeks went on the restlessness grew worse- to the point that it was all day and panic attacks started happening. Buzzing feeling started happening in both my legs. I stopped it five days ago and the twitching has lessened, and the buzzing in my legs has transferred to only one of them and mainly in my foot now. Hoping more time off clears the rest. Please only try this med if you are desperate. It works quickly but the side effects are not worth it.

Misdiagnosised bipolar disorder

So many I don't know where to start. I began as having depression. 3 years later, I was diagnosed bipolar. I and my new doctor now believe I was misdiagnosed bipolar. We feel it was the pharmaceutical drugs I have been on for many years that made me bipolar. One of the most severe drugs I took was Abilify. I think it is as strong as cocaine and other hard drugs. I had cognitive problems, apathy, couldn't feel anything like I was numb, terrible choices and therefore, horrible outcomes. Overspending to the point of stealing money from family members, lost jobs and lost friends and family in the end.

Please be careful about this drug! I honestly do not consider this a medication. My doctors told me it was a antidepressant to help with my other medications. But it was an antipsychotic! I was told not to pay attention to any side effects because they are rare and that all of these medications work the same. THEY DO NOT! BEWARE! Since I was told that I never thought of consulting with a pharmacist. Now I have researched and found out that pharmacists know more about psychotherapy meds than doctors. I wish I would have known that. At first, I lost jobs because of my behaviors. I started loosing friends because of irritability and I no longer felt like myself. Then I lost my family because I started stealing their money to go on spending sprees on EBay. It got so bad that my family no longer wanted to have anything to do with me. I also had a lot of weight gain. I was 130 pounds and blew up to 200 pounds. So I started having severe problems because of low self esteem. I told my doctor all this and he just said I needed it and he was overweight himself so why worry? I thought maybe he was right because members of my family started gaining weight as they got older. Finally I got so frustrated about the weight gain that I thought I'd try to stop taking the pill myself. So I took half a pill for awhile and then I took 1/4 of it. I thought it would just decrease my weight. It did that and more! I started eating small meals and was no longer as hungry. Plus, I

Loss of motivation, appetite increases, weight increase (2 lb a week) light tremors

I hate this pill, my emotions are mostly gone except anger. I never should have been prescribed this medication

130lb weight gain, restlessness, sleep apnea, acid reflux, loss of emotions

it helped me stabilize but isnt worth the side effects. I have to go off it to lose weight because my sleep apnea is life threatening. I also feel that this drug was forced on me and it should have been a last resort for my mild case of bipolar mood.

The drug definitely helped my depressive episodes, I started showing up to work on time, getting up early, really really helped my mood regulation- however, the side effects aren't too nice. Blurred vision: impossible to work on a computer screen. Tremors: so bad I don't even want to type. And restless legs, makes working a desk job a nightmare. 5/10

I can't decide if this medicine is that great or not. I've been really tired. Extremely vivid and crazy dreams every night. Thankfully they don't make me freak out when I wake up.

Gain 40kg weightGain appetiteMake eating enormous foodHard to sit downHard to wake upToo sleepy

I received an injection of ability about 7 months ago and I still have insomnia from it. My psychiatrist thinks it's mania but I was fine with sleep on my previous medication of invega. I don't know what to do anymore as lack of sleep is ruining my life. I immediately stopped taking the abilify injection after I developed insomnia but it's like something was permanently changed in me to stop sleep.

Abilify ruined my life and I wouldn't recommend it to anyone.

Immense weight gain, tremors. I gained 120 pounds in 10 years. Insatiable appetite.

Helped with cognitive abilities and not as sluggish as other atypical antipsychotics

Suicidal thoughts, insomnia, mania, delusionals, perception of wanting to just sleep with men and hallucinations.

Nightmarish experience. Might as well set up a tent at a hospital.

I became manic on this drug and started spending all my money, waking up several times a night, and had intense all encompassing anxiety. I even went to the emergency room with chest pain and thought I was having a heart attack.

YMMV just be warned that if you start abilify and you become manic, it might be due to the drug. Follow your gut.

