Tarceva (erlotinib hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tarceva (erlotinib hydrochloride)

diarrhea,long eyelashes, facial hair, sores on toes and fingers

Risk/benefit clearly shows me that Tarceva is worth the side effects I've had. I take Lomotil as needed for the diarrhea (usually a couple of times a week). I have the facial hair waxed and the beautician trims my lashes so they don't stick together. I have Clindamycin ointment for the sores on my toes and fingers as needed.

TARCEVA (ERLOTINIB HYDROCHLORIDE): Erlotinib is used to treat lung and pancreatic cancer. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I have taken this from time to time and based on how bad the YI was, it would help or not help.To those suffering with chronic YI's - after my 3rd time to the GYN - I have finally convinced them I needed longterm treatment with this drug. If you are for some reason NOT aware of all the natural remedies you need to be doing... google them. You better be eating your daily yogurt, taking probiotics, wearing cotton underwear, using plain non-scented soaps etc before you even try to convince them to treat you longterm. Only after you've been doing these for a long time, and with a postitive yeast culture, will they consider this treatment.Good luck everyone.

I started using this product 2 months after giving birth. I had lost most of my weight from giving birth & breast feeding. I started this shot and I kept gaining weight from then on. I took this shot 2 more times and stopped in january. It is now october, i still have not got a period or have stopped gaining weight. I was always a small person up until using this drug. Then moodiness was just terrible. I thought is was the breast feeding, but i still get extremely moody. I was never this moody in my life! I would not recommend this to anyone! I have told all my friends not to take this, now after having their children... they're all skinny!

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