Plavix (clopidogrel bisulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Plavix (clopidogrel bisulfate)

Gerd tummy pain diarrhea bad legs can't stand for long.

It's an evil drug so many side effects.

I'm no longer taking this medication. Worst heartburn I have ever had. So glad I'm off of it. Now heartburn is gone. Low dose aspirin

Lethargic, weak, fatigued, lightheaded, nausea foggy, bloating and dyspnea.

This medication is a necessary evil. I need to be on it for few more months. I'll be glad to be off it.Cardiologist won't accept these side effects. Genersl practitioner is more open to the side effects. HORRIBLE!I had no issues/symptoms prior to the placement of the stent. Now i feel ill all the time. Horrible feeling. Doc says "hang in there only few months left"

CABG x3 and 4 stents in bypasses

Dizziness, shortness of breath, severe diarrhea, fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety

I can't believe this drug is even on the market!

Extreme fatigue to point of exhaustion, shortness of breathe, felt so unwell, joint aching, terrible weakness, difficult thinking.

I have never had significant body pain until I got on plavix. It started maybe 2 months after starting plavix and hasn't resolved since stopping it 1 month ago. I have constant muscle pain. I used to be very strong but I now have trouble even turning lids due to pain and weakness. It hurts to lift my kids. It hurts to walk steps and go from standing/sitting.

ffelt rerrible stool was like spraying water

All you have to do is google plavix lawsuit and you will see

Extreme muscle fatigue. I can not do regular daily activities. I can stand for about 5 minutes before becoming exhausted. One week after beginning Plavix, I began vomiting block globs and had stomach pain. Was hospitalized, but told to continue with Placix.

I'm so happy to find this site. This last year I thought I was dying. I was convinced I had a disease because I was feeling so bad. I can't really do anything but sit. Showering is exhausting. It never once occurred to me to look up the side effects of this medication. I finally did today and I am so happy and hopeful now. Im stopping today. Screw these doctors, they don't listen and they don't know what they are talking bout most of the time. It feels so good to be hopeful again.

Extreme weakness, tachycardia, tinnitus, depressive symptoms, lightheartedness, digestive system out of order.

Had same symptoms with Brilinta

This drug is horrible. Sleepy all the time. Almost fell asleep driving twice and nearly burned my apartment down due to falling asleep with stove on. Have complained repeatedly to doctor but he will not change the Plavix to another medication. Says I have to take it for a year due to stents. He claims it is not the Plavix making me sleepy and drowsy. I am at my wit's end. Would change doctor but can't get seen by another doctor for months.

I am told it is not the Plavix so therefore I guess the doctor is saying it is just me. I am a high energy person and not one to sleep a lot and never felt sleepy 24-7 until started Plavix. Fed up with doctor's who won't listen to their patient and claim the medication does not have these types of side effects.

I have no energy (bed all day long tired), dizziness, muscle pain all over and in face. The worst is the extreme abdominal pain on left and right side of body. As well as pain that radiates to my shoulder and shoulder blades. My cardiologist said it doesn't have this side effect on anyone and it's not the plavix creating this pain. Yet, I feel this pain within an hour of taking it. When I don't take it, I'm free of pain. So I think they just want everyone to fit in one box and don't mess up the flow. I had an allergy to the other two available. Rash all over body. But all 3 of them make me feel like death and I have zero energy. I feel too heavy to lift myself, I can't function at all. It's an awful medication. All of the blood thinners are horrific.

It's the worst medication I've ever taken in my entire lifetime. Doctors should listen to us more and not tell us the side effects are in our head.

Tiredness weakness nauseous some dizziness. Constipation. Overall feel terrible. Interferes with daily activities.

Told doctor about symptoms. Will not stop. Have to take for a month.

Fator5 liden clots and leg stents

17 years long lasting bruises, tinnitus, intestinal problems such as inflammation, constipation, intestinal pains, had to use laxatives often.

The last year on plavix, clopidogrel. I have been told i needed bowl resection due to almost constant bowl inflammation an recurring diverticulitis. I have had other surgeries taking months to heal so i requested getting off plavix. To speed up my healing time 12 days after getting off plavix my intestinal pain is minimal my bowels are starting to work better with out need for laxative. I am looking at canceling my surgery i have 3 weeks to monitor my bowls continuing improvement. I believe i will not end up needing surgery feeling better in the last 12 to 14 days than i have in years.

