Camptosar (irinotecan hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Camptosar (irinotecan hydrochloride)

Horrible Drug - nearly killed him after 4 rounds of this chemo drug. Awful side effects, nausea, vomiting, severe diarrhea and gastro intestinal cramping and horrendous suffering and pains.

Would not recommend to any member of my family - we had to take my dad to the ER and they brough him slowly back from near death after 4 days. Low Red Blood and White blood cell count, anemia, dehydration, vomiting, loss of appetite, severe weight loss, depression, hair loss, ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE IN THE CANCER - the last scan showed NO TUMOR REDUCTION OR SHRINKAGE - what a waste of time money and the cost of my poor father's suffering - fda should put better warnings on this drug to alert patients of the dangers.

CAMPTOSAR (IRINOTECAN HYDROCHLORIDE): This medication is used to treat cancer of the colon and rectum. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Have used intermittantly for around 20 years, but currently 2 years continuous.

It did help lessen the headache, usually after approximately 30 minutes to an hour. However, I literally felt like I had been run over within 30 minutes of taking it. From my hips to my toes ached like I'd been snowskiing for several days after not skiing for years. I attempted using heat to lessen the side effects of the pain caused by the meds. I thought it was a fluke the first time so I tried it a second and it was actually worse (the second time was nearly 2 weeks later).

Prescribed Cipro after other antibiotic failed. No significant side effects during treatment (5 days 500mg/2x per day)- minor gastro. Cleared up infection. Post treatment - have had constant mild headache for last 3 days..

BM"s that smelled like stomach acid along with matching gas. Same taste in bottom of throat with acid reflux. All foods taste like the smell. I was .75 and 1.5 with no problems. THe problems started when I moved 3.0

Rapid heart beat. Breathless, tightness in chest, nausea, light headed, increased Blood Pressure. Felt so I'll. beginning to feel better 10 days after StoppingThis. Was not advised of any side effects before taking it.

This pill has made me very moody. I feel depressed and very tired. I get annoyed at my husband over stupid things and I wasnt like this before. My periods are longer, lasting the whole time I am taking the reminder pills. I also have been getting a lot of headaches. I am currently taking ortho tri-cyclen lo.

I was terrified to try this medicine after reading all of the negative reviews. Unfortunately, the very people who are prescribed this drug are the ones most likely to be extra-sensitive to negative side effects. I'm certainly in that group. But I'm glad I gave it a shot. I also take Lexapro 10mg. The extended-release version of seroquel doesn't PUT me to sleep; it LETS me go to sleep. Big difference. The main issue that bothers me (and this is kind of petty) is that I have to take it (1) one hour before I eat; (2) three to four hours before I want to go to bed; and (3) twelve hours before I want to wake up. Whew! That's a pain in the ass! So, my schedule is this: take pill at 6:30 pm, eat dinner at 7:30 pm, get up for work at 6:30 am. I hate following this strict schedule, but you have to choose your battles and the strict schedule is better than being bat-shit crazy. I haven't gained any weight, but I'm a mostly-vegan vegetarian that only eats healthy food. I don't eat any junk at refined sugar/bread/pasta/fast food/soda blah blah blah you get the picture. I hope the dry mouth issue improves...the other night I drank 32 ounces of water THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT as I was trying to sleep...which of course led to having to get up to pee-pee! Not cool!

Swelling of hands & ankles, bad headaches, very dizzie, heart burn, weight gain of 7 lbs in a week

(Reason for taking pt.2Depression, ocd, panic)numbness feeling in eyes tongue and throat, nausea, loose stools, headache,fast talking, very energetic.

nervousness, irritation, hunger, diarrhea, bitter taste in mouth