Uniretic (hydrochlorothiazide; moexipril hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Uniretic (hydrochlorothiazide; moexipril hydrochloride)

Fatigue, shortness of breath, chronic cough

Worked very well for a couple of years, only occasional fatigue.Developed chronic dry cough, which is a side effect of this medication and a shortness of breath feeling. Dr. switched me to Avalide, which is working better than the Uniretic and no chronic coughing! Average BP runs 124/85, sometimes lower.

felt weak, arms felt heavy and I had no energy

I could not work on this medication

Side Effects foruniretic (hydrochlorothiazide; moexipril hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Severe endometriosis, fibroids

Nasal blocking and dust allergy

Occasional acid reflux. Mild insomnia but that subsides when I take it in the early AM. Inability to achieve orgasm.

L5/S1 bulged disc / pinched nerve

helped some of my symptoms like overactive thoughts, racing mind, slightly helped my focus, but not enough to be worth the fact that I had crippling anxiety, leading to very regular and severe panic attacks

Taking a high dosage for Lyme treatment along with Artesunate, Bromelain, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Nattokinese - a proven regime for Lyme Treatment. This medication must be taken with food to avoid severe stomach pains. Do as it says and never take on empty stomach. This medication is effective against Lyme as part of a carefully planned treatment regime, but the side effects are very noticeable and require monitoring. My Lyme symptoms disappeared within 4 days, but I must finish treatment regime to kill every last one. For me, the non-stop intracranial tension is bearable, but I'm only half way into course. I'm taking supplements such as Oral Liposomal Glutathione to help my liver, as my liver enzymes have increases and I have intermittent clay stools and signs my liver is a bit sensitive to this drug. Also, if your on strong antibiotics like these, then it must be balanced with a strong pro-biotic to replace the bacteria being killed in the gut.Taking this medication requires strong willpower as the side effects can interfere with day-to-day life. Many people stop taking it mid-treatment. I'm going to get to the end of the 28 days. I can say that side-effect symptoms do start to decrease as your body gets used to the drug after a week or so. My advice is to have family and friends to reassure you whilst taking this. Increased fear and anxiety are definitely noticeable.

Like anything else in life, only you and your doctor can make the right choices but I really think the side effects are not worth it. I was very happy for almost 2 years, I would not trade them with my family for anything. BUT be prepared withdrawl is hard.

Survived a year on Norvasc (should be illegal) and switched to Benicar. Worked great and no side effects until the last 6-8 weeks. I know this feeling from Norvasc. Just back from the ER tonight as I thought I was having a stroke or heart attack. I am getting off this drug!!!!!!!!!

nausea, low-grade constant headaches, vivid freaky dreams (sometimes violent & scary), sleep disturbance (waking several times a night), night sweats

Started taking 37.5 for 7 days and then went to 75 for 9 more days. Experienced many SX in the first 10 days but nothing that bad especially since it really helped with my muscle pain. However on day 10 the equipment stopped working. Couldn't have an orgasm even though I was more horny than usual. :( I toughed it out for another 6 days hoping things would change but they didn't. I decided I'd rather take the pain than have the equipment not work. I was really worried about withdrawal but had only minor symptoms( e.g. slight headache for a day or 2 ).Tightness in chest could have been a bigger problem( i.e. persistent hypertension ) but I was able to relax into it after a few days of meditation for 1-2 hours a day.I was able to sense/feel what the drug did and after coming off of it I was able replicate some of its effects with meditation.Great drug except for sexual SX.