Methotrexate sodium (methotrexate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Methotrexate sodium (methotrexate sodium)

Bloated stomache, no other side effects, could work better for the ra still have swelling

Extreme nausea, vomiting, and flu like symptoms take at least 3 days to subside after taking my dose. Vomiting seems to occur if eating or drinking on an empty stomach the day after taking a dose.

This medication is so hard to take for me. I eventually stopped taking the medicine every week because I could not function regularly. I now take it every other week and it seems to help, but the symptoms never stopped or decreased. It helps with the muscle spasms and pain, joint pain, but seems to help me most with my butterfly rash on my face. It is the only medicine in 3 years that has had any positive effect and my rash is almost completely "gone" and stays away. This medication is really tough to deal with, but personally I believe the results are worth it if you work with your doctor to find the right dose.

Severe fatigue, severe bloating with stomach pain, some nausea, deep depression, cry for no reason. Feel terrible 5-6 days out of 7

For possible Rheumatoid Arthritis

Feeling like l have the flu for a couple of days after taking it.

Jut not sure it is working to it's full capacity, because l still have a lot of pain.

Made me very tired and depressed. Also had palpitations with it. It helped with the pain but it was hard for me to function while taking it.

Extreme Fatigue, joint pain, gastritis, foggy thinking, memory problems, unable to speak properly at times due to word finding difficulties,headaches, numb fingers,constipation,sore,irritable,weepy eyes,mood swings,depression.

Horrible medication with so many side effects. Did not feel ill prior to commencing drug but consultant advised I take it to prevent further surgery. Methotrexate has a huge impact on quality of life and I Find the symptoms of crohns easier than the side effects of this drug.

I started on 3 pills a day then slowly up to 7. I had had gastric bypass in 2009 so my stomach was not dealing with the meds well. Plus I think the MTX was not getting absorbed enough. Was switched 3 months ago to injections. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I am starting to feel alive again. I'm lucky enough to work at home so I take mine on Tuesday and that night and all day Weds. I am pretty out of it. But no flares or pain anymore. Fatigue more than anything. I was diagnosed ADHD 3 months prior which to me was a blessing because it helps the brain fog and fatigue during the day. It still takes a couple of hours after getting out of bed to feel my best but that's better than pain 24/7.

I learned something VERY IMPORTANT about the day you take your pills/injection from a woman on a support group that worked for me. Drink a lot of water and eat. Snack on healthy things all day. And avoid having to do any extracurricular activity Don't push yourself. I learned that twice so far by scheduling doctor appointments and errands same day and paid for it dearly. I'm an avid horse woman and I ride a lot now. This time last year I was a mess and in such pain I couldn't ride, barely walk and cried a lot from pain. I can use my hands now and am enjoying life.

Shortness of breath headache foggy rapped heartbeat stomach ache Suicidal Thoughts

bloating, angry stomach, dry skin and sometimes I don't get my period for 3 months. Or sometimes it doesnt stop for 2 months.

I take mxt on saturday and folic acid on sunday. A couple days after taking it, i feel fatigue, sleepy, and a lil dizziness. Is this normal while taking this medicine. Also, take prednisone 20 mg. And i feel stiffness around the next area also.

Some nausea initially but that seems to have abated now. Itchy eyes. Fatigue and depression 2 days after taking weekly dose. Heart palpitations. Stabbing joint pains (part of the arthritis or a result of the drug..who knows!)Low white blood count.

As have only been taking for a few weeks it's obviously early days so I haven't really noticed any difference in the joint pain except maybe a slight increase! Have been taking 10mg meth and 5 mg folic acid weekly but due to up dose to 15mg next week.will preserve and hope to see an improvement.

A few days after I received this medicine I started having panic attacks, I thought I was dying, never experienced anything like it before. I wish this doctors would've told me the side effects because I'm still suffering

I wouldn't recommend this medicine because it's horrible.

to control granuloma stiffness and

Terrible back pain upper back joints tiredness pressure on body muscle problem leg spasm and pain

First time I went on it i had severe back pains to the pointi couldn't get out of bed. After having 30 inches of intestine removed I was placed on it again this time around it worked very well just had to split my dose into two intervals 24 hours apart due to extreme sickness. Just recently quit taking due my system growing immune to it and no longer working.

Non- Hodgkins Lymphoma 3 years after taking medication

I read side effects that include non hodgkins but I thought..."not me." This medication changed my life and the way I think about doctors and what medications they push.

