Taxotere (docetaxel) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Taxotere (docetaxel)

aching joints, muscles. Bad taste in mouth. Haemorrhoids. Sore genitals. Chemo fog. No energy. Affects eyes. Hands and feet are sore and tingly with fingers having no grip!

palmer-planter erythrodysesthesia producing sever skin peeling on fingers. Tearing in eyes, extreme outside. IBS type symptoms, consipation, bloating, taste change, mucus changes in all mucus areas.

Was warned about numbness which I haven't had yet but not about the palmer-planter peeling symptoms which produce very sore fingers prior to peeling which make it impossible to care for oneself for a couple of days. Starting second 3 week cycle with steroid cream for hands. If this doesn't stop sever symptoms in hands will have to stop treatment and move to taxol.

During treatments, body aches, chemo brain, neuropathy, chemically induced menopause were the worst ones. Many minor ones: loss of taste, all day tearing and runny nose, hair loss. Permanent side effects: neuropathy, infertility, chemo brain

Two years ago I began a regimen of six treatments, three weeks apart. The significant decrease of quality of life from these long term side effects and the inability to function are dehabilitating.

Felt like I was dying on day 3.5 to 14 after the first three-weekly dose. Nausea/Vomiting/Bone pain/Bloating/Constipation etc due to all the drugs to control the side effects. Not worth living like this

Switched to weekly Taxol after one dose of TaxotereI hear many oncologists don't use taxotere

metastatic breast cancer - bone

Drastically thinning hair, nasal congestion, nosebleeds, nose scabs, cracked corners of the mouth, tearing eyes, dry mouth. Affects any mucus membranes and has caused hemorrhoids, bladder infection, outer vaginal discomfort (redness and itching), rectal itching.

I have had 13 weekly IV treatments of Taxotere with 5 weeks to go (there are 2 weeks off after every 6 weeks of treatment). Since beginning treatment in Nov. 2006 there has been noticeable improvement in the breast and underarm area where the cancer quickly returned after a lumpectomy in March 2006.

metastatic breast cancer ( bone&liv

I'm still on the drug,Taxotere, which I receive intravenously on a weekly basis. So far I've had 20 treatments. The drug was/is well tolerated,however I'm starting to notice my hair thinning now. Also my fingernails are discolored and soft. I've been more fatigued lately as well.

TAXOTERE (DOCETAXEL): This medication is used to treat cancer (such as breast, lung, prostate, stomach, and head/neck cancer). Docetaxel is a member of a family of drugs called taxanes. This drug works by slowing cell growth. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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