Lariam (mefloquine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lariam (mefloquine hydrochloride)

Took this drug 10 years ago. Changed my life. Serious anxiety I can't stay in the house alone even going to the bathroom I have to leave the door open

I have had a headache for 19 years now. Cured the malaria, kept the headache.

Numerous clients on safari in Africa had horrible side effects. NEVER TAKE THIS DRUG.

[Warning to anyone who does not like the thought of death, heart problems or feelings of helplessness]Serious bouts of psychosis, that I didn't realise until 6 months after taking medicine. Only after looking back, I remembered just how much my mental state was negatively affected. The state it caused became a new normal. Was supposed to take them every Friday, and did so. One week after stopping, on a Friday, a whole 24 hours of heart palpitations, incredibly painful and draining but I was still out of my mind enough to walk around town to feel alive. Months that followed included non stop fear of the inevitability of death. Similar to when you realise you are breathing, become conscious of it, then find it difficult to breath or manually do so. But just every. single. waking. moment. I never understood why anyone would want to commit suicide but this ... medication made it a relatable concept, despite being scared of even trying to. The panic attacks were driven by fears similar to

[All comments are personal, not trying to defame anyone or spread false info. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR LOCAL DOCTORS AND HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS FOR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE]If you and family relatives have no mental health conditions (diagnosed or suspected!!), feel free to go ham. Make sure! that you have reliable health care providers you are comfortable with, so you can be honest about how you feel with taking the medication and if complications arise.If you have some (even small) traits of psychosis, or other mental health disorders, I beg for you to not take it, your already existing symptoms may be exponentially exacerbated. It just gives a sense of being separate to reality, very unnerving. (P.S do not search up "unnerving" and look for pictures, they are very creepy)


-constant mild visual snow ever since-blank surfaces are always shimmering-mood changes constant switch between depression and nervousness-sleep disturbances, the first dream wakes me up.-loss of appetite-sweaty hands

its been 2 months since the last pill.I just want to see normal again. I took mephaquin which is the same just by a different company called Acino.I am determined to recover, but reading the comments is giving me a hard time. The biggest mistake of my life so far to get this neurotoxin in a Rwandese pharmacy. I am already able to go to uni but its hard with this visual snow and mood changes inside of me. i dont know whether i can make through the semester.I had a lot of drinks the day before i took my third pill. that was a misake. In hindsight, the vivid dreams that came before the major reaction should have made me stop this horror pill. Vivid dreams can be prodromal for more severe actions to come. This and that you should avoid alcohol during treatment was not mentioned in the package insert.

- anxiety- vivid dreams (woke up believing a giant spider was on my bug net, woke roommate up ranting about children in danger)- couldn't sleep/scared to sleep- paranoia (I thought everyone was talking about me and out to get me)- depression- mood swings

- when I came home I was diagnosed with mental illness and have been on medication for 13 years- just over a year ago my psychiatrist properly diagnosed me with no mental illness but mefloquine toxicity that caused an Aquired Brain Injury (ABI)

Very bad vertigo and physical lack of balance/coordination and changed depth-perception. Had to use a lot of concentration to navigate stairs, especially. For me, it was dangerous. Also had a bout of schizoid paranoia on one occasion that lasted hours. Maybe 6. Very uncomfortable.

Thought of dying no appetite sweating tiredness felt like crying hallucinations don't get close to this drug rather have malaria next time

horrifying dread, depersonalization, psychosis for two weeks, then two years of psychosis that began 8 years afterwards

I came out of two years of psychosis seven years ago thanks to taking armodafinil, that my doctor had prescribed to treat what she thought was narcolepsy. I still take Nuvigil and haven't had any other psychotic episodes or deep depression for seven years now. I hope other doctors will prescribe this drug to veterans suffering from Lariam-related psychosis.

Erotic dreams the night of taking tablet

Lots of men seemed to have nightmares but most women had very good dreams - based on personal survey of fellow backpackers over the months. The men often stopped taking it.

Panic attacks, severe insomnia, hallucinations, ground and objects moving, tunnel vision, terrible paranoia.

Was sent home early from the deployment, I have taken many different medications and immunizations while in the military such as yellow fever, anthrax, smallpox, typhoid they all had some minor side effect for me. Nothing has come close to the absolute nightmare that I am still trying to live with. I now take Depakote, Paxil, buspirone and prazosin to keep from panic attacks and nightmares and am struggling to keep my career. Do not risk taking this horrible drug, I do appreciate that drug companies make product but when the FDA says you can have permanent CNS damage, just take doxy.

Fever,nightmares,nausea,severe anxiety, sore throat, body aches.

severe anxiety, panic, depression, depersonalisation, derealization, delusional ideas, paranoia, insomnia

after only 2 tablets taken 2.5 months ago, i dont feel the same. it triggered something in me like depersonalisation, derealisation, i feel like im on drugs or a psychotic prodrome state. i feel so uncomfortable & on the verge of panic all the time. i cant describe it, i feel like something is horribly wrong. i wish i'd never taken this, my doctor didnt warn me of the risk! ive had mental health problems before e.g anxiety but NEVER to this extent. ive always been able to comfort myself when im panicking, but ive lost all self-help skills. i cant trust anyone including myself. my holiday was a disaster, i could barely leave my room. now im home & crippled by terror. im always trembling. i distrust everything now; i cant even have panadol or valium because im so scared of medication. antidepressants might help me, but i just CANNOT put any drug in my body again. i wonder if this feeling will ever go away! i feel completely unreal & wrong inside.

