Venclexta (venetoclax) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Venclexta (venetoclax)

These doses are ramped up each week, the first day I was on the 400 mg I had violent vomiting. You have to take it with a higher fat meal, which I do, but even some days, it still makes me really sick at my stomach. I think it also makes me tired and causes a cough and some sinus problems.

I am only supposed to be on it for one more year, it's a two-year protocol, they also usually give it with gazayva which I refused to take

VENCLEXTA (VENETOCLAX): This medication is used to treat certain types of cancer (chronic lymphocytic leukemia-CLL, small lymphocytic lymphoma-SLL, acute myeloid leukemia-AML). Venetoclax is a chemotherapy drug that works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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None. Took at bedtime and haven't noticed anything.

A bit loopy. No, actually quite high the first dose out of each bottle or when I hadn't taken it in awhile. Sometimes I get a a little nauseous as with many narcotics. This being a nasal spray, you get a very nasty bitter taste when it starts to go down the back if your throat. A little drowsiness.

I started out very slow with this medicine. I had bad experiences in the past with other meds, so i wanted to start at a low dosage and move up slowly. I started at 1/4 of the 150, and moved up by 1/4 about every four days. After about a month now, I am at 275mg. My side effects have definitely faded. I experience occasional irritability. My appetite has remained smaller, and I've lost about 6-8lbs. I am already feeling better. More motivated, more energy, generally happy and satisfied. I would like to see more improvements though on my social anxiety. But, so far, I am very satisfied!

The very first week or two I took loestrin I had some side effects. Random cramps and really long periods. I also felt really tired all of the time but I blamed it on my very active and stressful lifestyle. I knew there would probably be side effects for the first 2-3 weeks just because my body needed to get used to it. The cramping stopped after 2 weeks but I noticed that all of the sudden my view on life was very negative. I've always been known for my bubbly and happy personlaity. I am an optimist by nature. Over the past 2 months, I began to hate my job, my school, the people I hung out with and on top of that felt extremely depressed all of the time. I once again blamed it on stress. Maybe I had finally hit the breaking point of what I could handle mentally and physically. I work 40 hrs a wk plus full time job and other activities. Well, let's just say the last 2 months have been close to the worst ever in my life. Everyone I've talked to swears that bc should not have such a toll on you. Whether or not it should. I have no idea. But I do know that the very next day after I stopped taking the loestrin. I was able to function again. I would never reccomend this to anyone.

Terrible, debilitating side effects. Doctors act like they've never heard of them. Teeth chills, pressure in brain, dizziness, nausea. Interested in getting a petition started about dangers of this drug.