Methotrexate (methotrexate sodium) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Methotrexate (methotrexate sodium)

METHOTREXATE (METHOTREXATE SODIUM): Methotrexate is used to treat certain types of cancer or to control severe psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis that has not responded to other treatments. It may also be used to control juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Methotrexate belongs to a class of drugs known as antimetabolites. It works by slowing or stopping the growth of cancer cells and suppressing the immune system. Early treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with more aggressive therapy such as methotrexate helps to reduce further joint damage and to preserve joint function. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

these meds worked really good but the side effects are too hard to deal with. they needs to make another type of med without all the horrible side effects b/c i couldnt even finsh all of the medicene i only got to three days and i was directed to take if for seven. and even after i stopped the side effects kept occuring DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE!!!!

When I abruptly stopped I went threw hell after being on it for 29 years limbitrol /amiptryline

If the side effects GO AWAY after I'm done, guess I can live with it. Kinda have to, as doctor said I will be susceptible to C-Diff whenever I take "normal" antibiotics now, and so will always have to take Flagyl afterwards. As someone w/ chronic kidney disease (and UTIs), am guessing I'll get to take Flagyl at least 1x a year. Just fyi, am also taking probiotic supplements between doses of Flagyl in an attempt to get my normal fauna back up. Don't know if it's helping yet, but cross fingers. Annoyed that cipro & augumentin caused c-diff problem,(also that I had to yell at dr. to get a sample taken to prove/be treated for c-diff) but grateful there's an option to treat it, rather than dying on the toilet. Flagyl's nasty... but I've found EVERY antibiotic to be nasty in different ways (worst so far: Augmentin).

I was on Yasmin before Loestrin with similar side effects, although yasmin was worse for my complexion.

I have been on 70mg a day for the last 8months to control heavy bleeding, the bleeding has finally stopped but the cramps are now worse, I'm worried that if I continue to take this dose it may cause worse side effects... Has anyone else had a similar experience?

Never doing this again. One dose of a three day treatment has me burning and itching to no end. Just washed it off and am icing the area, but it's still excruciating. Never. Again.

Funny thing that I see everyone complaining about this drug...I thought I had all the side effects but after some blood work i found that I had Graves Disease, weight gain, hot flashes, weird thoughts, feeling nervous, dizziness, eye problems...all from Graves (thyroid problems). We have thyroid problems in the family so my doctor said that it is hard to tell if depo or family history caused the problem...I wouldnt be to quick to judge depo for all may just bring some other underlying problem out.

Weight gain,anxiety and depression

These are wonderful. I only took when needed after surgery, which was about two 10's a day. Took them for 2 weeks, then tapered off to only 1 evey day because the first 24 hours I didn't have one, I felt immediate withdrawl symptoms. Very addicting, when you decide you no longer need them for pain, taper off slowly, don't stop cold turkey or it will be hell.

If your doctor suggests taking Tambocor, give it a try. I felt a lot of relief from SVTs when taking this medication.