Zebeta (bisoprolol fumarate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Zebeta (bisoprolol fumarate)

Horrible side effects that just got worse and worse. I felt uneasy just to leave my home. After a week and a half with all the tiredness and dizziness I started having extreme night sweats. That was the last straw. It's now 48 hours since I quit and I'm still fighting off side effects. It did start to lower my blood pressure but at that price, I would rather die.

Hopefully there will be some improvements with BP medicine

Breathless, aches n pains, insomnia, extreme tiredness, anxiety, cold hands n feet, drop in pulse n BP

AFib with rvr and palpitations

Started on 2.5mg and reduced to 1.25 due to very low heart rate and blood pressure. Stomach issues, mild headaches, increased cough and early waking at 2am daily.

Worked well on heart rate and palpations. Also seems to relieve anxiety. AFib has been less frequent.

My heart rate drops to the 40s...get cold at times chills...blood pressure does go down...but not to the level it should...headache some ..trembles

Heart Beat went down to 43 only straight away. Had to stop using but even though I only took 2 doses of 2.5mg it was horrible after effects.Felt very ill and scared.

Not enough info.when Drs put you on it.

Throat problems like burning sensation. Unable to sleepDizzy and jittery feeling.

When coming off this medicine it causes extreme high anxiety and insomnia. It's been two months since I've been off and my anxiety is through the roof. I too had ambulance and emergency visits at least 5 times within 2 months.

Throat problems like burning sensation. Unable to sleepDizzy and jittery feeling.

When coming off this medicine it causes extreme high anxiety and insomnia. It's been two months since I've been off and my anxiety is through the roof. I too had ambulance and emergency visits at least 5 times within 2 months.

Tiredness.. shortness of breath.. cold feet.. headache .. stomach pain .. weakness..dizziness ..muscle pain

None other than those we hoped for. Low steady pulse rate.

I was switched to this after decades on atenolol for Tachycardia. For some reason it stopped working. I spent 4 nights in the ER went on 6 ambulance rides With a raging Paul's and blood pressure. HBP never before an issue in my personal history. It was a terrifying nightmare. Zebeta, over the course of 5 days, got my heart calmed down and it stayed that way.

Very bad depression, insomnia, very dry mouth, swollen feet & ankle and ED.

Hate this drug. But it does it job and keeps bp down. Was increased to 10mg over the time on. But couldn’t breath so dropped down to 7.5 then 2.5mg. Doctor made error of telling me to stop 2.5 suddenly rebound high bp and heart rate. Side effects are horrible but doc thinks all in my head. Can’t move legs sometimes, their like they want to start weaving all over place, At other. Pins and needlesNo strength anymore and also had bad muscular cramps especially in hands and legs. Not to mention the fact that I know bearly eat. Depression and anixety to the max. Much like above comment cried at not getting gp appointment. I’m 41 and feel more like 81. I can’t breath right anymore. And your meant to keep fit to lower BP can’t even manage stairs. Insomnia too as well as digestive issues.

Horrible drug that gp won’t change as it’s keeping bp down but at what cost to my quality of life. If you look at this drug on healthlocker. You see other users call it the devils drug.

Worked great on BP. Only had mild stomach issue. Had to discontinue because it caused my heart rate to go to 40 bpm even after halfing the dose.

I hated to stop this med. very mild side effects and very effective. Went to Altace which was was horrible compared to this, with many wicked side effects.

Tiredness, cold hands/feet, headaches, nausea, anxiety, depression

This drug was amazing to start with. Got rid of all my chest pain and felt quite well once the tiredness had subsided. Then came the unbelievable anxiety and depression. In a matter of weeks I became reclusive, irritable and told my partner I wanted to throw myself of a bridge. I became so anxious I couldn't even make a simple decision and completely broke down when I couldn't get an appointment to see the doctor! Medication was changed and within 2 weeks the depression/anxiety had disappeared. Excellent medication but the side effects were just too much for me.

This medication works very well.. I recommend it to anyone with angina...

blurred vision, hearing loss, ringing in ears sometimes tickle in throat, numbness and tingeling in hands and gets very bad, muscles in legs hurt have a hard time walking, knees hurt, get a strange sensation in back of thighs and start to breath heavy and legs hurt also get a strange sensation going down the middle of my chest sometimes all over body and the heels of my feet hurt especially when i'm sleeping, and acid reflux which i believe was due to taking HBP pills for 25 years (at least 18 different pills) over the years. and of course the doctor doesn't believe you have to take all kind of test to prove him wrong. and keep everybody in business.

