Enablex (darifenacin hydrobromide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Enablex (darifenacin hydrobromide)

Terrible heartburn, slight nausea at times, initial dizziness but that has abated, dry mouth and nose, thankfully eyes are not drying out and hope they don't

Seems to be working in stopping the constant feeling of needing to urinate, however when I do gotta go, I gotta go immediately.

Overactive bladder caused by MS

Dry mouth, abdominal pain, urinary retention ,weakness, drowsiness, dry eyes

I haven't been on it long but the side effects are horrible!

gyno prescribed this and man, is it ever great! Was getting up numerous times a night and now sleep all thru the night. Also experienced bladder spasms that drove me nuts. All goneonly downside is insurance will NOT pay for it, costs me $214 a month...oh well its only money!

Works very well for controlling the bladder muscle.

has anyone noticed REALLY sore nipples? That is the only thing I've noticed negative but it started immediately after starting this med.

dry mouth, eyes and nose; difficult to tell due to other meds drowsiness.

it was a life-saver and a real help for about 6 months but does not seem to be working as well now. not sure if it is the drug or my symptoms worsening

Great medication, but really need a cheaper, generic version!

It hasn't been effective to this point....however I have been on it for only 10 days. I'm interested in the experience of others in taking the 15 mg tablet.

my nights sweats stop almost completely with 15 mg. also very effective for weak bladder. WILL NOT RUN OUT! the company could make a fortune if all women had that side effect.

after trying oxybutynin and vesicare, which did absolutely nothing for me, my doctor gave me enablex (15mgs) to try...i had little hope that it would be effective - boy, was i WRONG! -after just ONE pill, things were "normal" again! however, due to the side effects of severe dry mouth and gas (not noxious, lol - just the kind that rolls around your gut and won't leave!), i'm now going to see if the 7.5 mg strength would be as effective with less side effects.

dry mouth at first, but it went away.

I cannot be without it. It has helped me immensley.

ENABLEX (DARIFENACIN HYDROBROMIDE): Darifenacin is used to treat an overactive bladder. By relaxing the muscles in the bladder, darifenacin improves your ability to control your urination. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feelings of needing to urinate right away, and frequent trips to the bathroom. This medication belongs to the class of drugs known as antispasmodics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I rated 4 weeks ago abt Met-I started off on met on 22 Nov & everything stabilises by 25 Dec & my period showed up today! Am trilled as my period are rare & Met helped greatly! I dont feel well the first 2.5 weeks until it kicked in.

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Took Cipro and Flagyl together, 500 mg each 2x day for 14 days. Took Percocets to deal with the nasty side effects of the combination of the two.Well this is my 3rd attempt this year to rid of this bacterial infection in my female anatomy from a ocean swim. I stopped the medication twice because of the nasty side effects and got the bacterial infection back in my uterus this time. Honestly, I would have rather had the stupid infection take over my entire body than deal with this medicine. I went to the emergency room twice because of the side effects- I thought I was dying from appendix bursting or had blood poisoning.The second time to the emergency room, the female doctor told me that flagyl is an evil drug that works, but it's side effects are horrible. She basically said, suck it up, take some pain medications (Percocets) to deal with the side effects and finish the infection medicine to get rid of the bacterial infection before it goes into my blood for real. The stuff put me into tears because I was so sick of being sicker.

I have tried two different 'traditional' estrogen focused BCP and they gave me horrible side effects. I was severely depressed, irrational, lost my entire sex drive, and gained a bit of weight on the other pills. My doctor suggested Estrostep as an alternative, since it does focus more on progesterin more than estrogen. I've been on it for going on three years now, and it's amazing. My periods are to the minute, almost, and my PMS symptoms are almost gone. My libido is back up to a normal level and I don't *feel* as if I am taking a medication, which should be the goal of any medication/treatment.I know a lot of you are bashing this pill, but all of our bodies are different. What works for most women (Ortho Tri) was the absolute pits for me. Remember to each their own!