Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate)

NOLVADEX (TAMOXIFEN CITRATE): Tamoxifen is used to treat breast cancer. It is also used to reduce the chances of breast cancer in high-risk patients. This medication can block the growth of breast cancer. It works by interfering with the effects of estrogen in the breast tissue. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Didnt look into this until pains startedIm so worried as to what will happen next??

very addictive, slight sickness, euphoria, aggression, itching

So far, this has not regulated my cycle at all. This was my last ditch effort to get this under control, I have been battling with AUB for years. Had a D&C in March, Mirena (which wasn't helpful), then tried Micronor, and finally Provera. Apparently my body is not reactive to the synthetic progestin. So, it looks like I am hysterectomy bound. The side effects from this medication are horrible for me - the cramps are more comparable to contractions during labor. Worst cramps I have ever had.

It's great!!!! My skin is glowing, and any little blemishes I had are now gone.

intense depression, weight gain, decreased sex drive,gas,nausea, etc.

Love this pill. I was experiencing migraines 15 plus days a month due to decreasing estrogen levels. This pill has eliminated the migraines completely and has boosted my sex drive. I have gained about 10 lbs on this pill but well worth it.

nausea, and a very bad 3 day migraine while taking the medication, and now 4 days post med I still have trouble focusing and am nauseated. I guess the good thing is I am ovulating !!

severe drug hangover the entire next day; took an additional day to wear off completely.

After reading some of the comments on this drug, I worried that I too would get a horrible rash and end up in the ER for other side effects. However, the only side effect I had was fatigue, which could also have been due to my double infection. Like others have said, this is definitely one of those "hit and miss" drugs that either works for you or doesn't. After a 24 hour period, my infection symptoms began diminishing drastically. I completed treatment with no other effects from Bactrim. Wonderful antibiotic, if you're not allergic to sulfa drugs!

After 2 weeks of use, began to have horrible migraine headaches daily. I will not use this nasal spray again.