Ziac (bisoprolol fumarate; hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Ziac (bisoprolol fumarate; hydrochlorothiazide)

Noticed yawning mid-day, heart rate is being lowered, keeping a journal for blood pressure, noticing a drop in blood pressure to normal range

Resting better, took the edge off - less anxiety, Replacing Triamterene/HCTZ,Taking half of a pill so far at 8:30pm

Made me feel crappy the entire time I was on it. I started out with the 10 mg tablets, was later put on the 5.25 mg tablets, was later switched to the lowest dose, then later on was put in the second highest dose and lastly had the second highest dose doubled. My blood pressure was never consistently controlled by this poison. Plus, I gave me a ton of side effects. along with me experiencing an increased heart rate that regularly stayed way above 120. Do not let your dr. prescribe you this junk, as it’s absolutely not worth it.

Erratic heart rate and palpitations, sensitive to heat causing dizzyness and nausea. I developed raynauds syndrom, joint pain(osteoarthritis) and weight gain (30lbs) which has continued after the medication was changed and has severely altered my overall functioning.

I had to change my PCP to address my concerns about how I was feeling. I eventually changed to a different beta blocker and felt better the first day off of it, even though the side effects have left me with permanent conditions. I would not recomend taking it to anyone.

Weight gain, dizziness, headaches, runny nose, cough, very cold hands and feet, no sexual drive, hair loss, eye pain, ears ringing, decreased hearing, insomnia fatigue ALL THE TIME.

It worked well for me in the beginning, or so I thought. I thought the side effects was me getting older. I'm beginning to feel better already. Exercise is extra hard work. I go to the gym regularly and noticed my first half dose, I wasn't so tired while working out. I'm in the process of weaning off this drug and changing to lisinopril. After first 1/2 dose, my toes were nice and toasty. My feet haven't been warm in YEARS!

Gain weight. Going to the gym 1 hr a day doesnt help. Want to switch to something different but doctor said leave well enough alone. Not happy.

Lowered normal bp from 140 to 110 and less spiking of bp

Lowers pulse dangerously. Dizziness galore. Weight gain. blurry vision. Dry mouth which lead to dental problems.

The lowered pulse will make your life miserable. Leaves you weak and tired. Ziac robbed me of, at least, 15 years of my life with dizziness, trouble breathing at night or when in bed. Others have complained of issues with erection, I did not have that problem. If you are Ziac seek better medicine or doctor.

Headache, tiredness,urination, unable to function.

Slight weight gain, frequent urination

Direct link to loss of sex drive. Taking Viagra as needed but VERY expensive ! $ 35 each 100 Mg.

Dizziness fatigue but pulse is down feeling better.

Go to bathroom frequently. Great medicine for high pulse and brought anxiety down. Bp has been good

Dry scratchy eyesUpset stomachDiarrheaMuscle crampsIncessant coughing

Nothing really very noticeable. Perhaps a few irregular heartbeats...Due to a doctor's error, I've been on HCTZ the past 3 years, and have recently returned (gladly) to taking ZIAC.

Compared to HCTZ, ZIAC is great stuff. So far, no complications that I'm concerned about.


Slowed my heart beat from 70 to about 55 and lowered BP. Also I sometimes have a heart skip, or a valve closing a bit early, that used to annoy me. Now they are very rare as well. So all-in-all Ziac helps my heart idle nice and smooth, and keeps my BP in check.

Amazing. Rarely go into arrythmia. I notice it if i miss a couple of doses. I have zero side effects. its wonderful

None that I have noticed and I am on the internet all the time checking any drug my Dr. prescribes. I take 5mg of this with 10 mg Fosinopril. BP 115/70 approx when ever I check it. 71 in aug/09 and been on this stuff for over 10 yrs. If I have any side effects they are to minor to notice unlike some other poisons I have been prescribed (CRESTOR). Been around a long time unlike the new not fully tested combination wonder drugs your Dr. can hardly wait for you to try. Your reading this so you know whats going on but have you talked to your friends about the drugs they are taking who may not have internet. I do it all the time now and I find the elderly expect to be in some kind of pain just because of their age and seldom blame the drugs. I have had serious problems because of prescription drugs and had to find out by myself what it was and thank God I did. Dont be shy Talk to your friends about your aches and pains as well as theirs. Good health to you all.

Weight gain that keeps slowly increasing despite exercise/good eating habits. Sex problems. Otherwise less side effects than most.

Irregular heartbeats usually occur shortly after taking pill and when at rest, frequent urination and weight gain.

This medication lowered blood pressure and side effects are tolerable, so far.

ZIAC (BISOPROLOL FUMARATE; HYDROCHLOROTHIAZIDE): This combination medication is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains two medications. Bisoprolol is a beta blocker that works by blocking the effect of certain natural chemicals (e.g., epinephrine) on the heart and blood vessels. This slows your heartbeat, lowers blood pressure, and reduces strain on the heart. Hydrochlorothiazide is a "water pill" (diuretic) that works by increasing the amount of urine that you make. This causes your body to get rid of extra salt and water, which probably helps to relax the blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. These two drugs are used together when one medication is not controlling your blood pressure. Using these two drugs together can also reduce the amount of each drug you must take, thereby decreasing the chances of side effects. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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EXTREME moodiness, bloating, weight gain, bleeding everyday.

Worked great! Vaginal dryness, pain gone completely. Did not have any of the other side effects (headache, wt gain, abdominal bloating) I felt good. Disappointed with the hair loss

Post Septoplasty w/ chronic sinusus

I was positive for flu and my daughter was placed on preventative dosage. Flu has been in the house 3-4 days and she was fine. Her immune system was working (we all had the vaccine). She took a dose and got queasy and fever and chills. Next morning, she took a second dose. Threw up and that continued for hours. Doc said to work through it and the symptoms should be gone next day (or go to ER if not). The drug was far worse than the disease, so we stopped it and within 12 hours, she was back to find and has been ever since. AVOID THIS AS A PREVENTATIVE. IT'S A RACKET--4 expensive scripts instead of 1.

Second time on Flagyl (500 mg 3xday) since mid-Dec. Never taken it before until then. First time for a week with Cipro (500mg 2xday), this time for a week with Levaquin(500mg 1xday). First time, nausea was bad. This time, using Zophran before every pill and has kept nausea at bay so far. Started in hospital where it was IV'ed and went to pill form one day ago. As per a suggestion from this board, I bury the pill in a spoon of applesause and just quickly swallow. Helps tremendously with bitter taste. Also staying super hydrated.

Developed severe C difficile infection at age 18 after having my wisdom teeth removed, I was in the hospital for one week. 10 years later I have had C diff. one more time. I will never recommend this drug to anyone. It has ruined my life. I have permanent IBS and stomach problems now because of it.

This is some amazing stuff right here!

I only take this as needed, sometimes a week or two at a time, sometimes just a day here and there or after insect bites. If i take it for a week or two, for sure I have lower abdominal and low back pain with joint pain but then I just knock off til i get over it.

I am dealing with menopausal problems, spec: hot flashes. Noticed intense hot flashes after taking Tramadol...anyone else experiencing this? Quit Premarin a month ago and expected to have problems with this, but noticing it coinciding with ingesting this medication. Hmmm?

Nausea...metallic taste in mouth...diarrea...achey like flu symptoms...slight itching...loss of appetite...very tired...strange dreams...insomnia..headaches first few days...dizziness