Detrol (tolterodine tartrate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Detrol (tolterodine tartrate)

DETROL (TOLTERODINE TARTRATE): This medication is used to treat an overactive bladder. By relaxing the muscles in the bladder, tolterodine improves your ability to control your urination. It helps to reduce leaking of urine, feelings of needing to urinate right away, and frequent trips to the bathroom. This medication belongs to the class of drugs known as antispasmodics. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Followed the Dr.'s orders on weaning off, 2 days after last dose, major hallucinations began, and I experienced difficulty separating reality from fiction. On the 4th day I checked my self into a mental health hospital, for my own safety, and for those around me, and I wish I had done that sooner. Because when I had blackouts I would destroy things, and injure myself, and get in my car and go to the store and buy seemingly random things. After 6 failed attempts at quitting this drug, there was noway I was backing down this time. 3 months out, I'm still experiencing more than mild side effects however to a lesser degree. This drug made anxiety and depression worse and gave me a total loss of inhibitions(luckily I could not get an erection). Also withdrawal has been on going for more than 3 months. Even though many of these symptoms showed up days after beginning this medication, 3 out of 4 Dr.s told me these symptoms are not caused by this medication, The psychotic part of the withdrawals and black outs went away 8 weeks after I quit taking it. During the first 8 weeks of not taking it at all, I had dangerous long lasting blackouts, sometimes I would just wake up and realize days had past, and have physical injuries I could not explain. Lost my job (very promising career, I was being groomed for upper management) because of severity of withdrawals, they lasted too long and I was a wreck if I made it into work. I really don't care about that getting the Paxil demon off my back

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none that i know of, always have gas since i had Nissen fundoplication surgery and cannot burp or vomit anymore. Gas, I can handle that.

This worked great for my sinus issues, unfortunatly after about a month I began developing side effects, that I just now realize after reading the posts here, is caused by Nasonex. I have feelings of anger (I'm a laid back guy), have numbness in my left thumb, extreme gas and diarrhea, wild dreams. I will no longer take this medication.

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Although the zyprexa really helped with pain it has caused some nasty side effects. The sugar cravings are torture I feel like an addict. I have gained 50ib and think about carbohydrates and surgary foods constantly. I had to drop out of college because I was not as mentally alert and find it difficult to do anything but sit in a chair and watch T.V. Doctor has refused to change my medication and if I stop taking it the pain gets really bad. I feel miserable just hoping guaifenesin will work, have heard great things.

more difficulty in running my 3 miles daily, exhausted quickly

I stopped taking Simvastin and started taking a natural remedy that I found - Policosanol. I take the same dose (20mg.) that I took of Simvastin and have not experienced any side effects,my eye and muscles are starting to return to normal and the severe leg cramping has stopped... I will NEVER take any form of statin again... Thx so much for having this website - it's nice to know that I wasn't alone in my statin nightmare!

I am so happy I found this website! I have been on Prilosec and then Nexium daily for over 10 years! Recently I read on MSNBC a list of ten medications that doctors would NEVER take and Nexium was on that list! Although this medication has helped my GERD symtoms, I have been feeling sick for months. Flu like symtoms, and terrrible joint pain, that has even kept me from work. Been to the doctor several times, but they could never find a cause for my pain and general discomfort. Finally was sent to an Arthritis specialist yesterday and she recommended that I stop taking Nexium. She told me her husband had the same problems. Several tests were done and I am waiting for results. I have decided to stop the Nexium and try some of the over the counter meds, such as Zantac to see if my flu like symtoms get better and my joint and muscle pain stops. After reading all the comments on this site, I am convienced that the Nexium is the cause of my problems. I could relate to almost all the other si