Teveten (eprosartan mesylate) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Teveten (eprosartan mesylate)

Swelling in lower extremities, wheezing, coughing, breathing difficulties, anxiety

It starts out good, then eventually starts respiratory problems

I have tried almost everything, I don't know why this drug is not used more for HBP. I read some studies about Teveten, and it always out performed other HBP medicines with no side effects. When I tell people I take Teveten, the generic version, they have never heard of it. Teveten is no longer on the market, only the generic version of it is available. Ask for it....absolutely no side effects and it works at lowering blood pressure!

Almost no side effects. I've had none of the joint pain or stomach acid that I had daily while on Atacand. Some days my sinuses seem a bit more sensitive to smells. I feel mentally clear and have no fatigue while on Teveten. My circulation in my extremities has also improved.

I asked my doctor for Teveten after trying lots of different blood pressure meds in the past. I was running out of blood pressure medications to try and saw the high rating on this site. I'm glad I pushed the doctor to precribe this med as its very well tolerated. My insurance company covers it because I had angioedema while on Altace.

I have been taking various BP drugs for years....and have either had rashes or headaches from most of them. I saw the 5 rating of Teveten on this site and had my doc prescribe some. Worked great and have had no side effects! If you have had bad reactions to BP drugs, try this stuff.

This stuff works great. Less side effects and better control than other similar drugs.

So far, no unpleasant side effects.

Teveten provides better control of my blood pressure than Atacand did, and without all of the side effects of the Atacand.

Great medication for me. Has stood the test of time, as far as I am concerned.

I have also been on quinapril, irbesartan, ramipril, telmisartan and I can safely say that for me this drug has the best side effect profile and blood pressure lowering effect.

None. In the beginning I thought that I was peeing alot, but now I don't notice any problems. I did have problems with Norvasc-- it gave me inflammation and extra tissue growth in my gums but this is with Norvasc and not Teveten

It is an effective medication with no negative side-effects

increased blood pressure/water retention/breathing difficulties

it is not a very good medication in fact it should be removed from the market

TEVETEN (EPROSARTAN MESYLATE): Eprosartan is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This drug works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Eprosartan belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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I was on Diovan on and off for 10 years. Though it controlled my blood pressure. I cannot deal with the side effects. I was experiencing hair loss for several years and realized it started when I started taking Diovan. Everyone I spoke to stated that hair loss was not a side effect of Diovan. Needless to say I discontinued the Diovan at least a month ago and my hair is growing back, I haven't had that annoying cough, no shortness of breath, my joints are not hurting anymore and I have no trouble falling asleep and a decrease in the mood swings. All of these side effects were making me miserable. I would gladly take Diovan again if it weren't for the side effects.

Dull Headache All Day. Dizzy if I get up too quickly. Diarrhea; especially right after I take it. Feel lethargic and still don't feel like joining the world.

fatigue for a couple of days after the dosage. Sometimes sleeplessness.

I was put on Biaxin 500mg twice daily for Bronchitis and sinusitis. Day 1 I had no side effects at all. Day 2 mild metallic taste in mouth but bearable, very sleepy all day and spacey feeling. Day 3 HORRIBLE matallic taste, unbearable,and was worse when coughing, was constantly snacking and drinking trying to get rid of taste. I found that peanut butter and crackers help alot with this. Also when I would blow my nose, it would smell like an ashtray, coming from that taste I believe. Day 3 very nauseated, wanting to gag but never vomited. Metallic taste still very bad but as the day went it got better. No appetite all day. The rest of course of medicine was bearable. No more nausea after day 3. Metallic taste persisted but not as bad as day 3. Biaxin did clear bronchitis(and I had a very bad case) and it cleared the sinusitis too. I would reccomend this drug, the side effects are tough but not as bad as the bronchitis I had.

I've taken wellbutrin 2x for 5-6 months at a time. Result:Energy level back to normal, Mood back to normal, No sexual side-effects(Anorgasmic on Prozac), Deep restorative sleep (despite the dreams).It made me feel "normal" again, at least for the first 4 months or so.I quit (both times) after the side-effects became too bothersome and slowly but surely fell back into a "funk" with even less energy than I had before I took the drug. It acts like a stimulant in other words and is addictive. But for someone who gets sleepy on Prozac and is bothered by its sexual side-effects, Wellbutrin is a good anti-depressant.

Chronic Insomnia/ Chemo Side Effect

I started gaining weight as soon as I started it, and cut my calories to less than 1200 and low carb. As soon as I started it, I noticed my resting heart rate dropped to 60 and is normally in the 70s. Sometimes when I would check it, it would be as low as 53. Also noticed pings in my chest. Stopped taking it after day 11 and within 12 hrs my heart rate returned to normal.

I thought I was going crazy until I read these reviews. I'm on day 2 after receiving IV antibiotics of another antibiotic in the hospital. This is awful! I'm running out of options but I think this is worse. I can't eat and the pain through my body after taking it isn't worth it. I still have 5 days left! F this!

I DO NOT believe this drug should be prescribed to children!!! Serious neurological and psychological side effects!!!!

UPDATE: I have been off of the Omeprazole for approximately 4 months. ALL joint pain is GONE. No more headaches. And my hair is starting to "try" and grow back. I am seeing new growth. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Androgenetic Alopecia and I think the Omeprazole may have accelerated that a bit for me. BUT, I do see new hair growth on the top and some on the sides of my head. I wish to God I had never started this medication - I would probably not be in the situation I am in now with the sudden hair loss that I experienced. I would have probably had "normal" aging hair loss... Also, I think this drug was a bit of a "sedative" for me. It was like I wasn't happy, but I wasn't sad. Things that should have upset me didn't - things that should have made me happy didn't... So, I was on an "even keel" so to speak. Now, I am more emotional and anxious. Which is strange because I'm seeing so many people say they had these symptoms WHI