Lupron depot (leuprolide acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lupron depot (leuprolide acetate)

Seizures, migraines, psychosis, paranoia, extreme pain in muscles and in my head, extramarital fatigue, black outs, fainting and dizzy spells, severe panic attacks, flashbacks, intense fear and sense of imminent doom

I would rather be murdered than have another injection.

Hot flashes - Only lasted for about a minute but often had multiple per day. They were bearable. Occasional headaches in days following each injection. Gained approximately 15 pounds over the 6 months. Had some sleeplessness in the first months but that went away around month 3. Minor forgetfulness.

I didn't mind being on Lupron. Some forums scared me but I did it anyway. The injections were once a month and the month following the first injection I had absolutely no cycle, not even spotting. That was nice. It seems to have cleared up the endo from my lack of pain. Doc also did an HSG (hysterosalpingogram) and my tubes and uterus looked clear. Not sure if it has repaired the fertility issue yet but the side effects were bearable in comparison to the pain I was in from my endo and cyst that had formed.

"infertility due to endometriosis"

bone pain, nausea, anemia, insomnia, fever, vertigo, cervical cancer, joint pain, disc degeneration, weakened teeth (pain), hair loss, tenosynivitis, etc, etc. PTSD from "Lupron", additional PTSD from "medical mismanagement".

Not "medicine" but "poison" One of two prescription receipts lists: 4 x 5 MG/ML vials (added to one or two vials received prior) for DAILY injections, (deliberately), in early December 1989...........12/89: prescribed for six months though soon traveling and absent from medical care. (Quit at 4.5 months.) Apparently fabricated into a clinical trial (according to Health Canada's 1999 report of the drug's accessibility then). I was not ill nor complaining of any symptoms, but only wanted information about IVF prior to extended travels about to deliver me, months later, to country life 3000 miles away. The physician worked hard over the course of an hour to persuade us...........In 1997, I was told, yet again, that I needed surgery for mysterious sumptoms, again run amok in my body. I ended up typing "Luperon" into a computer for the first time. To my shock, up popped the "National Lupron Victims Network" (NLVN) being, then, my very first source of authentic information about Lupron. I became an anti-Lupron activist, then the only one in Canada, until the powers that be made that unsafe and I vanished from sight to protect my loved ones and myself, 2000-2016, as did NLVN Founder Linda Abend, DDS, (vanishing a few weeks after I did)...... I return now, thinking enough time had passed to find some authentic security again, only to be met with the shocks of the following... A) Despite my case having revealed clinical trial

I took Lupron only once and it completely destroyed my abdominal wall. The injury is irreversible and not covered by insurance, but I have had two major surgeries at my own expense to get some improvement. Lupron doesn't cure any condition or illness and there are victims groups all over the internet. This drug should never be prescribed.

Be advised that Lupron is NOT FDA approved for fertility treatments and completely unnecessary. It increases the dangers and drives up the costs.

LUPRON DEPOT (LEUPROLIDE ACETATE): Leuprolide is used to treat advanced prostate cancer in men. It is not a cure. Most types of prostate cancer need the male hormone testosterone to grow and spread. Leuprolide works by reducing the amount of testosterone that the body makes. This helps slow or stop the growth of cancer cells and helps relieve symptoms such as painful/difficult urination. Talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of treatment. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

My cardiologist suggested this medication to reduce LDL and increase HDL. It has worked for the LDL, reducing it from 125 to 90 mg/dl. The HDL has stayed the same at 45 mg/dl. Also this drug is not on my insurance formulary, so not sure if I need it, A normal statin alone might do the same thing, and be a whole lot cheaper.

Will never take again, did this ever happen to anyone?

i am tired all the time having really bad cramps in my lower stomach and my back VERY depressed

Fever, chills, severe headache, severe body aches. Tightness in chest, loss of breath, shortness of breath. Waking up at night unable to breath! Feeling of exhaustion, lethargic, constantly thirsty. UTI symptoms are clearing up, however the side effects are worse than the UTI was! This is the second time in 2 months that I have been on this medication. The first time (100mg x 2 daily for 5 days) was fine. No side effects, maybe a headache. This time around, I have such a hard time breathing! I'm so tired and cough frequently. My head hurts so badly, my entire body hurts so badly! I called my Physician the day after the medication was prescribed and I reported my symptoms and my fever of 100.7. They told me to continue taking the medication and that it was appropriate treatment for my UTI. I think they may have thought I was complaining that my UTI hadn't cleared by then?? My UTI symptoms were nothing compared to the side effects of this medication!

Glad I found this site the day before my prep, Helpful to read others' experiences. Here's mine:Procedure to be done Tues 1:30pm. Followed optional dosage schedule of Dose #1 from 3-5pm and Dose #2 from -10pm Mon night.Two Dulcolax at 9am as directed. At 3pm, just as I was prepared to do the first dose of Golytely, the Dulcolax did its work!Was prepared to be disgusted by the Golytely taste, but found it to be tolerable. Had added half-packet of Wylie's Lite to each. Because the taste was tolerable, I drank it in 16oz portions, 15 minutes apart. About 4:30, it began working.Stayed in the bathroom with laptop, book, phone, baby wipes and a cream petroleum jelly. Had can of Squirt to swig after each dose. I passed mostly watery (first murky, then increasingly clear) stuff. Basically finished at about 7:30.Had canned chicken broth for "dinner." Resumed prep with Dose #2 at 8pm. Ditto Dose #1 experience, but was almost all clear. By 11:00pm I called it finished.Wasn't my fave night-time fun, but worth it as a check against colon cancer.

This drug did absolutely nothing except turn me into a fat cow! Useless. They should give it to anorexics.

after only 30 days, I've noticed a small bit of clear toenail growth. This after 20 years of yellow. Seems to be working

Unless you suffer from extreme panic attacks every day, this should never be taken daily. I take it twice a week. I tried going off of it after 6 months to see if I could & I was able to go without it for a month. I carry the bottle in my purse & that alone makes me feel better. Do NOT take this whenever you feel like it. Take it only when you feel like you'll have an anxiety attack without it. This is not a long-term medication. After getting on an anti-depressant, I found I take Klonopin much less often. I recommend it if you have self-control & have been educated on its SHORT-term purpose.

After the first dose with a moderately sized meal, quite nauseous and and drowsy within an hour; had to lay down and ended up sleeping for about 2 hours; woke up with mild lightheaded feeling. 2nd dose was in the evening before bed, so I think I likely slept through any side effects. Worked great for the gout pain in the morning of the next day (took pain from about a 7/10 to a 2/10) and so I didn't take any more doses on the 2nd day; though had a mild intermittent tingling feeling in limbs throughout the day. 3rd day morning, pain had gone back up to about a 4/10, so took another dose with breakfast cereal (light meal) and went into work. About 1.5 hours later, became quite dizzy, drowsy, diarrhea, anxious; decided to leave work and drive home when I probably shouldn't have. Upon getting home, fell asleep on the couch for about an hour to sleep off the feelings; woke up feeling groggy.

Itchy scalp, face, and pretty much my whole body. My throat also started to close. Hives. Nausea. Weakness. Headache.