Eulexin (flutamide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Eulexin (flutamide)

EULEXIN (FLUTAMIDE): This medication is used to treat men with prostate cancer, and is used with other medications and sometimes with radiation treatments. Flutamide belongs to a class of drugs known as anti-androgens (anti-testosterone). Testosterone, a natural hormone, helps prostate cancer to grow and spread. Flutamide works by blocking the effects of testosterone, thereby slowing the growth and spread of prostate cancer. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Started out at 5mg for 4 days, then to 20 mg. Felt fine for first 2 weeks, however anger is back (not as severe). Will discuss this with Dr. and have dose changed. Other than that, I feel wonderful. I can handle most things that come my way, more energy, no sexual side effects. I will continue working with my Dr. to find the correct dose. Celexa is changing my live for the better.

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I was hospitalized for 5 days after my 1st flare up and was diagnosed with UC. I was running to the bathroom 20-30 X's a day for almost 2 months before seeking help. I now take Asacol daily. I weened myself off of taking 2 pills 3 times a day down to only taking 2 pills 2 times a day. I'm going to go down to 3 pills total a day and see how my UC reacts. I eventually want to be off of the medication. It has created embarrassment in my life that I would like to go away. Severe acne being one of them. I now have to see a dermatologist and take an acne medication once a day with headaches as a side effect as well. I have had weight gain and none of my clothes fit now. I'm frustrated and ready for a change! I'm going to try the Kefir probotic drink by Lifeway mentioned in another story below. Thanks for the suggestion.

crippling depression with overwhelming suicidal thoughts -- resulting in a suicidal attempt. Now on anti-depressant and bp and diabetes are stable also.

Always have done breakouts (acne), no cramps anymore (yeah!) and lighter periods (no anemia, yeah!). Just don't ever get the generic!

I had pretty bad cramping all throughout the treatment but got worse towards day 3, on about day 2 or 3 I started having very weird chunky cottage cheese discharge like you would in a yeast infection then it turned out to have chunks of dark brown/red and now today on day 5 it's huge chunks of red chunky discharge and I was severely freaked out because it doesn't say that as a side effect on the box or anywhere! Still having bad cramps and I'm not supposed to have my period for 2.5 more weeks

Stinging sensation,light bruising. mild headaches. Injecting slowlyeases the pain. Night sweats.

I love it I have been on off the gum for 9 years I have lost a few teeth due to it