Hexalen (altretamine) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hexalen (altretamine)

Felt nauseous most mornings after taking first 2 capsules

Only took two rounds, total 224 capsules. Abdomen filled with ascites,(4 ltrs) doctor changed to another chemo

HEXALEN (ALTRETAMINE): This medication is used to treat cancer of the ovaries. It is a chemotherapy drug that works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

mild nausea, slight dizziness - what might be described as a "buzz", some trouble falling asleep, felt very twitchy and would wake up frequently during night.

It worked for a little while, but I had to keep upping the dose to keep on top of the pain. Ended up giving up when I was taking 1500mg a day and tried something else. The weight dropped off straight after I stopped taking it.

extreme fatique, lack of appetite(felt sick), depression

Vertigo, increased energy and motivation, fuzziness, loss of memory

it has truly saved my life! no i never have experienced bad side effects..after it was my system a mnth or so i truly brgan to work on myself and recovery. it helped to clear my head and actually think. i give it a 2 thumbs up and would probably be dead if my family had not got me into the dr. i see

severe bone pain in my back and hips

I took this pill for the first time to help my BP of 140/100. I took it at night so I wouldn't feel or notice any side effects. I woke up up with a migraine (feels like I got hit with a bat on the back of my neck) at 5am and 12 hours later, my head and body are sore and I'm only able to move like a 90 year old (but I'm still young). I never get headaches, my eyes never hurt like this and this is the 4th prescription I try. Keep in mind I normally feel great and sleep fine. I exercise & eat right but high BP runs in the genes. There is no way, no how I would take this again just to feel like crap. Pharmaceutical companies are just putting out junk. Don't take this stuff if it makes you feel worse.

Brain fog. Shortness of breath. Extreme anxiety. Extreme dizziness. Always crying, depressed. Numbness in body. Chest pain. Blurred vision. Bronchitis. Ear popping

Extreme Mood Swings, anxiety, Depression, Weight Loss, Rage, uncontrollable angr, crying fits, loss of appetite, loss of libido and sex drive, Severe and more common headaches, blood clotting, trouble sleeping, body aches, dizziness and shaking, change in vision, naseaua and restlessness.

Problems can START once you STOP taking this drug! After finishing the drug, I now have terrible skin reactions to eating and washing the face: burning, stinging, redness, pain, inflammation, itching, hives. It is terrible. And my eyes are still super dry and hair loss.