My dad took this for psoriasis for many years. It helped him tremendously with his break outs,however it was the reason for his death! Please research this drug before you start. For him it was the only thing that helped so he took it. The doctors never warned him that it would cause cirrhosis and kidney failure. What a horrible way go die and it was preventable. PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS MEDICATION!

Brain fog, stomach pain, throwing up, problems with blood sugar, headache. I would basically be out for 2 days after taking this drug. Ruined my weekend since I couldn't take it during my school days

Barely did anything for the pain or swelling. I have since stopped and switched to enbrel which helps a ton more

Brain fog. Increased incidence of flare ups. SLEEP - I could sleep anywhere at any time. Lack of concentration. No decrease in pain. And it didn't stop the damage to my joints though it was described to me as a disease modifier. Blood work got worse month after month and still the insisted I take it.

They don't call this bottled death for nothing. My pain never eased up. The inflammation didn't go down. The flare ups were frequent. I couldn't think straight - which is why I stayed on it for 5 years. I threw it all in the bin over 3 years ago and I've never looked back. Less flares, less pain and my blood tests returned to normal after years of actually getting worse. My head cleared and I don't sleep all the time now. I eat anti-inflammatory foods and I can keep the symptoms at bay. As a disease modifier Mtx sucks - an MRI still showed progressive damage while on the drug. This drug does not work for psoriatic arthritis - don't let them tell you it does. There is an article on the net by the Rheumatological society that states that this drug does not work for PsA. My rheumatologist and doctor can't seem to hear me say "IT MADE ME WORSE". I wouldn't touch this drug again ever. or any other come to think of it. I don't take anything for PsA now, just the right foods and I have been so much better since throwing this poison in the bin. They aren't "health professionals" anymore, there is no "Health care" - they're just drug dealers in my opinion and if you can treat yourself you should. Nutrition is the answer for controlling your inflammation.

Nausea. Upset stomach. Constipation. Headache. Brain fog. Hair loss...!This is my second time trying MTX, my rheumy is hoping this time will be the magic trick. Last time, I took 8 pills a week. I've always had thick hair... and it definitely started thining a few weeks after. I have nothing to really praise... hasn't done a miracle job yet. But hey. Who knows.

Early ectopic pregnancy, Methotrexate for ceasing of cell growth. Took two doses of two injections, intramuscular one week apart. Bloating, diarrhea, cramping, bleeding, disoriented, dizziness, nausea and severe headaches/ borderline migraines

METHOTREXATE SODIUM (METHOTREXATE SODIUM): Methotrexate is used to treat certain types of cancer or to control severe psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis. It may also be used to control juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Methotrexate belongs to a class of drugs known as antimetabolites. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells and suppressing the immune system. Early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with more aggressive therapy such as methotrexate helps to reduce further joint damage and to preserve joint function. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

my symptoms have not improved since taking the medication and it costs $25.00 per month as well.I have had major hair loss as well and am using rogaine, which costs a lot as well

Pill has bad test, upset stomach, other then that I did very well on it with no problems.

At 20 mg initial dose experienced hair loss. Went down to 10 mg daily and no hair loss.

Some bloating and mild cramping, more restful sleep, some crazy mood swings.

take on and off for years. I guessed four but it could be longer.

Other than the side effect, Belsomra just isn't a great drug for insomnia. Most of the nights I barely slept. I would fall asleep but it wasn't a deep sleep and I would keep waking up all night.

Do not take this! I have never experienced a side effect from a drug in my entire life. The first time I took it I felt strange but thought it was because I was congested and tired. The second day it was helping my cold but I still felt really strange, like I was wasted or something. The third day I threw up three times. That evening I took one more dose and I felt like I was going to die, to the point where I asked my husband to check on me while I was sleeping to see if I was still breathing. I stopped taking this. This drug is way too strong and should not be prescribed for a common cold, even if it is recurring.

Unless you have a life or death emergency, do not ever touch this medicine. Doctors do not know the reality of the risks nor do they care. This is not like other medications. The side effects are in a completely different league, I've been bedridden for 7 years because of Cipro. It destroyed every area of my life. Even if you tolerated it before, that means nothing. This med destroys people by the thousands.

Good luck to all those who will be coming off it in a couple or few years.

***THIS IS AN EXTREMELY DANGEROUS DRUG***If your doctor if flippant in prescribing this drug, will not adequately address your concerns or cannot guarantee your safety while trialing treatment find another doctor.Personally I feel the incidence of Lexapro suicide is under reported (blamed on depression and mental illness) this drug should be withdrawn.