Paraplatin (carboplatin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Paraplatin (carboplatin)

Weight and hair loss along with bone pain and nausea.

Took every 3 week for 4months. In remission with NED.

PARAPLATIN (CARBOPLATIN): Carboplatin is used to treat various types of cancer. It is a chemotherapy drug that contains platinum. It is used alone or in combination with other medications to slow or stop cancer cell growth. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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POISON !!!! I was taking levothyroxine in dose 50mg five days in a week and 75mg rest two days, it was ok ok on the beginning got moody and more crying, started arguments from nowhere and around year after I went to ER with first panick attack and blood pressure 200/101, then again and again, any doctor said said that's side effects of levothyroxine, just put me on antidepressants and therapy, antidepressants made me worse plus still levothyroxine was doing its evilness. I did research about side effects and I have all of them. I stopped this poison as same as all antidepressants and beta blockers which I got, I started Ayurvedic treatment and yoga, I'm going absolutely naturally now. Levothyroxine takes 4 week to leave Ur body completely, so some side effects still I feel but it's not that big and I can manage it. Hopefully all will clear after my body will completely get rid of this absolutely terrible drug. It makes more harms than help. I was ok before I started to taking it, just more tired with low energy but that was it. It turned me into so psycho - maniac, horrible !!!!!

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This drug worked wonders for my severe sinus infection, which other antibiotic failed to cure. I felt much better even after a couple of hours after taking it. It also cured my chronic rhinitis which I had for 10 years. However after I read other patients comments about some extremely severe reactions to quinolones (including disability) I will hesitate to take this drug again.

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I work in a hospital and cannot believe physicians prescribe this medication to patients and not mention these POSSIBLE side effects. I thought when having the (less severe) side effects it was from not smoking and loosing my pet of 16 years. When the more serious things started to happen a friend found this website. Thank GOD!!! This drug may help some but it can be very dangerous. It has been 75 days since I've had a cigarette but I don't think it had anything to do with Zyban. I am still on the patches and have the gum. I do not recommend this drug without a lengthy discussion with the doctor. Also, GRADUALLY stop this medicine.

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