Dizziness, Swollen Tongue & Throat, Difficulty Breathing, Low Blood Pressure, Numbness In Face, Fatigue

POSITIVE: Lowered heart rate and got me out of CHF within hours.NEGATIVE: Very low BP (60/40's); Dizziness; Fatigue; Allergic Reaction;I wish I was able to take this because it is the only drug that has worked in bringing down my high heart rate and took me out of CHF within just a few hours. Amazing! After stopping Zebeta, my rate went back up over 100 (resting) within 24 hours. I really think if I could have stayed on this, it would have converted me out of A-fib into NSR. If you can tolerate the side effects, it may just be the drug for you. Really keep an eye on your blood pressure to make sure it doesn't go too low.

sometimes heartbeat very slow (less than 50 bpm)

works better for me than metoprolol and propranolol with less/no CNS side effects

I am taking 10MG of lisinopril but my BP went up recently (stress) so Dr. added this. I jog 2 miles a day, my resting HR is usually 62, this drug is lowering my resting HR but it is stopping my PVCs (which were increasing) and has brought my BP back to 110/70; I will cut it in half for the next few days, see if the BP results remain good but the HR goes up a little. I hate those PVCs and I can't take more than 10MG Lisinopril because it causes constipation.

my hands go to sleep easily, especially at night when I'm sleeping. If I use the computer mouse much, my right hand goes to sleep. I also become cold more easier...used to be pretty hot-natured.

started taking half of a 5 mg pill...didn't lower BP enough so now I take a whole pill. Seems to work fine now.

Cold hands, dizziness, stomach problems

ZEBETA (BISOPROLOL FUMARATE): Bisoprolol is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This medication belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers. It works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body such as epinephrine on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers the heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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i open a gym @ 5:30 am. after 2 months i was not able to adapt to that schedule. i would nap frequently for a few minutes at a time. always felt lethargic all day until id go back to sleep. as i would adjust weights in the gym id injure myself- even split my finger open and had to get stitches. i always got my full 7-8 hours so i was stumped. Provigil helped with these symptoms. i already take lamictal, celexa, and inderol. provigil affects birth control but i don't want to get off of it b/c my tits will shrink lol.

I was told by my dr. to use 2x4 a day for 3 days. Well today is day 3 and I can not bare to even touch them. It hurts to walk/move. There is also a odor coming from the dries areas. I was tested for a utility or anything else. The Dr said the smell is from the cream/skin coming off. I tried my best not to get on any healthy skin but this was a lot harder then I expected (doing it alone). I see a huge difference already. I have about 15 gw. 4 of them were very large and the larger ones are purr white and starting to get smaller, a few of the smaller ones are starting to dissappear as well. Some of the older ones will definitely need another treatment. I'm going to rest for atleast 4 days and repeat the treatment again. Hoping they will continue to shrink during my rest time. I am also using neosporin with pain relief to help with the pain on my rest days and it helps immediately!

Withdrawal from this drug is horrific. It's been compared to heroin withdrawal. Severe sweats, chills, nausea, electrical shocks in the brain, indigestion, to name some. Oh. .. and my blood pressure shot through the roof for a few days. I'm on week four without and my brain is still trying to recalibrate itself. Not sure how long it's going to take to be better. Hopefully soon. The worst of the withdrawal is gone. My moods are up and down which is normal. Hopefully they'll stabilize soon as well. Good luck to everyone trying to get off this drug. Hang in there. It WILL get better.

headaches, eye problems, dizziness, nausea

Slight memory loss and difficulty recalling a word every now and then. Nothing that hinders my work performance (editing).

As an FYI when you take Diflucan you will experience something called "yeast die off". You can Google it. When the yeast die they produce toxins that cause many side effects that are blamed on the drug. I'm not saying the drug doesn't cause side effects because it does, just be aware that killing the yeast fungi also causes side effects. It's also important to repopulate your digestive system with a good probiotic. There are many out there but personally I'm going to give Three Lac a try this time around. It sounded promising on the web site.

Ranitidine has helped me significantly with my acid reflux, with no side effects. I am very pleased!

Within 24hrs of taking Tamiflu my body aches, fever chills, and, headache dissappeared. The congestion in my chest took about 48 hours to clear up. I'm glad I was able to find it however since it seems to be a very popular I had to travel a little distance away CVS didn't carry it in Richmond, Va.

Tri Lyte was not nearly as bad as I heard/read; charted my 15 minute intervals; used vasline prior to use; started solution 2 hrs early to ensure a peaceful nights rest; fist few cups I rinsed mouth with water; after the 3rd it wasn't necessary at all; tastes like a shake with a flavor pack (I chose pinneaple); It was fine; comit to it; Women; wear a large pad to prevent small mishaps before/after procedure;I had it done at Northwestern Hospital; If you have a question just ask me to respond by saying (Fab50 please reply)

regulated my sleep quite well, but didn't result in significant improvement in pain levels, and after time fatigue seemed to be caused by the Ambien - even during daytime, 12hrs after having taken it, so shouldn't have continued for so long. Stopped taking after about a year, had no problem sleeping, and got a little energy back.