Orthostatic hypotension, extreme sleepiness at first then restlessness/insomnia at night, crazy vivid dreams/nightmares, bloating

Started to help increase the effects of my other bipolar medication due to increased life trauma, started by taking in mornings and couldn't physically stay awake. Took at night and now can't fall asleep as easily and wake up several times per night from very vivid dreams or nightmares. I haven't felt any positives but haven't been on it that long.

Digestive issues heartburn initially, slight tremor in handsNo adverse/serious effects really

It`s been weight neutral - the most than any previous antipsychotics i`ve been on (5 in total). Has made me silent from the head (no racing thoughts or psychotic features anymore), doesn`t make me drowsy or tired - like say, seroquel or zyprexa did.

Akathesia, depression, tremors, extreme pain, loss of tears, legs stopped working, extreme panic, headaches, bowel disorder

Had to take procyclidine to get my legs working again! I stopped being able to walk after the injection. I still can't cry normally, my tear ducts don't produce tears. I panic and shake in some situations like car rides.

muscle spasms, restlessness, tightness

it helped my psychosis but I could not tolerate the side effects

It helped but the drowsiness often outweighs the benefits

It helps with the ocd a bit but the drowsiness and increased libido (wet dreams) outweigh the positives

ABILIFY (ARIPIPRAZOLE): Aripiprazole is used to treat certain mental/mood disorders (such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, Tourette's syndrome, and irritability associated with autistic disorder). It may also be used in combination with other medication to treat depression. Aripiprazole is known as an antipsychotic drug (atypical type). It works by helping to restore the balance of certain natural chemicals in the brain (neurotransmitters). This medication can decrease hallucinations and improve your concentration. It helps you to think more clearly and positively about yourself, feel less nervous, and take a more active part in everyday life. Aripiprazole can treat severe mood swings and decrease how often mood swings occur. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I am currently taking Toprol-xl 25mg for A-fib. Every drug has its side effects and everyone has a different reaction to them. The bottom line is, if works to stop, or reduce my A-fib episodes, I am going to take it. Toprol has also lowered my blood pressure. Some of the side effects people are describing are true, but for me, I would rather have a few mild side effects than deal with the feeling of my heart jumping out of my chest and causing me to panic.

Haven't noticed any improvement yet concerning the bacterial rash on my face. All will be worth it if I can get the rash to go away.

Even with the symptoms I describe claritin has helped greatly. I moved to 3 diffrent states in 4 years and do believe that has played a role in my already horriable allergy to dust dander and pollen. It seemed that the last state we moved to was the worst. A red scaley rash appeared on my face around nose and mouth then as I was taking a med to help clear that up I started waking up covered in hives!! all over my back, lips, arms, butt and legs. Finally my doc said I had severely sensitive skin said to keep away from anything that wasnt hypo-allergenic and dermatoligist tested then put me on claritin onece a night before bed. No more hives or reaccurance on the rash and I have a cat that doesnt make me sneeze!!! I will be said if this becomes something I can no longer take.

Extreme nausea, dizziness, seizure like feelings, almost ready to pass out, stomach pains.

Severe stomach cramps, followed by diaherria and nausea. Sleeping was so hard but then again with your stomach in knots and u curled up in a ball sleeping wont come naturally no matter how tired you are. I actually did throw up and am not feeling hungry at all, I cant exactly think about food when am in so much pain. My last dose was last night and I havent taken anything since but my stomach is still in knots arghh!

For most people, used properly, I think this is a wonderful item. But the potential for abuse is high. I use it only 1-2 days and then wait at lease a few weeks before repeating. BTW: I've used either 5 or 10mg depending on how restless I feel.

Metallic taste subsided after the second day.Developed horrible itchy rash on upper torso; spread to neck,legs and back by the 4th day.Really tired and flu like feelings near end of treatment. Stiff neck and sore joints.

Mildly effective...if I omit it from my daily medicines, I don't see terribly adverse effects

Have had no real side effects and have been on 75mg a day except for the fact that I am getting to be more easily aggravated the longer I am on it. I have been on it for a little more than 10 years. Am very happy with the results. The work for me. I just have to watch what I can eat and don't eat but that is the Crohn's.

Brain death--could not think my way out of a paper bag. Zombie-like constant sleepiness. Hideous nightmares. Rage/anger and depression. Enormous appetite, weight gain. Acne. Withdrawal problems.