Sectral (acebutolol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Sectral (acebutolol hydrochloride)

Cardiologist had me quit point blank,heart issues for 2weeks then resting no 50 ,110

Walking is good but fast heartbeat with mild to heavy labor, rest ,then normalNot to do anything to pacemaker

This beta blocker is the only one that does not depress HDL "good" cholesterol. Its controls my Blood Pressue and helps bring up my HDL. Its generic! If your taking Niaspan (for low HDL) etc you might want to check this out with your Doctor.

Was on Sectral for about 5 years. Preferred over other beta blockers because had less bradycardia effect. Pretty effective lowering blood pressure, but started noticing blood sugar rising to pre diabetic range. Being healthy otherwise, determined it was due to med. After went off Sectral, blood sugar returned to normal levels.

slowing heart palpitation due to pain in the heart

I have been taking sectral the last 30 years of my life and thank God it seems that the pains somehow is in controlled due to the valve of which blood was not flowing well

vivid nightmares, heart palpitations, & insomnia

Beta-blockers are not for me. I took it for a week before I could no longer tolerate the side effects. It took me from being utterly exhausted to being up for the entire night within an hour of taking it. My heart felt like it was pounding very hard and a bit erratically. My mother can't take anything in this class of drugs either. I am not saying don't try it, just be aware that there are side effects.

I felt out of it for about 2 days when I first started taking this medication. Caused longterm tiredness, weight gain and horribe hot flashes. I just started on Lopressor today to see if it will make me feel any better(feel horrible so far). The sectral did keep my heart rate and BP under control for a little over two years, then it just seemed to stop working???

Over all it was a pretty good drug for me.

immediate loss of balance, weight gain

Side Effects forsectral (acebutolol hydrochloride) - User Comments


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I am an active 51 year old who continued to do what I have been doing for years - basketball, running, hand and arm strengthening training for rock climbing - at a reduced level while taking the drug for 30 days. Out of nowhere, my lower calves and achilles tendons started to hurt after low levels of excercise. I partially tore a tendon in my forearm. Joint pain in my fingers. I had specifically asked my doctor whether I had to worry about such activities while taking the drug, but he said "no." Research on the internet disclosed that sometimes severe tendon problems are a known side effect of Levaquin... but I elected to cut out all exercise rather than cut short the levaquin since I only had 10 days of treatment left. All tendon problems, except of course for the partial tear in my forearem, immediately cleared within a 1.5 weeks after I stopped taking the levaquin. With respect to the prostatitis, the antibiotic seems to have helped.

I was taking Celexa, tried others like Paxil, Effexor, Zoloft... those meds made the anxiety worse. After 5 yrs. of experimentation I found this site and read how Wellbutrin helped someone with anxiety. Since it's in a totally diffrent class of drugs than the others I had tried, I figured it might work. It was great at first but once I graduated from college I became very depressed and since then have been struggling with my anxiety, not able to work, grocery shop, etc... tried upping my dose and everything got worse. My drug plan all of a sudden only covers generic, so last week I tried my new cheaper pills and I was having chest pains, my left arm was tingly and my face was numb on the left side. So I stopped that after 2 days, went and got the name brand today. I'm feeling funny tho, not liking this... I don't understand why this is happening, doctors know less about these drugs than I do it seems, I'm not sure what else to try. I'm only taking 100mg a day cause I wanted a really lo

First night, nausea, light headed, feeling very weak. Now have extreme body aches, skin very sore/sensitive - like having a sunburn over every inch of body, redness/flushing of face, neck and chest. I have puffed up and gained 5 lbs. in 5 days.

Headaches constantly and can't sleep!

Lost its effectiveness for night sweats and insomnia due to perimenopause.

I am 9 months post of having this medicine. The side effects are bad, you will be miserable for a long time. But hang in there because I am slowly getting better. However, this medication will shave off a year of your life with just one dose. Never take this medication, unless you have too.

Iam on a lot of medication due to vast medical problemsn

Stayed on it b/c it eliminated my allergies but I'm a nervous wreck and my social relationships have suffered because of the anxiety/depression. I'll take the allergies, thanks.

Fatigue, genrally unwell, face very irritated itchey painful and difficult to sleep-- very red and unsightly face-- added bonus when you work out your sweat burns as well -- 3 weeks to apply at least 3 more weeks to start to look normal and 8 weeks to get my running distance back

white noise, occasional headaches-but not sure if it's related to taking this medicine,