Flagyl er (metronidazole) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Flagyl er (metronidazole)

Tender breasts/nipples, headaches, nausea/vomiting, depressed, stomach aches, right hip pain

i'm not sure if it's the medicine or what. i had intercourse the day before my cycle but my cycle ended up starting right after. very typical for it to start early for me. my cycle ended a day early, 4/5 was light started to turn pink/little bit of redness, then just plain light pink.. i then had after my cycle ended 2 days back to back. and then had to take bv again, (my partner is clean we both got checked) i'm not sure if you can conceive while on flagyl but the symptoms im having is having my mind wonder. i took a tests and the control window didn't show up it may be invalid i always keep some tests around it might have expired but i seriously don't know. i feel like maybe i could be infertile due to treatments… idk..

Vaginal infection post hysterectomy

Severe insomnia that has still not resolved and I have been on medication for 3 weeks now. It started the second day on meds and progressively got worse. I figured it would go away once I got off meds but it has not. I also have a weird feeling/headache in head. While on meds I experienced stomach ache, nausea, diarrhea, awful metal taste, crying uncontrollably, depressed, exhausted but not able to sleep, lack of ability to concentrate, unsafe to drive.

I would never take this drug again. This has been life changing for me. I am hopeful that I can sleep again sometime but it has been 3 weeks off of it and I am still not able to sleep. My brain just feels off still. I have never had any history of depression or anxiety or insomnia in my life. I am scheduled to see a sleep specialist and a neurologist so I can hopefully get some help.

This medication has ruined my health over the last 20 years. Lingering symptoms I still have include optic neuropathy, tendon pain, joint pain, extreme exhaustion, digestive issues, malaise, nausea, frequent migraines, head pressure, slurring/mixing up words, and feeling extremely unwell constantly. I went from a high achieving student with ambitions to someone who feels very unwell all the time constantly in pain. I have lived most of my life working part time or on disability because of how constantly unwell I feel. this is literal human poison and I wouldn't wish this nightmare on my very worst enemy.

If you have the internet at your fingertips (unlike I did when I took this poison) then you have no excuse to not do your research beforehand. Take at your own risk, it's a horribly poisonous drug and not a responsible choice to make for your health!

Those experiencing pain and dark urine need to consume lots of water. I was experiencing both of those but noticed went away once ate prior to taking the medicine also literally need to drink like liter of water. You know you’ve had enough water once your urine is almost the same color as water

Tender breasts, abdominal cramps and fluttering low down, tiredness and emotional episodes of crying. Negative pregnancy test so far.

Nausea, metallic taste after taking medication, tender breast, nipple sensitivity, drowsiness, really bad headaches often, bad stomach cramps.

Seems to be helping but only on day 3

Bad taste in my mouth stomach pain sharp pain during sex extremely sore breast dark urine yeast infection From antibiotics

Cleared up my bacterial affection don't regret it just next time I'll use the cream way better no side effects but I can't complain helped me a lot it always does I usually get bv after my periods even though my hygiene is great so been using it for years I just mostly use the cream Another side effects as we know antibiotics can give you a yeast infection just something to think about

Ice Pick Migraine, discombobulated, lack of motor function, irritability, worsening of tinnitus(at times complete black out of hearing in left ear), dizziness, fatigue, confusion, inability to concentrate, sensitivity to light and sound, disgusting taste in mouth similar to aura for severe migraines or possible temporal lobe epilepsy. Main problems with this medicine are with the head and the taste is so unbearable.

Had to take because apparently using baby wipes can cause BV, I have IBS-D so I have chronic diarrhea and needed the baby wipes. I will be using female friendly wipes from now on out and will take the medication to help the unpleasant symptoms of BV. But I feel like I'm dying. I am so unhappy and uncomfortable so this better be the help I need, I have used other medication for BV which had no side effects but did not get rid of the problem. I am taking with probiotics, and also take bentyl for my ibs-d. This is the worst experience I've had with any medicine ever. I had to leave work early and couldn't function.the irritability is worse than when I quit smoking cigarettes after 4 years of daily smoking.

I experienced headaches, not hungry and sick to stomach and nipple soreness. I also had to pee a lot

It helped with my bv and all the symptoms after the first day of taking the pills.

Breast pain and nipple sensitivity. Frequently urinating. Ovarian cramping. Metallic taste when taking the medication.

Worth all of the above symptoms to take care of the problem.

Tender breast,fatigue,pain in obdomen,feel sick,as if I'm pregnant,got three red spots under my feet,nauseous

It does work quickly,most effective really a good medication.but jess the side effects nearly kills me.

Breast tenderness, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, stomach pain, depression, dry cough, nose stopped up, just over all feeling of something being wrong with me

I need the medicine to get rid of the infection which it is helping alot. But the side effects are awful. I have 3 days left but I will not take this again.

Personally, I didn't have any issues with this pill, I made sure I ate before and after I took the pill. The time that I didn't eat after taking the pill I experienced blurred vision, felt nauseous, and my breast started to hurt. I really didn't feel like myself.

Make sure you eat when taking these pills.

I have experienced very bad stomach pains and very nauseous. I feel like I’m pregnant but I hope not to be and it's just the side effects. My nipples are sore and they hurt and feel sensitive when I touch them. My stomach gets really bloated and it’s annoying. I keep wanted to use the restroom and it’s just been weird.

I think this medicine is pretty strong and you should be careful with it. I'm curious as to know if thus could cause a miscarriage ? I would actually be interested in talking to someone about this. Anyways thank you

This made me feel pregnant!! Literally triggered my anxiety worse ( I smoke marijuana & it triggered paranoia as well ), sore boobs, nausea didn't start until day 5 of taking it, crazy cramps all over my abdomen, slight headaches, BLURRY VISION, it made me pee A LOT the first 5 days of taking it, then that slowly tapered away back to normal. I finished the treatment 4 days ago & still feel a little bit of each of those symptoms.

