Tarka (trandolapril; verapamil hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Tarka (trandolapril; verapamil hydrochloride)

I used to take a higher dosage but had a beta block as a consequence of another drug I used with it. That was stopped and I kept on being tired and slow pulse so dr reduced the dosageUse at night had some sleeping problems but also improved with timeStill coughing but I know it is one of the side effects

Good quality but very expensive for a pensionerMay be you should motivate to medical aids to pay a bit more for this treatment

It is the only medicine that has controlled my blood pressure with no side effects. Lopressor made my lips and face swell

Uncontrollable cough. It got worse over the months that I used it. Finally had to switch meds.

hypertension and rapid heart rate

pounding heart; chest pressure; shortness of breath,poor sleep

I have taken Tarka 2 for almost 2 years. After losing 30 lbs, I started to have side effects. Prior to weight loss, Tarka successfully controlled my blood pressure and heart rate with no problems. I now take a diuretic and have no side effects.

developed an almost constant hacking dry cough, which is a well known side effect of ACE inhibitors. I couldn't go anywhere without coughing. Did lower BP but MD changed it to an ARB.

Tarka is a brand named combination pill, very expensive. Ask your MD for generic Verapamil, and generic Trandolapril. Same exact meds only at at least 1/2 the price.

Started taking 4/240 after Mavik 4mg didn't control pressure. Took it at night so AM pressure wouldn't be high. Worked, but couldn't sleep. Now taking it in the AM, but pressure isn't controlled as well. Dr. considering a change.

dry, hacking cough during the night, loss of sex drive, fatigue

Immediately lowered my blood pressure to a normal level

Loss of sex drive, doesnot control blood bressure for very long,causes a lot of sleepyness, Joint pain dailey, un sure if it contributes to otherproblems such as constipation. feel draged out and tire all time.

Have been taking one tablet dailey 4/240mg seems to cause more problems than it helps. have been on this for aver 3 years so I would think there has been plenty of time to adjust to and & all changes it causes. seems to only work for about 6 hours then any activity cause blood pressure to climb again.

At first I was quite tired.I had little energy. After taking the drug for about 2 weeks, everything was back to normal again.

After being on 4 different medications, this one controls my B/P perfectly. It was 140/90, but now it is 124/70. No side effects whatsoever.

headaches, nausua, anxiety, pounding heart at times, sluggish at times, constipation, dry coughing (Dr said it was a common side effect)

Dr. started me on 2/180 for blood pressure at 140/80. While on Tarka bp was up and down, but avg of 130/80. Discontiuned it due to nausua feeling everyday, making it hard to eat daily. Headaches in the begining were terrible, but after 4 days reduced to managable headaches. Was taking Tarka, 2 Advil, and Prilosec daily.

Headaches, blurred vision, no stamina, grey/green palor to skin color, blood pressure erratic, high (140/100)then(120/80)within few minutes/ reduced libido(sex drive), blotchy patches of skin upper body, just to list a few!

I have stopped this medication, tapering off, and then using herbal/vitamin supplements, reversed the side effects, which took some time to completly go away, and I feel much better then when on Tarka, and have mostly an acceptable BP in the 120/130 OVER 80/90 range, which is better, most of the time, then when on Tarka.

slight white coat syndrome b p

sweats, headache nausea,,,aches, extreme exhaustion, dizzy, flu like feelings for 9 days,,,stopped taking and will see dr tomorrow to try other.

Minimal. Some dizziness. Much better than Lotrel or Toprol.

dry cough at the beginning, still have headaches but not as bad, have had some constipation, currently experencing hot flashes, very tired, can't seem to get in the sun b/c if I get too hot I get dizzy and can feel my heart beat throbbing through my body, I have also gained about 15 pounds since taking this medicine....I was not a small woman when I started taking this med and really didn't need to gain any weight...I would like to be able to find something that can counter the weight gain...

my blood pressure has gone down drastically but really would like to be able to get in the sun

A little dry cough and a little constipation at the start, but now that I've adjusted to the med, I'm doing well on it.

My MD started me on 2/180 Tarka and increased to 2/240 as my B/P was going up at night again. Since then, my B/P has come down to 130/80

verapamil was no longer working, doc switched me to this..so far it is making my bp too low, I am dizzy. Readings on verapamil was 140ish/100ish...so far with Tarks - 98/68 avg. Not better today - calling Doc.

hight bp and rapid heart beats

So far I've only noticed constipation I'm hoping it will go away as times goes on...my heart beats fast I'm going to talk to my doc about it tomorrow. It did wonders for my bp. I've only been on it for 1 week.

TARKA (TRANDOLAPRIL; VERAPAMIL HYDROCHLORIDE): This product is used to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. This product contains 2 medications: trandolapril and verapamil. Trandolapril belongs to a class of drugs known as ACE inhibitors. Verapamil belongs to a class of drugs known as calcium channel blockers. They both work by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. Verapamil may also lower your heart rate. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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anxiety, to the point It put me in an asthma attack, seeing things that weren't there, and so tired that i couldn't even keep my eyes open. i had to pull over on the side of the road after my hospital visit where they gave me this before i left, and take a nap i fell asleep while driving! god knows how long i was out for and thankfully no one got hurt!

very minimal - little blurred vision

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Can only tell you my good friend took this drug and he is now legally BLIND! This was 7 years ago but this drug is still on the market.

The drug was delivered through an IV prior to and during the 10 minute procedure. Initially, the drug felt cold as it entered my forearm, but that sensation was relatively minor. I basically just felt relaxed and it was all I needed to move through the procedure comfortably. Physiologically, it was a good experience.

Thank God for talk therapy, this drug kills. Was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder after a flip out because of weed cookies i think and just a whole lot of stress and smoking weed for the first time. Ever since taking this drug ive lost my promotion at work lost all motivation, lost the ability to handle losts

Explosive diarrhoea, stomach pains, nausea and feeling weak. Absolutely awful after 2nd dose and sleepless night. Scan today and still having stomach pain and diarrhoea. Would never take again

I began taking 15 MG Remeron about 4 weeks ago. Before, I was waking up every night after 4-5 hours of sleep, sometimes less, and not being able to get back to sleep. The first week of taking the 15mg, there was the hangover effect in the morning and into the next day. I went down to 7.5MG until the end of the first week and moved back up to 15MG. I had been dealing with the sleep problems for much of the past 10 years. After the first week, the hangover effect went away. After the second week, my sleep continued to improve to the point where I sleep throughout the night virtually every night and when I do wake, I am able to get back to sleep. It's only been 4 weeks, but I can easily say that this drug has greatly helped my sleep and anxiety associated with the sleeplessness. I am sleeping better then I have since I was a kid.

severe endometriosis, frozen pelvis

Increase in anxiety and panic attacks, achy joints and limited body movement, out of breath, dizziness, and feelings of anger.