Hydrea (hydroxyurea) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydrea (hydroxyurea)

I'm no longer taking this medication.

Diarrhea, constipation, headaces,back, ribs legs hurt all the time.itchy skin, dry skin, hair falling out, tired all the time. Can't hardly walk. Skin is thin n bruse easy n have dark spots. But I'm thankful to still be alive.

Platelets very high while I'm taking this medicine for long time

Can stop it without going hospital?

Sweats, hands hot all the time. Nausea Diarrhea, joint pain knees,back, ribs ,sides. Yuky feeling.

Having the poops all the time. I tired.

Extreme fatigue more than before night sweats worse platelets hovering above 400 were up to mid 600's but I now have high MCV and MCH struggling with breathlessness. Pale skin cold hands feet

Back n sides hurt. Get out of breath just doing anything.legs hurt feel awful.

I've been on hydrea 6 years now I'm paying for it. The pain n can't breathe is the worst. Prayers for everyone that has to take hydrea n has problems.

Excessive sweating day n night n headache

Fatigue in the afternoon, Nausea in the morning, low number of white blood cells, sometimes Diarrhea, loss of energy, brain fog

Its the best drug for sickle cell disease so far, but i have a big problem with the side effects (weight loss, less energie). I wish there will be a better treatment soon.

Fatigue and excessive sweating. When my dose is increased, my red blood count goes down. My mom had this for her last 18 years and did have to receive blood later in life. She never became discouraged and never knew that I had it. I too feel fortunate that hydrea is doing what it's supposed to do. Taking 1 in the morning and other, or others at night helps me with the fatigue problem.

At this point, it's the best option for me. Without taking it my platelet count was going up 25 per month. When I went down to 1000 mg, my count went back up to 800. I went back to 1500 mg two days a week and 1000 five days per week. I'd say it's kind of a balancing act. Splitting the dosage has helped me.

Stomach cramping constipated diarrhea itchy skin. Headaches

Been having day and night sweats severeNow developing headachesDr. told me to take low dose aspirin and that made me bleed more when I cut my self by mistake. Been to 2 oncologistsWill probably stop taking it. Cant take sweats and fatigue anymore. Afraid of leukemia and life expectancy on drug. Going to dr next week. There has to be another way. Hope this helps someone else. Was taking 2 500 mg a day. Cut to one ever other day still not gettong reliefPlatelets are 620 last bloid test. Do these drs know what they are doing.

It's a chemo drug but it's better than having stroke or blood clots. My dad always said someone greater than us determines when you die .so enjoy every day you are living

Mouth sores occasionally, hair loss, face rash with scaly patches

Tired,loss of energy in afternoon. Lower leg pain. Had to stop for 3 months got ulcers on my ankle bones, very painfull. Loss of hair, dizzy spells. Short term memory affected and foggy brain.

Tried Anagrelide got huge headaches. Was offered Interferon but my brother was extremely sick from it so I refused.

Skin and joint pain,lower platelets,extreme fatigue, brain fog,

Always had beautiful, thick hair....... lots of hair loss....however, grateful that this med keeps the number of Phlebotomies minimal

Been taking this medication for about 30 days platelet count went down but have bouts of extreme fatigue and sore bones and leg muscles both of my lower leg and top leg trying to lower my dosage from one a day to 5 a week but I have to find out when and what days I take it

Sweating, fuzzy thinking, fatigue

HYDREA (HYDROXYUREA): This medication is used by people with sickle cell anemia to reduce the number of painful crises caused by the disease and to reduce the need for blood transfusions. Some brands are also used to treat certain types of cancer (such as chronic myelogenous leukemia, squamous cell carcinomas). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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It seems to work great just my skin itches on hands legs arms differnt places it looks like hives or small blisters but they itch so much sometimes I scratch until I break the skin.

Daily mild headaches, feels like there is fluid in my head, legs and feet feel heavy and ache

Extreme shortness of breath. Sometimes difficulty having a conversation, nosebleeds, coughing up blood in sputum.ANXIETY - PANIC

i was only on Tri-cyclen for 3 weeks and by the time i got to the 3rd week i had all thses side effects I was taking breathing attacks, headaches at work, dizzines, sick feeling, fever,breast pain, nausea and worst of all bad pain behind my eyes!! I went to work one day and i was fine and the next thing i knew i couldn't see!! i could only see bright colors. i was taken to the Hospital and after 2 hours i regained my sight!!! the strongest eeffects were always within an hour from when i took the pill!! everyone is effected differently but i know i will no longer be taking the pill!!!

As if I was undergoing menopause: night sweats & sleep interruptions, hot flashes, irritability, and chronic headaches.

Flatulence, vivid dreams, and it took longer to reach orgasm

Miralax is a miracle for me!! I've tried Zelnorm and liked it but my body got "used" and didn't work as well anymore it is off the market! I've tried Amitiza and that was horrible for me -I had insomia. With Miralax I go to the bathroom regularly now and have no side effects or pains. LOVE IT!!! :0)

No side effects so far!!! Really excited about this drug

I was at my wits end with my allergies when my allergist told me to start using Flonase. After the first dose I noticed I felt light headed and anxious and also got diarrhea pretty much immediately, but figured maybe it was just my anxiety kicking in for some reason. I took it again the next day to see what would happen and it got worse and I developed a twitch in my left eye. I took it a third time, doubting myself again that it was just the allergy meds, and got diarrhea within 90 seconds of taking the medication and my anxiety sky rocketed for literally days and my eye was spasming nearly all the time. I decided after that dose, I will never take it again. The anxiety and twitching has subsided for the most part but not entirely, and tomorrow will be 7 days since my last dose. You couldn’t pay me any amount of money to take Flonase again.

congestion, headaches, swollen