This sh*t is horrible. Consider the vaginal gel before the pill for sure !

Nausea, abdominal pains, SOB, fast heart rate, severe headache, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, swollen tongue, dry mouth and throat

2 days after taking medication my tongue was still swollen had trouble swallowing and breathing.

Horrible burning/itching sensation in my anus & vagina.

This is the WORST medicine I have ever taken in my life. I do not recommend anyone taking this. I have migraines, sharp pains in my vaginal area and legs, very sore/tender nipples, night sweats, dizziness, feelings of stress, late menstrual cycle and tired frequently. This medicine was not worth the side effects I am experiencing now. I want to cry because I didn't know that I would have to go through all of this. I don't know how long I'm going to last with all these symptoms.

Get a second recommendation or something other than this death pill.

Increased stress, heart palpitations, increased HR, extreme dizziness, leg & arm weakness. Went to the ER bc the side effects were so bad. Will NEVER take this again. Feel blindsided bc I was not warned of any of these serious symptoms. Will be doing more research from here on out..

Vision loss, weight loss, peripheral neuropathy,

Flagyl wrecked me. I was a very healthy woman with a very healthy lifestyle. I started having some odd symptoms was sent to a GI doctor and prescribed this poison. Now, 4 months later weighing only 110 pounds, several trips to ERs all over the USA (pain started in Las Vegas, I thought I had a stress fracture in my foot) for peripheral neuropathy with pain so bad I actually cry out. Honestly, I previously thought the only time you cry out in pain is when you are in labor or just got shot. Wrong, just take Flagyl and wait. My foot started tingling while I was taking it. Now, its to the point of constant shooting/burning pain from my right foot up to my back. My ortho doctor had me out of work with a walking boot on and knee scooter for mobility because he too thought it was a stress fracture. This whole time its been peripheral neuropathy. I cannot believe nerve pain hurts this much. I feel I am going insane. Nothing shows on xrays and no doctors believe how much pain I am in and how drastically my life has changed. In addition to the nerve pain I also had terrible blurred vision while taking it and I have gone from 20/20 vision to bifocals in 4 months. I am living my own worst nightmare.

FLAGYL ER (METRONIDAZOLE): This medication is used to treat certain types of bacterial infections in the vagina. Metronidazole is an antibiotic that works by stopping the growth of bacteria. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Upon using nuvaring, (as well as yaz,which is even worse), I have experienced TERRIBLE moods. Mostly irritability, getting upset and annoyed at everybody, which led me to be a judgmental and mean person.Noticed an incredible change in my mood about a month after stopping birth control. My nipples were ALWAYS sore, and I just couldn't be happy. I would go days without smiling. When I went off of birth control, I felt like I had wasted 2 years of my life by being a b*tch and crying about everything. I'm so afraid to go back on birth control!! Nuvaring wasnt as bad as Yaz, but the sore nipples and irritability really depleted my everyday quality of life and level of happiness.

If your doctor prescribes this or any benzo, run.www.benzo.org.ukFacebook page - World Benzodiazepine Awareness Day

sweating,dizziness, severe dry mouth (coughing all night,can't talk without choking),itchy scalp,insomnia, constipation, hard stool, gas, racing thoughts, teeth grinding, agitation, severe loss of short term memory, moments of enhanced colors,tired all the time, blurry vision, extreme sensitivity to light and sound, insomnia and drunk feeling caused weak immune system, brief speedy moments periodically followed by extreme fatigue, one good day followed by three days of needing to sleep 15 hours, light headedness, loss of balance, complete loss of sex drive, void of emotion (And I am a singer songwriter, painter.)Cannot currently sing due to my arid dry mouth and throat

I had horrible continuous nausea with some vomiting. Almost continual diarrhea. Horrible metallic taste in mouth which is still lingering even after being off almost a month. Terrible indigestion and sour stomach. The sour stomach is also lingering. I couldn't eat correctly. I ended up eating soft carbs because my stomach was so sour. I couldn't drink water so I was getting dehydrated. My sugars were great but I wasnt losing weight. I finally decided I'd had enough and stopped it.

Extreme (off the chart) Joint Pain. By itself I didn't notice the pain that much, but recently I took Tums(an antacid) within an hour of taking the Lipitor. Within an hour, every joint on my body was in excruciating pain. I couldn't walk. I couldn't even roll over without pain. I almost called 911 because I had no idea what was happening

Ended up in ER with pain and anxiety.

I definitely recommend this drug because it got me away from a really really horrible time of a flare up from UC. It took a while for it to work. I was taking ASACOL also and I think (the ASACOL) definitely worsened my symptoms because I didn't have any bleeding before the ASACOL and a week later I was nothing but bleeding and I was so severe I couldn't get it under control with prednisone alone and I was hospitalized for 2 weeks and IV corticosteriods. I do say that I'm sorta sore/tired as I'm coming off the medicine at about 1mg per week and I'm finally down to 13mg. I haven't been taking any other vitamins but I think I should start. I couldn't keep busy enough when I was on 60mg/day. I can say that I really liked it too!! Like with anything I can say that your body was made to do it's own job fighting away negative aspects and sometimes we need prayer and medicine to give us a little boost. I'm all about getting off medicine.

Nausea the first 2 Weeks. Insomnia still after 3 weeks. A bit dizzy but I had that before the paxil. I'm 6'1 and weigh 220 lbs. shouldn't I be at 20 instead of 10 mg.

increased appetite, weight gain, insomnia

pain in joints and weakness. Could not catch my breath. No energy.