Vesicare (solifenacin succinate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Vesicare (solifenacin succinate)

VESICARE (SOLIFENACIN SUCCINATE): Solifenacin is used to treat an overactive bladder. By relaxing the muscles in the bladder, solifenacin improves your ability to control your urination. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feelings of needing to urinate right away, and frequent trips to the bathroom. This medication belongs to the class of drugs known as antispasmodics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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None. I take one tablet before bed and awake with no after effects. It has worked for me when other medication has not. I have been to Houghston Clinic, Mayo and many doctors in my area. I have tried many medications, physical therapy, with some minor results. My doctors agree that if this medication works for me, it should be continued.

It has been a lifesaver. I am able to control my frustration at work, and have a great sense of contentedness and wellbeing that I didn't have before--and there has not been any change in my life circumstances. I had tried welbutrin, but felt a buzz with it.

Nausea, disgusting burping, diarrhea, gas, bloated feeling, tired

The first 3 months were not bad.. I actually lost weight... I did have morning sickness for some reason, but I was not pregnant because I wasn't sexually active at the time.. the next 3 months.. ugh .. the depression started to happen.. moodiness.. slight weight gain.. I also noticed that when the doctor gave me the shot in my arm.. I didn't have as much depression or anger.. I got it on the hip butt area.. and ugh.. I had really bad mood swings.. now after taking it over a year my husband just hates the shot.. he wants me off of it and to never go on it ever again .. I also have loss of bone density too.. so that sucks since I'm only 23 years old.. My last Dr. said this shot is so bad he wouldn't even recommend it to his daughter.. He wasn't going to even allow me to get it through his services.. so I had to tell him I would be off of it after this... besides I don't want to be on it anymore.. and if he thinks it's that bad.. I know it can't be good for my body .. too many side effects .. I mean I like being covered for 3 months.. and not have to worry about a pill.. but I guess I'll just go on a pill and see if they can regulate some hormones.. I'm on Ortho tri cyclen right now and it has taken away the hot flashes.. so yay.. and also it's helped with moodiness.. so I think I'll just stick with this pill :)

Ziprasidone has been a great drug for me. It has worked on my delusions and is also an effective anti-depressant.

depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia

i took it for about a month and a half..and i hated it..i lost 12 pounds, that was the only good thing..but other wise..i started hearing things and that was not cool at all. i would never take this med again.

I am not on any other medication and told doc I did not want pain medicine. She insisted I have something so when the pain got bad enough I would have something to take the edge off. Assured me was not pain meds but acted as an anti-inflammatory. Did not take this for 2 days concurrent. First day I took it I went from sunny and cheerful, my normal disposition to angry for no reason. I was very alarming but I just shrugged it off. Second time I took it I experienced extreme anger and rage and every small thing got on my nerves. I have never taken again and have never experienced this again. I will take aleve from here on out.

severe bloating, severe farting, nose twitches, knocking knees,bad taste in mouth,all over feeling really bad

Extreme nausea, fatigue, metallic taste in mouth, stomach cramping.