Gelnique 3% (oxybutynin) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Gelnique 3% (oxybutynin)

GELNIQUE 3% (OXYBUTYNIN): Oxybutynin is used to treat an overactive bladder. By relaxing the muscles in the bladder, oxybutynin improves symptoms such as the inability to control urination (incontinence), feeling that one has to urinate (urgency), and having to go to the bathroom often (frequency). This medication belongs to the class of drugs known as antispasmodics. This medication is not recommended for use in children younger than 5 years of age. Consult your doctor for more information. Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, the over-the-counter product should only be used by adult women who have symptoms of overactive bladder for at least 2 months. For over-the-counter products, carefully read the package instructions to make sure the product is right for you. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before. The manufacturer may have changed the ingredients. Also, products with similar names may contain different ingredients meant for different purposes. Taking the wrong product could harm you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Mild headaches, slight cramping at ovulation

very happy my bladder infection is gone It was making me so uncomfortable without this medication my life would of been at risk!

Stomach upset until prescribed a PPI such as Nexium or Prevacid

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Intermittent headaches, sex problems/ejaculation, back pain, intermittent nasal congestion.

This is the worst medication I have ever been on. I experienced crying all the time...vicuous moid swings with major anger issues...strange dreams...restless leg...muscle pain...carb craving and electronic stim type feeling down my leg. All of this has been on 10mg.I have had clinical depression for 14 years and have never felt this way...even when not taking anything.

Again I cannot emphasize enough that you must take an aspirin or 1/2 an aspirin at least 1/2 hour before taking the Niaspan. Then it can be tolerated. I also take it at night.

Extreme anxiety. Would never take ever again

I am 41 years old. My parents put me on this medication when I was 2 years old. They claimed it helped manage me. I claim it messed me up so badly that in my pre-high school years, my parents took me to specialists all over North America to find out “what was wrong with me”. The doctors kept upping my dosage. I told them I didn’t like what the medication made me feel like, but parents back then didn’t listen to their kids. At 16 I quit cold turkey (because my parents kicked me out of the house due to the side effects of this drug). I experienced intense emotional distress, like paranoia, anxiety, nervousness, etc. Today, I have gotten much better at managing my emotional issues (WITHOUT DRUGS MIND YOU). But I still feel those emotions rather intensely. DO NOT GIVE THIS DRUG TO YOUR CHILDREN. PLEASE DON’T. If only my parents were more understanding and worked with me rather than shoving pills in my face, I believe I would have grown up without any of the familial drama that led to me being a street kid. I believe that constant attention to the child in positive, understanding environments is THE BEST THING for a child. Listening to your child, I mean really listening, can go a long way to alleviate much of the problems facing ADHD children.