Gemzar (gemcitabine hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gemzar (gemcitabine hydrochloride)

Extreme weight gain, nausea, weakness, extreme fatigue

Can burn upon administration. Not sure the side effects out weigh the benefits of the drug.

transitional cell cancer kidney

The usual from chemotherapy but most side-effects, except for hair loss, were curbed by Neulasta, Aranesp, Decadron, etc.

It was combined with taxol and carboplatin and knocked my cancer out in 2 months. And I had been diagosed as stage-4 with 6-9 months to live.

metastatic bc to lungs and liver

I have been on gemzar for 13 weeks now. My last ct showed significant improvement. Hoping this drug works for a very long time!!

flu-like symptoms, general weakness

flu-like symptoms, general weakness

tired, little nausea, possible headaches

good response from gemzar after two other chemos drugs didnt work on my second relapse

Side Effects forgemzar (gemcitabine hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

Birth Control/Switched from 1.5/30

I started out taking 500 mg per day for 1 week the Dr said on the 2nd week increase the dosage to 1000mg So I did no problem at all.Now 16 months later my body starting at the back of my head all the way to me feet is burning & itching like I am having a reaction to the medication.I went to taking 500 mg without the Dr telling me for 1 week and no problem at all.So this week I started back on the 1000mg and the same problem has started again.This is why I am here reading all the comments my body is on fire.I will go back to 500mg starting tomorrow.Thanks for all the comments.I dont have Insurance or the money to see my Dr so I will play Dr myself.

Wish doctors would be more open minded andunderstanding reference what patients experience with side effects from New drugs.


I am 32 and had myomectomy in order to preserve my Uterus, and was diagnosed of Endo aswell, I am on lupron since april till october, I have gained 9LBS, with Hot flashes 25 Hrs, bad mood swings, and still the doctor doesnt know if its has been eradicated or not. I guess this is the only best option to ssave my uterus.

Benefits:**Cancelled chronic depression** Strong vivid dreams (good for me) I'm now focused, disciplined, organized and taking care of myself physically (essential to long term management of my illness).Side effects:I may be having a slight problem with jumbled speech, but my thoughts are coherent, and I'm able to catch my mistakes and correct them (something you rarely do when in the grip of mania). Lamictal may also be causing me some insomnia, so I take the dose (500 mg) in the morning, and take a sleep aid at night.Possible interactions: Gabapenten tolerance excellent.Abilify caused extreme hypomania. I stopped Abilify after only one month.Seroquel (100-200mg) caused severe tardive kinesis, sluggish thought, impaired short term memory, and sleepiness.

Dramatic weight loss of 16kgs in the three months I have taken it (150mg a day). Also get lots of night sweats. My jaw is continually clenching. A lot of hair loss.

Changes to digestion that were unpleasant, but otherwise, none. My stomach issues seemed to be resolved after a year. Getting off of Nexium - now THAT's another story

Weight gain, dizziness, sweating, highly emotional (depression and suicidal thoughts), trouble concentrating (can't work), loss of muscle mass, sometimes excessive energy, heartburn

If I could I would have sueded the people invented this medicine. Seriously what is FDA thinking???? Wake up people!!