Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (hydroxychloroquine sulfate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hydroxychloroquine sulfate (hydroxychloroquine sulfate)

Sweats, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, muscle pain and cramping.

At first I felt great, had more energy and my hands stopped hurting, then the night sweats started, then the abdominal pain and morning diarrhea where I'd barely make the bathroom, then severe muscle cramping and increased joint pain in areas that weren't as bothersome. But hey, I had more energy!After 3 years of resisting this med, I now know why.

Diarrhea, severe ring in ears, horrible insomnia and malaise

In 2005 I was administered this pill at full strength. Soon after I got a shoulder rash and some blurry vision at BREAKFAST time when I would take the pill. Was told not to take it soon after.

Since late 2015 I eat with food and drink at nearly same time--LUNCH time. I gradually increased from 50 to 100 to 200mg. Include eating dark leafy greens cooked every week to MAINTAIN vision.Still continuing and I hope it suppresses my immune system so that I can "slow down" and increase WBC. During 1997 I was checked by an MD and was told I could get SLE, SS, RA from having low WBC.

Severe diarrhea, vitreous detachment in both eyes, tinnitis

Was taking this with methotrexate. Side effects started with the vitreous detachment and have major floaters and blurred vision. Next thing I noticed was the ringing in my ears (VERY ANNOYING). Then I started to experience severe diarrhea and found it difficult to even leave my home. Hate this medication! Have been off it now for a week and will NEVER take it again!

I experienced nausea, and stomach pain, stomach bloating, pain in joints, rash, blurred vision, insomnia, diarrhea, gas, headache

joint pain, stiffness bilateral leg

itching of skin at times and som e abdominal cramping initially but now subsided Some trouble with eyes but overdue for eye exam; have only been on this med for 2 weeks; 100mg twice a day

HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE SULFATE (HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE SULFATE): Hydroxychloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria infections caused by mosquito bites. It does not work against certain types of malaria (chloroquine-resistant). The United States Center for Disease Control provides updated guidelines and travel recommendations for the prevention and treatment of malaria in different parts of the world. Discuss the most recent information with your doctor before traveling to areas where malaria occurs. This medication is also used, usually with other medications, to treat certain auto-immune diseases (lupus, rheumatoid arthritis) when other medications have not worked or cannot be used. It belongs to a class of medications known as disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). It can reduce skin problems in lupus and prevent swelling/pain in arthritis, though it is not known exactly how the drug works. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


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I had every bad side effect: anxiety, itching limbs, paranoia, tingling fingers and toes, tingling of the face, ... To top it off it gave me the WORST menstrual bleeds and cramps because it did NOT work well with my contraceptive (cerazette). Would E-NEVER recommend this medication to anybody. EVER.

I have had a heck of time with my elderly parents and the only thing that got me to get some sleep in the hospitals, emergency rooms, and anywhere else I could find a place to lay at night was Lunesta .... today a doctor told me I could possibly have memory loss as I age and I told him that's okay with me .... if I have to go through what my folks did for the past 3 years and not remember it --- yee-ha --- plus maybe I'll forget what I've gone through too. Now that things are settling down I do plan on getting off of it this summer.

after struggling for the last 2 years, this is a wonder drug. I have had ra for 10ys and the last 2 I have only being surviving, work 3 days a weeks and the rest of it either tired out and asleep or in agony with knees that wouldn't bend, thumbs and fingers wouldn't bend. within 1 week I was like a new person. feel backed into a corner, don't want to take drug due to awful things you read about but don't think I could go back to being as I was. nearly split up my marriage, family life was awful I was in constant pain and took it out on them closest to me. can know shave my own legs, paint toe nails, peel vegetables and walk virtually pain free. think my first side effects were due to codeine withdrawal more than the Enbrel. I could kiss my rheumy. will live for the moment and enjoy.

Called 911 and had to be taken by ambulance to the hospital. Called Bayer (makers of Aleve) and they advised if I take this again I need to take Benadryl with it..so not almost losing my life because of this medicine!! Will never take again!!

Colonoscopy. I went out quickly. On

If I have a migraine with nausea or vomitting, this is the only med that seems to help. I cant use triptans due to allergy. Downside is that it is best suited for use at home. I would NEVER take this and try to drive. However pain relief and respite is almost immediate. Biggest problem I have had is that doctors seem scared to prescribe it even when they know about the triptan allergy. I'm don't have history of drug abuse or addiction so I'm not sure where this iscomingfrom.

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)

The first day I felt all right, but by day 3 I felt like it was the worst flu I'd ever experienced. I'm just ending day 5 and cannot imagine taking it any long. Horrible nausea, stomach pains, acid reflux, insomnia, and depression. This is the worst thing I have ever taken, I would have rathered live with the infection than take these. If I had known before hand I never would have started.

Breast tenderness, painful urination