Aralen (chloroquine phosphate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Aralen (chloroquine phosphate)

Rash over whole body starting 3 weeks after taking first dose. This was followed by feeling faint. I stopped the medication at this point. A few days later paranoia & symptoms similar to bipolar 1 ( hallucinations, insomna, paranoia) began and lasted for a month. i was hospitalized and Didn't realize the cause until months later.

anti-malaria for Costa Rica travel

extreme nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, vomiting, blurred vision

stomach cramps, diaharea, muscle pains, depression

for the love of God, dont take this medication unless you really have to. I got back from vacation 4-5 days ago and im still feelin like crap. stomach is horrible

Vertigo, and extremely low blood pressure causing fainting. First occurred in 2001 after a trip to Costa Rica. Doctors ran extensive tests, including 2 EEGs, and decided I had a seizure disorder. I refused medication for it, knowing I'd never had a seizure. On a recent trip to Nicaragua, identical symptoms returned after my 3rd dose of Aralen.

I experienced at least 1 side effect symptom from each level of listed side effects; from common to rare. Vision clouding, hearing loss, anxiety, panic, depression, dark taring stools.

I would never, ever take this medication again. The protocol for prescription should require that all physicians obtain their patient's history to learn of any anxiety, panic, depression of their patients before prescribing.

tinnitus, vertigo, depression, anxiety

ARALEN (CHLOROQUINE PHOSPHATE): Chloroquine is used to prevent or treat malaria caused by mosquito bites in countries where malaria is common. Malaria parasites can enter the body through these mosquito bites, and then live in body tissues such as red blood cells or the liver. This medication is used to kill the malaria parasites living inside red blood cells. In some cases, you may need to take a different medication (such as primaquine) to kill the malaria parasites living in other body tissues. Both drugs may be needed for a complete cure and to prevent the return of infection (relapse). Chloroquine belongs to a class of drugs known as antimalarials. The United States Centers for Disease Control provide updated guidelines and travel recommendations for the prevention and treatment of malaria in different parts of the world. Discuss the most recent information with your doctor before traveling to areas where malaria occurs. Chloroquine is also used to treat infection caused by a different type of parasite (ameba) by killing the ameba. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA)


Related User Reviews

a little skiddish and un-nerved. For example, someone honking a horn will put me over the edge for awhile. insomnia... but feel pretty sharp.

fortunately this is fourth time I've experienced a medication induced personality change/reaction.. I stopped the zyrtec immediately.I started on zyrtec because claritin ( 9 years of seasonal use) seemed to fail... something that happened with a previous med that I used seasonally for years.At the pharmacy, I asked for suggestions and was told to try zyrtec. It immediately did relieve my allergy reactions... which was nice... butthe side effects were horrendous.Luckily for me, over the many years I have taken meds and did diets, I have had adverse reactions and knew after I thought about it ... that my personality change... extreme anger, vocal expressions of annoyance, and depression... was not ME. I am stun by my inability to control angry impulses over the last two days I took zyrtec. I only recognized the problem about 4 hours before I was goin' to take my next 24 hour pill.I was taking a over-the-counter dose.,,10 mg. and my adverse reactions started on the second day... I only used it for three days total.I'm goin' to be sure to include zyrtec on my med allergies

Weight Gain was the most serious side effect. I gained almost 25lbs., confusion, Sleepiness but I was taking it to help me sleep so that was okay for me.

This is a very effective painkiller. My only complaint is that it doesn't last through the night -- I wake up around 4 AM every morning in extremely intense pain and have to take a new one, which takes 10 or more minutes to take effect.

I am a 33 year old female, 125 lbs. I have had severe oily skin and moderate cystic acne since age 13. I started taking Accutane a little over 2 months ago. My derm started me out on a regimen of 40/80/40mg alternating daily, and after 4 days my body could not handle it so I stopped. I developed a twitch in my left eyelid, a severely dry left eye with blurred vision (due to dryness) and drug-induced arthralgia in my ring and pinky fingers. He wasn't very understanding so I switched derms and my new doc started me out on 10mg daily the first month, 20mg daily the second month, and now I am on 40mg daily (20mg 2x daily.) My body is tolerating it much better and my skin is improving daily. The best advice I can give you is 1.) Find a doctor's office who understands the iPledge system, 2.) Have your doctor start you off on a low dose, and 3.) Take your medicine with a full meal. You may be afraid to take it at first, but when you start seeing the results you will be amazed.

depression, anxiety, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, tardive dyskinesia

If a neurologist gives you this and you tell them all these side effect a month later but they just up the dose and tell you gabapentin don't give up these side effects then you need to find a new doctor. This stuff destroyed my life and career. I can't pay my bills from all the work I lost and medical bills from constant ER visits due to side effects.

It is WONDERFUL for outbreaks! I suffered with this since I was 17 & caught it in Beautician's School! Went to so many DR. & they had no idea what was wrong. It works so well for outbreaks & now taking daily. BUT, am going to go off it! Can't take the bad feelings!

I get mild headaches and feel sleepy. I also feel lethargic.None of these side effects is listed anywhere, but I have been experiencing them repeatedly.

Cipro took care of the UTI but at what "cost"?... the side-effects are life-altering.