Agrylin (anagrelide hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Agrylin (anagrelide hydrochloride)

I hate Agrylin/Anagrelide but it is a better alternative to Hydrea/Hydroxyurea, which is nothing but a carcinogenic poison. I was diagnosed with ET in 2013, nine years ago. Took 1.5 mg of Anagrelide every night before bed, terrible palpitations but if I fell asleep before the drug really kicked in then it was okay. I got so sick of the whole routine I stopped going to see the hematologist for several years. Now my platelets seem to be rising again so I am back at the Anagrelide routine. The sad truth is that blood disorders are not sexy or fashionable topics of conversations the way that, say, breast cancer is, so no one is doing a damn thing about fighting for research to discover better medications. Until that happens, those of us who are afflicted are stuck with medieval medicines that severely compromise our quality of life.

Better than Hydrea, but that is not saying much, because Hydrea is literally oral chemotherapy which means it works by poisoning everything.

I hate this medicine. I have had a migraine since starting it. My heart beats so fast from little movements I feel like I'm dying.

Need to split up dose to lessen chances of heart palpitations and some severe headaches. Such a better alternative to Hydrea and interferon - these are side effects I can live with.

Splitting the dose over the day helps the palpitations

Hypertension, heart palpatations, diarrhea

I had to see 5 different hematologists over the course of 5 years before my current one took me off of it. The previous ones insisted that the medication did not cause my hypertension, but when I was taken off of it, the hypertension resolved.

Headaches in the beginning until splitting up my doses to twice a day; heart palpitations still.

MUCH MUCH better than Interferon!!

I began taking this October '04, started fine, but then had right leg heaviness where it got to bad that if I was standing I could not move for a few seconds, and had to really think about moving my leg. I also had bad aniexty issues; and I would mention these things to my hemotologist and she would insist it's not from the medication. After seeing a neurologist he recommended me to see a rheumatologist who finally saw my point and sent to letter to my hemotologist to change the medication. In April 05 after 1 day of changing to hydroxurea I encountered 6 bouts of 'cardiac insufficiencies (heart attacks), damaged the heart, but because of my age (49), a stent was not recommended. So I had a single bypass done this past August. My cardiologist insist that it's my platelets, whereas my hemotologist insist that there was existing damage in the heart area. I don't have cholosteral, blood pressure, no smoking, or drinking, diabetic, or other heart problems. So I was and still angry t

Headaches,nausea, vomiting for first 2 weeks then gone

AGRYLIN (ANAGRELIDE HYDROCHLORIDE): Anagrelide is used to treat a certain blood disorder (thrombocythemia), which is caused by your bone marrow making too many platelets. Platelets are a blood cell that the body uses to form blood clots. Too many platelets can cause problems with your circulation, including unwanted blood clots and bleeding problems. This drug reduces the number of platelets in the bloodstream by blocking their production. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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avoid infection post oral surgery

lower sex drive, but you have to expect that with ssri's. Only been taking it for 8 days, so I think the sex drive will come back eventually

Bad headaches I just couldn’t shift, cant sleep but really really tired. Very depressed, mood swings, paranoia almost feel schizophrenic trying to reason with myself regarding the absurd emotions going through me. Haven’t lost my appetite at all but have had Diarrhoea and really bad craps due I think to wind. Metallic taste has been constant but I can put up with that the other stuff is getting me down.Positive side I no its not for long. Advise those close to you what’s happening and how your feeling their understanding makes it easier to deal with. I wouldn’t want to take this drug again if there was something else.

Relieved pain very well. However, the side effects are a great concern

After 4 months of taking this poison called Boniva, I found myself with extremely weakened legs. I could barely walk! I needed a cane to get around. My doctor (they are all so pompous) kept telling me it wasn't due to Boniva. I stopped taking it. Guess what? Within a month or so I was back to being able to walk, ditched the cane, etc. It WAS the Boniva! I have read others who experienced similar problems. This poison should be banned! Sally Field can stick her Boniva you know where! The ads, pamphlets and on-air advertising do not tell you NEARLY all the side effects this poison can give you. I will NOT take it again!

I inject in thigh. Eat small amounts, 3 meals a day. I've lost 12lbs in 10 days. So pretty happy blood sugars are coming down too.

Meibomiam Gland Dysfunction Extreme