Velban (vinblastine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Velban (vinblastine sulfate)

Tiredness,irritability, listlessness, neutropenia

A mild chemotherapy, it did not hurt too much.Not sure if it has had any effect. We have stopped now and are trying alternate therapies only. Stay tuned.

VELBAN (VINBLASTINE SULFATE): Vinblastine is used to treat cancer. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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The brand name Wellbutrin XL is amazing. I have been depressed my whole life and it kept getting worse where I found myself ordering insulin vials online so I can inject myself with an overdose and die from hypoglycemia. I rushed to the doctors as my last hope because abusing illicit drugs only gave temporary relief, I got Wellbutrin (I like that it deals with dopamine and I believe I have problems with that neurotransmitter). I have NO suicidal ideation. I still get sad but I don't get thrown into a tail spin. I am stable. Love this drug. I no longer drink or use illicit drugs to quiet my mind because my mind is calm for once in my life.

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