Lupron depot-ped (leuprolide acetate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Lupron depot-ped (leuprolide acetate)

EXTREME FATIGUE! NO SEX DRIVE!!! MIGRAINES!!!! VERY IRRITABLE, SOMETIMES SLOW AND GARGLED SPEECH. I AM HALF WAY THROUGH, AND I CANNOT WAIT TO BE DONE WITH THIS. The only reason I continue to take the injections is b/c I really want to have a baby and I want my endo to be cleared up. I am getting married in October and hankfully I have a VERY understanding fiance'! I just know that I will be fertile after the shots are over with and ready to have a child. This is my only hope! This is the ONLY reason i continue to endure the miserable side effects. Well, It's almost over! I pray everyday!

Horrible hot flashes, severe headaches, trouble sleeping, depression and anxiety, weight gain, no sex drive.

During the three months I was on Lupron I experienced horrible side affects. The doctor told me they would significantly improve after the first month, however after three months things were still very bad. The effects of Lupron made it very hard for me to get through everyday activities. Rather then forgoing the full 6 months of the drug that was suggested by my doctor, I ended my treatment at 3. I still have pain from the endometriosis but I would much rather deal with that as opposed to still be experiencing the side effects of Lupron.

For the first two weeks or so, I felt more tired than usual. I had dizzy spells after the first shot, but none with the second. Overall, the side effects were not severe.

hot flashes after 4 months or120 days.

LUPRON DEPOT-PED (LEUPROLIDE ACETATE): Leuprolide is used to stop early puberty (precocious puberty) in children. It helps to delay sexual development (such as growth of the breasts/testicles) and the start of menstrual periods. It also helps slow down early bone growth to increase the likelihood of reaching normal adult height. Leuprolide works by decreasing the amount of sex hormones that a child's body makes (estrogen in girls, testosterone in boys). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Birth Control and to clear Skin

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