Tenoretic 100 (atenolol; chlorthalidone) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tenoretic 100 (atenolol; chlorthalidone)

Brand name no side effects; generic, stomach problems

Lethargy, sleeping during day, dizziness, light headed.

I give this a qualified "1", because others may not have the same reaction as I did, as an asthmatic. Rendered Albuterol inhaler useless.

I immediately went into distress from the very first dose. I was sucking on my inhaler every 15 minutes. Did a Google search on Atenolol and there it was in bold letters: Do Not Use This Medication If You Are Using Albuterol!?!?!? (paraphrased). Stopped taking Atenolol and the problem went away. Go figure...

Erectile dysfunction and borderline HBP despite drug

TENORETIC 100 (ATENOLOL; CHLORTHALIDONE): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains 2 medications: atenolol and chlorthalidone. Atenolol belongs to a class of drugs known as beta blockers. It works by blocking the action of certain natural chemicals in your body, such as epinephrine, on the heart and blood vessels. This effect lowers the heart rate, blood pressure, and strain on the heart. Chlorthalidone is a "water pill" (diuretic) and causes your body to get rid of extra salt and water. This effect may increase the amount of urine you make when you first start the medication. It also helps to relax the blood vessels so that blood can flow more easily. These medications are used together when 1 drug alone is not controlling your blood pressure. Your doctor may direct you to start taking the individual medications first, and then switch you over to this combination product if this is the best dose combination for you. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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The injections are just too much of a hassle, and at some injection sites, the fat breaks down and hardened spots on the abdomen result. Also, I've awaken with severe leg cramps that remain sore for days. Also, lots of bruising. I tried Coumadin but because of extensive business travel couldn't regulate very well.

I had terrible anxiety - so bad that sometimes I could not get out from under the covers - I would be shaking with anxiety. SSRI's like Lexapro just made me worse. Prozac was terrible. The first week taking Remeron (15 mg) I was really groggy but then my anxiety lifted and I felt so much better. After 6 months my doctor added Provigil to counteract the tiredness and weight gain from the Remeron. This combination was fantastic and now I feel very normal. I would advise anyone with weight gain or tiredness from Remeron to try adding Provigil. I have had terrible life stresses in the past month and I am getting through with minimal problems.

Migraines, spotting, emotional, lack of sex drive, uti.

Terrible neck pain,bloating,boil like knots under skin that would finally burst and did not want to heal

Severe dry, hacking cough, choking, gagging, vomiting, swollen throat, hip and leg pain. Cough and choking increased at night causing inability to sleep/fatigue.

Apparently depression, moody, weight gain!!!!

To control any future polyp growth

I haven't had and issues to complain about

This is disgusting stuff, and they shouldn't even give it to you without explaining ALL the side effects and symptoms! I wish I would have just kept taking Aleve, because now I feel worse than ever.

Even though I am on a small dosage, I can honestly feel it working already. I have treatment resistant depression and I am taking this along with Lexapro and Wellbutrin. My doc is upping me to 50mg per day next week. Already I am feeling more awake, alive, motivated, clear thinking, and less hopeless and sad. I have had the munchies pretty bad, sort of like PMS cravings, but I hope those go away in time. It's not bad enough to make me want to stop taking it. A few people have told me I seem "better" since I started on Lamictal. I hope it's everything I was looking for and I can get on with my life finally.