Brilinta (ticagrelor) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Brilinta (ticagrelor)

The gi upset and the breathing side effects are keeping me from sleeping and resting I am going to ask my MD to give me an alternative

Periodic shortness of breath, Central sleep apnias verified by sleep dr., after waking up gasping, headache, ringing ears, low energy, brain fog, very small nick Shaving bled for hours even with styptic powder, while hospitalized I coughed up blood and had blood in urine,

Dr. agreed to switch me to Plavix today, Hopefully Brilinta works for you, it sure didn't for me.

Shortness of breath severe bruising muscle and joint pain severe fatigue

Heart palpitations. Thought I was having a heart attack! It happened at night. Severe bruising also.

I would tell people to switch to Plavix.

The patient taking Brilinta was my husband. He pleaded with his cardiologist to reduce the dosage because he was bruising so horribly. He was told no, no reduction in dosage because he would probably have a stroke. Instead, he fell and hit his head and, shortly thereafter, started bleeding in the brain and it killed him. At the ER where he was being treated, they said there was no "antidote" to Brilinta. There was no other drug that would counteract it. So my husband died of brain bleed because of taking Brilinta.

I would advise all patients considering blood thinners to never take Brilinta and, for those patients who currently take Brilinta, I would advise them to request a different blood thinner immediately.

Shortness of breathDizzinessBleeding

I've been of Brilinta for 4 months now and feel much stronger.Do Cardiologists get paid or receive benefits from Astra Zeneca to prescribe this snake oil? Asking for a friend

horrible stomache pain and cramps first time I took it !

Sob, headaches, stomach problems, can't pee right, dizziness, blurred vision, can't sleep, numbness, tingling, body pain, the list goes on and on, this medication is total shit,.

My husband had trouble breathing and headaches on Brilinta. After 4 months on the drug he died of a severe brain bleed that the doctor said was caused from this medication. In the ER we also discovered that there is no antidote for Brilinta to stop the bleeding. This is not a safe drug and should not be on the market.

A black box warning for bleeds does not help when the bleed is in the brain.

Watery diarrhea shortness of breath zero energy throat burning vomiting

Dizziness, muscle weakness, rapid heartbeat, headaches, short of breath, high and low blood pressure, hair fail out bad, anxiety, panic attacks, ringing in my ears, constant fatigue, eye pain, tiredness.

After last night's episode, I googled brilinta differently, I'm happy and sad to see everyone have these side effects, but it lifts worries off my shoulders to know that it's the medicine and not another health issue. I've been to the emergency room numerous times, as well as the doctor whom given me the medicine and no one knew that these were side effects!?!?!? I'm so hurt, because I've been through so much and have so many ER bills. Doctors treated me as if I was lying about these effects and just dismissed me! But what a relief to know that I'm not crazy!

Stent in my heart unstable angina

Shortness of breath, tiredness

Scam, Dr says only 12 months, but i see from other reviews this is a lie, no one gets off of itI would get off immediately if Dr didn't threaten me with death.

Shortness of breath akin to a cardiac event. Suffocating and gasping for air.

Brilinta is the most heavily promoted drug to Cardiologist. It is the 3rd top money maker for AZ with $ 1.5 billion in sales. AZ downplays the Dispnea as mild and self-limiting. BS !!! There are alternative?

Anxiety, Rapid heart rate, hair loss

Feel worse than before the stents. Was high anxiety that caused me to get stents. Now I'm even more anxious. The heart palpitations are the worst! I almost went to ER several times. Dr told me to take a beta blocker when that happens to slow the heart!

I was so short of breath I thought I had heart failure. I went to the ER.

This is a very expensive drug with common side effects that are alarming to patients. The being out of breath caused me great anxiety as I tried to find out the cause of my problem.

Extreme dizziness, off balanced low back pain anxiety like symtoms

Too expensive. Initially $400 then will be $200 per month as it is a tier 3 drug

Shortness of breath, back and breast pain, anxiety and blurred vision.

This is an expensive drug and I feel worse being in it than I felt prior to getting the stents.

Windedness but I took my first walk 2 hours, 27 hours after I was stented - the walk was OK but I felt winded I wonder about this - will this go away? what is your experience?

Does anyone know the mechanism from why the windedness or shortness of breath occurs??

Anxiety leading to panic attacks.

BRILINTA (TICAGRELOR): Ticagrelor is used along with low-dose aspirin to help prevent heart attack and stroke in people with heart problems (such as unstable angina, previous heart attack). It may also be used to prevent heart attack or stroke after certain heart surgeries (such as stent placement, coronary artery bypass graft-CABG, or angioplasty). Ticagrelor works by blocking platelets from sticking together and prevents them from forming harmful clots. It is an antiplatelet drug. It keeps blood flowing smoothly in your body. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I totally fell apart. I had a panic attack every day, so severe I started crying for no reason and could not leave my house. Had previously been on Effexor without these effects. I had my Pdoc put me on Lexapro instead and these effects immediately disappeared. I would avoid this med like the plague. My opinion is that it will be taken off the market in a few years.

no problems i have a doctor who actually knows how to treat it

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Terrible debilitating flu like symtoms, nausea, diarrhea, terrible aches all over, weak, chills, basically a very bad flu. It started the next morning after I took the pill, my intestines just couldn't handle the medicine, stomach spasms off and on still continuing today (3rd day), hard to eat, feels like food is getting stuck in my lower esophagus, have to eat very slowly, waiting minutes in between bites of food.

Extreamly moody. I have been very sad as of 2 weeks after I started take this.

The nausea could be for a week or two my doctor told me...but I don't know if I can take it. I'm so sick. No vomiting, but a feeling of the worst case of motion sickness ever. Does it go away. I just want to feel better.

does take knee pain away so it took me year to place what was making me feel slow and lousy

Saw ants and gold fish all over the bed, worms in my food, animals morphing into other animals, hearing noises, small birds hiding in the curtains, saw people looking in through the window then they morhphed into animals, water would come from somewhere and get all over the bed....BE VERY WARY OF TAKING THIS MEDICINE. I took 7 pills over the course of a couple of weeks before I realized the hallucinations were from the drug.

When I told the psychiatrist that I thought the cause of my depression was prilosec he pooh-poohed my idea. Now I see how wrong he was!

Diarrhea, dizziness, disorientation