Purinethol (mercaptopurine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Purinethol (mercaptopurine)

I'm no longer taking this medication. Unfortunately this medication became ineffective after a year and a half. I would have kept taking it because it's the only medication that's worked without terrible side effects and I was healthier than I've been in years.

Fatigue, dry skin & hair, low immunesystem, catching a lot of colds...

It helped me get off the steroids and the side effects in comparison are not as bad, so I have been taking it for a couple of years now and I hope it'll stay as effective as it is now. I took it through the pregnancy and breastfeeding (after talking to my doctors of course). It is a powerful drug that Comes with side effects, as always one has to look at the outcome in comparison; for me it is fine at the Moment.

hair loss at beginning, colds etc. subsided over time.

This drug was the only thing that helped me get off Prednisone. I was diagnosed with Crohns in 1999 and tried asocial without any benefit. Went on steroids (prednisone) but couldn't wean off without flaring back up with diarrhea. Docs at Mayo Clinic put me on 6-MP and tapered me off prednisone successfully. I have increased my dose in the past 2 years to 100 mg daily. I have had three healthy children and breastfed ALL of them successfully and safely. (1-3 years in length) Now I have to switch to Humira because of a new diagnosis of Ankylosing Spondylitis. Scared to start Humira because 6MP was so great for me. Remission for 15 plus years. Please email me if you have questions about starting this drug. Do not be scared. Its been around for a long time and well tested and trusted by docs.

Bruising easily weight gain hair loss itching sleeplessness brittle nails

Seems to be helping with Crohn's disease though together with humira

Hair loss, stomach cramps and diahrea in morning, bruise easily, very tired, got cold/virus after two weeks of taking It- won't go away and is lingering, bitchy, depressed.

Urgently waiting remicade treatment,Hoping for relief soon

Hair loss, fatigue, low immune system, easy to catch colds and other illnesses.

Been taking Purinethol for 10 years. When I compare the pain I was in before starting this medication, I would do it all over again. It has helped tremendously. I am currently coming off the drug since Purinethol isn't meant to be taken on a long term basis due to developing certain cancers. I have been blessed with two beautiful children while my disease was stabilized. I was unable to breastfeed because of the drug. Overall, my experience was good!

Higher dose of 75, then 50 mg gave me a rash. 25 mg daily has settled it. I feel like I have a totally different body since I have been on 6mp. I feel it's slowly killing me. However I'm too scared to stop it. 4 re sections over 42 years and many drugs and therapies inbetween. My joints are stiff and im constantly fatigued. I've gained 8 kg and my hair is very thin BUT I am alive and doing better than I have been for years. I'll keep taking it.

Very slight nausea/loss of appetite. Easy bruising some hair loss.

Compared to my severe symptoms of UC this has been the only drug that has helped (apart from prednisone) and made life liveable again. The slight side effects are entirely bearable. I have only been on for 2 months, but symptoms keep improving!

Very red, dry and bumpy skin which is itchy and crawly. Tired all the time. Weight gain 10kg and emotional ups and downs.

No more stomach pains and urgency and anxiety. I can go out with out worrying about where the closest toilet is. Quality of life is so much better. I would rather have bad skin then constant pain anyday.

Hair loss, slight weight gain, weak bones and joints, fatigue, pimples

autoimmnue hepetitis attacked liver

Extreme pain in legs, extreme hair loss this time, nausea, aching joints, knee pain while sleeping, weight gain

Very dry skin, red pin point spots and skin growths

Fatigue, nausea, hard time breathing at times and loss of appetite

I will be taking it for 3 weeks at 50mg and then going up slowly to 4 pills a day.. not looking forward to it. I had crohn's for 10 years now, and nothing seemed to help so they suggested I take this medication. I was told that the side effects go away after three months. Hopefully they do, because I do not want to be like this forever!

low energy, nausia, loss 3kg, sudden sleepy after food

I wonder if anybody has tried alternative treatments (e.g. homeopathy) for UC?

First time around I was on it for a few months-Oral lesions, head sores, nausea, achy, tired, lethargic, hair loss alot, had trouble getting out of bed and doing normal things. This time around I have hair loss, constant migrane, unbelievable stomach pain.

I hate being on it and want to cry when I have to take my pills. I take 100mg a day and I just want to be better and get off it:)

brain fog, weakened immune system

Non that I have noticed, apart from weight gain. but thats a good thing.

I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2007. I have been on many different drugs for it. At one point I had to take 9 pills a day for the first year which worked for a while, but eventually my body became immune to those drugs, so in the end it did not help. After walking for almost 2 years with bloody washroom sessions (sorry) and constant pain, trips to the washroom and losing about 25 lbs, my Dr. finaly did some more testing and put me on Pretnison together with Purinethol. After 8 weeks I was off of the Pretnison and have been on Purinethol ever since. Even though I know I'm not cured, I sure do feel that way, no side effects, my blood and liver looks good and I can live a normal life again. In the last 5 months alone I've gained back my 25 lbs plus an extra 10 lbs on top of that. I feel great apart from the occasional fatigue, work out at the gym with no issues, and as a musician am able to perform without any flare ups right before the shows. Sorry to hear about the others who have issues with this drug, but I find it a miracle drug!

very fatigued, dizzy, trouble sleeping, poor appetite, and some nausea.

I've had Crohn's disease for over 20 years and was in remission for 15 until 2 years ago, due to stressful situations in my life. I just worked up to 75mg a day and have noticed that I have less energy then ever before. I noticed my platelet count is costantly rising. I'm not sure what that means, I will have to discuss this with my Dr, I suppose. I've taken the next 5-6 months off work, as I'm too tired and keep catching colds etc.. As a nurse, working with the homeless, I'm constantly exposes to various illnesses. All I can say is I hope this works!

always felt tired, small cuts became infected, nasty cold all winter long. after 8 years, came down with PCP pneumonia, lost 1/3 of my lung capacity. no longer take anything for Crohn's.

If you take it, make sure your doctor is testing your blood regularly

PURINETHOL (MERCAPTOPURINE): This medication is used with other drugs to treat a certain type of cancer (acute lymphocytic leukemia). It is a chemotherapy drug that works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. Talk to the doctor about the risks and benefits of mercaptopurine, especially when used in children and young adults. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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THANK YOU ALL FOR SHARING THIS. If i did not find this website and saw your comments on this metronidazole, i thought i was going mad. I could not figure out what was going on and/or wrong with me. I am stopping the treatment right now. Hopefully the symthoms will go away quickly.

Pain in knee, clicking of knee, pain in ankles, hips, have been going on for 2 months now. Can't sleep, have problems sitting down and getting up, doing my work (I am a pre-school teacher)

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