Severe hallucinations, crying, shakes, voices in head, telling people I was suicidal..... had to cut my trip short and return home.... Doctor did not give me any warnings..... DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG.... it is dangerous and should be not available.

No appetite, feel nausea and terrible headache. From normal becoming to be more paranoid.

Malaria Prevention South East Asia

Dizziness, fainting, inability to concentrate, severe headache, light sensitivity, nightmares, anxiety and panic attacks. These side effects continue to persist (it's currently been 7 weeks since my last pill) and I only took this medication for 1 month. This medication is horrible.

Insomnia, Vivid Dreams, Anxiety & Panic, Loss of Appetite, Vertigo, Light Headedness, Fever & Sweating, Dry Cough, Rash, Skin Peeling

I've never had a reaction to Malarone or any other drug in the past. I really wish I'd researched this one before taking it.

Heart Palpitations. Most Vivid somewhat Horrifying dreams I've ever experienced. Somewhat like i was dropped in the movie "Inception." Increased anxiety. Skin rash on palm of hands that gradually went up arm. Some minor visual distortions on the day of the week id take it. I was also a raging "b****." I did not contract Malaria though =)

My Uneducated doctor prescribed it to me without reading that my chart that says I suffer from anxiety and depression. Later realized it was a side effect when I came back from my trip. I thought was going crazy until i realized "its just the drugs man"

To prevent Malaria while in CAR

Paranoia, anxiety, panic attacks, black outs, constant fear of death, racing heart, chest pains, migraines, insomnia, stabbing pains throughout body, tremors, dry mouth at night, fatigue, depression, unable to concentrate, crying spells, spots in vision that have never gone away, blurry vision, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus. All of which continue even 14 months after discontinuing the use of lariam.NONE OF WHICH I HAD EVER EXPERIENCED BEFORE

Even hitler didn't deserve lariam. It's a travesty that this poison is legal.

LARIAM (MEFLOQUINE HYDROCHLORIDE): Treatment of mild to moderate acute malaria or for prophylaxis of malaria (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

Felt better the next day. More energy, ability to focus. Already lost 10 pounds. Hyper smell and things smell differently especially food. Food tastes more cravings or getting up at night to snack. Insomnia relieved with benadryl. Strange feeling like anxiety but different more of an uncomfortable sensation to move or run, hard to explain it. Overall I am happy with the results. Medicine has done what I needed it to do.

long term use of this drug over 6years started to get hypoglycemiadrop in blood sugar off and on -a known long term side effect fromthese drugs!this drug also effects your nervious system and screwsit up!I have short term memory loss due to this drug. thinking process is messed up while on this medication! im weening off it now - and taking orosine and res q 1250 and res q 105 for theblood sugar drop outs ! My doctor never told me about this andthinks its all in my head! dont take these drugs! ccb's or beta blockers ! they can harm you and will kill people !

Been taking Ortho Tri-cyclen/Trinessa since I was 16. Both have been great with no side effects.PS- does anyone else think that a lot of the people here posting negative reviews of the generics (while conversely praising the hell out of the brand name) aren't real? Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest that the PR goons of the pharmaceutical companies are out here pushing their brand-name drugs to take more money out of the pockets of the public. I mean really people, the only difference between the two is the label! (and at least twice the price)

I'm in the middle of weaning from Effexor XR and adding Cymbalta, since becoming more depressed and anxious recently. I have been taking antidepressants for 17 years. Now I take Paxil CR, Trazadone for sleep, Xanax XR and Effexor XR every day. My doctor recommended switching the Eff to Cymbalta, because of this deeper, developing depression. I've been having side effects of the new drug since Day 1, but they became much, much worse as I changed dosages. I believe I moved right into a bad crash and withdrawal. I had so many of the frightening effects alot of you mentioned. I immediately reversed the process, and, boy, do I feel more level, within 2 days. I'm going back to Effexor XR, although my doctor told me today to continue the process with the Cymbalta! Ugh! He also increased the Xanax dosage slightly. Frankly, I've had more luck with Xanax added to my regimen than with trying other meds like Zoloft, Wellbutrin, Prozac. For me, I find it has a milder, generalized calming effec

constipation, slight stomach upset and jittery for the first few days on 30mg

Small rash on the back of my calf, itches like crazy, but is far from life threatening.

Horrific side effects. Tried lowering the dose and the same thing. Terrible depression, dizziness, headaches, and insomnia. I need to find something else besides this horrible medication.

I have anxiety about taking medicine (don't even take ibuprofen or acetaminophen because I'm scared), so needless to say I was not happy about taking Macrobid. I read all the reviews on several sites, which made me even more afraid. I called my doctor to get a different antibiotic, but she wouldn't switch me. I sucked it up and took my first pill, expecting the worst. I now have one pill left and haven't had any of the side effects that I read about. I have started having an upset stomach today, but I'm not positive if it's from the Macrobid pr something else. I know everyone is different, but I hope this helps make someone out there feel better about trying it, as this med seems to have a bad rap.

I've been on Zoloft for 2 years, which worked well but I gained alot of weight. Therefore my doctor changed me to Wellbutrin. Started with 150 first 10 days and now on 300 for about 4 days. I really want to give it a chance for the weight aspect but I am not feeling well. How long will I feel this way? I'm also using Epitech (generic for Topamax)my doctor has upped my dosage on this as well. Maybe it is all just to much for my body.

I'm considering going off Lamictal as I can't live in a mental fog on a daily basis nor can I live without articulating my thoughts, especially since I'm a writer! I just assumed the low energy and mental fog were early side-effects that would go away. After seeing the comments here though, it doesn't sound promising. I feel worse than when I was in deep depression.