Primaquine (primaquine phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Primaquine (primaquine phosphate)

Dark urine and mild indigestian

PRIMAQUINE (PRIMAQUINE PHOSPHATE): Primaquine is used with other medications to prevent and treat malaria caused by mosquito bites in countries where malaria is common. Malaria parasites can enter the body through these mosquito bites, and then live in body tissues such as red blood cells or the liver. Primaquine is used after other medications (such as chloroquine) have killed the malaria parasites living inside red blood cells. Primaquine then kills the malaria parasites living in other body tissues. This prevents the return of the infection. Both drugs are needed for a complete cure. Primaquine phosphate belongs to a class of drugs known as antimalarials. The United States Centers for Disease Control provide updated guidelines and travel recommendations for the prevention and treatment of malaria in different parts of the world. Discuss the most recent information with your doctor before traveling to areas where malaria occurs. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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Downed a bottle containing fifty 220mg aleve hoping to die. It's been eh 17 hours since I swallowed them...My side effects are severe left-side abdominal pain, sharp pain in lower back, considerable difficulty in breathing, and over time my fatigue has went from severe in the beginning to minimal now. Kidney infection pretty much confirmed.

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I had a high feeling when taking this in the past but, this time I feel great. I think the issues people are having is not being aware that you can CV consume ZERO alcohol. This includes extracts and per the new labeling AVOID PROPYLENE GLYCOL as well. It is in food and cosmetics. These cause dangerous side effects and illness.

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No side effects. Worked great just take it with a big meal each time you take it.

It's working wonders for my allergies, but with my side effects and seeing all these negative reviews I think I'll see about switching to something else!