Sandostatin (octreotide acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sandostatin (octreotide acetate)

At the beginning was lots of diarrhea but now it's just loose stools. But now it's lots of gas, bloating and weight loss. These days get tired quick.

Tiredness, increase need for sweets, pain and swelling at injection sites

Prescribed for acute diarhea, 20 times a day, did have 5 bm's during that time that some consistency but then it quit working. On to Imuran now!

Carcinoid & Carcinoid Syndrome

gallbladder had to be removed due to 200 gallstones w/in 60 days of starting drug, thyroid problems requiring treatment, pain in limbs and internal spasms of blood vessel

This drug has kept me alive and functioning, but it has not been a "free pass" for me. I had to have my gallbladder removed within 60 days of starting and have had a lot of pain in my arms and legs. Severe. It feels like a crushing pain. Thankfully, it has not been constant, but has required treatment at times. Don't understand what it is. Also, severe thyroid problems and gained lots of weight.THE GOOD PART: my blood sugar is under control, the diarrhea and vomiting from the hormones the tumor secretes and the breathing problems are much better.The flushing totally stopped for many years. The medication has protected me prior to surgery and rescued me when things were not going well in the ER. These problems were keeping me confined to home and making my life a living torture. Also, I have not had the terrible spread of tumor that some with this diagnosis have had. I have been blessed that my docs were aggressive with starting this right away and kept the dose up

SANDOSTATIN (OCTREOTIDE ACETATE): Octreotide is used to treat severe watery diarrhea and sudden reddening of the face and neck caused by certain types of tumors (e.g., carcinoid tumors, vasoactive intestinal peptide tumors) that are found usually in the intestines and pancreas. The symptoms occur when these tumors make too much of certain natural substances (hormones). This medication works by blocking the production of these hormones. By decreasing watery diarrhea, octreotide helps to reduce the loss of body fluids and minerals. Octreotide is also used to treat a certain condition (acromegaly) that occurs when the body makes too much of a certain natural substance called growth hormone. Treating acromegaly helps reduce the risk of serious problems such as diabetes and heart disease. Octreotide works by decreasing the amount of growth hormone to normal levels. This drug is not a cure for these conditions. This medication is usually used with other treatment (e.g., surgery, radiation, other drugs). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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At first the nuvaring was great, I began taking it because I was bad at taking the pill on time. But 6-7 months after taking it I began to not have any interest in having sex. It would hurt when we attempted to have sex, kind of like a raw, burning, internal feeling. Also, it would scrath my boyfriends penis and would leave little bumps. I HATE NUVARING.

don't consent to this drug with an unsupervised CRNA

Insomnia, weight gain, bloating and gas, hair thinning, developing insulin resistance/elevated blood sugars, hypertension, loss of interest in sex

One dose can totally wreck you life!!! OMG this stuff is DANGEROUS!I took the pill last night and 18 hrs later, still feel like a drank a pot of black coffee along with 3 shots of vodka. Every muscle in my body is twitching, my heart is racing, since an hour after I took this pill. I thought it would wear off by now, but NO!! Don't even take ONE PILL!

When the pharmacy recently switched my prescription over from brand name to generic types such as Tri-Previfem and Tri Sprintec I started experiencing a relapse. I suddenly feel insecure because my face has broken out. I feel like I am 14 again... this is terrible. I am putting this med to a halt and waiting to start on brand name once again.

Effective in reducing Blood Pressure to 120 over 80; heart and sugar are fine, but interferred with kidney function to eliminate uric acid - resulting in gout. Much better than Micardis so I will return with lifestyle changes to avoid the gout.

Had been on Raptiva for 2 yr.with some improvement.Started Humira 6 weeks ago and until last week would have given it a 5.Little red spots started appearing all over my arm. It almost looked like measles and has now spread to my other arm and my legs.