I hate this drug! I am having muscle pain, weakness, and some shortness of breath although that seems to have gotten better. My Tinnitus seems to be worse too. The insomnia, anxiety and depression are the worst thing about this drug. I haven't gotta good nights sleep since I've been on it. Can't wait to get off it next month. Hopefully all of these symptoms go away.

Drug companies care very little about the side effects as long as they can sell their drugs. So many people seem to have terrible side effects from Plavix.

Extreme fatigue. Just collapsed bedridden. Sleeping laying down. Heartbeat upon standing very high very dizzy and mindfog. Absolute horrific. Felt like sudden onset of severe ME. Three weeks after stopping still no recovery. This drug isn't disclosing allSide effects in women.

I experience tiredness, weakness, fatigue, low energy, numbness in feet & legs, slight memory loss and light headedness.

Question: Is there an all natural plant based drug out there that works just as good as Plavix, and if there is why don't the doctors prescribe it?

Extreme fatigue, chest pain, mental fog. Always very physically active and fit, just poor genes causing heart disease, now no energy, headaches, depressed as dizziness worries me to do athletics

Take with aspirin, stent is drug eluding....tried prasugrel but same side effects, worse bruising, pink spots urine. Want to stop this drug. Feel not like myself. Can't suffer like this for a year.

Sick on my stomach all the time. I have 0 energy. Short of breath I want to sleep all the time. Muscle are sore to the touch. Headaches. Just feel awful.

I'm in misery, I sure don't want to live the short time I have left feeling like this. There has to be something else to take

Ligh theadeedness, shortness of breath, arms and legs feel weak, VERY SIGNIFICANT increase in tinnitus, and insomnia significantly worse.

I hate this drug and am going to insist my Dr either take me off of it altogether or find a different medication. Was originally on brilinta and had extreme shortness of breath. The Plavix isn't any better. Probably worse as I didn't have all the other side effects when on brilinta.

Weak, fatigue, headaches, racing heart, joint pain, severe nosebleeds, bruising, terrible anxiety, tingling sensations in hands,head. I hate this drug.

PLAVIX (CLOPIDOGREL BISULFATE): Clopidogrel is used to prevent heart attacks and strokes in persons with heart disease (recent heart attack), recent stroke, or blood circulation disease (peripheral vascular disease). It is also used with aspirin to treat new/worsening chest pain (new heart attack, unstable angina) and to keep blood vessels open and prevent blood clots after certain procedures (such as cardiac stent). Clopidogrel works by blocking platelets from sticking together and prevents them from forming harmful clots. It is an antiplatelet drug. It helps keep blood flowing smoothly in your body. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The most terrible muscle spasms in legs,back and chest, so bad I could not sit or stand. Nausea, vomiting, chest pain,blood in urine, side effects were so bad I ended up in the emergency room on two occasions. The last time I was on vacation and was brought to the hospital where the Doctor took a blood and urine test and told me that the pain was from the lipitor.

I took it for 2 years without a problem until recently it started causing extreme itching every time I took it.

The insomnia started off slowly and I didn't attribute it to the Nasonex at first, then it became completely clear what was causing it.

Terrible drug, was originally taking Eliquis but worse side effects included anaphylactic symtoms...switched in er to xeralto, still terrible side effects to deal with.

Panic attacks, tremors, no appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle spasms, irregular heart beat, night sweats, dry mouth, aggitation, suicidal thoughts.

Increased libido (no complaints;) )

Awful taste in mouth, stomach pain/ cramps, loose stool, strange feeling in stomach, bad smelling breath.

Was great in beginning, after three months developed extreme vomiting, sometimes 5 plus times a day

Paradoxial reaction! Increased anxiety, panic attacks, suicidal thoughts, agoraphobia, nausea and terrible withdrawal effects!

Starting this med didn't cause too many problems but when my doctor increased the dosage, it completely knocked me out even when it wasn't night time. I was dizzy, nauseas, confused all the time. Does help with sleep but had no effect on me in treating ym depression