Normodyne (labetalol hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Normodyne (labetalol hydrochloride)

Tingling in my head, nausea, muscle cramps,

I was drinking this pill Normodyne 100mg..did not work at all. My HBP was still high. 160/ my cardio changed medication...I am drinking TOPROL XL 100mg...and my HBP is 121/79...I am feeling great. Thank God !! ;)

Side Effects fornormodyne (labetalol hydrochloride) - User Comments


Related User Reviews

I take 50mg every 4 hrs. Usually 2x/daily. I have not had any adverse reactions that I cannot live with. Ultram is not as "good" for the pain as Percocet, but works better than an OTC pain medication. I can see how one could become addicted to this medication as it does take the pain away and nobody likes being in pain.

Let me start by saying that I have PTSD from the military and have had problems with nightmares and depression for years. I have not noticed a change in my depression or bad dreams since starting chantix. This is a miracle drug for smokers and nicotine addicts. It stopped my urge to smoke by probably 90 percent. You still have to have some will power and a desire to quit smoking. I have tried the patch, the gum, vapIng and cold turkey. Nothing else in the market can hold a candle to this pill. I am thoroughly impressed and am on my 3rd day of no nicotine and feel completely fine. I've read so many reviews that people are having severe depression and nightmares on this medication but I deal with this anyway Anderson I have not had an increase or change in mood or nightmares.I just watched my father pass away 3 months ago due to COPD from smoking. He was 74 years old and would have been perfectly healthy aside from his lung problems from smoking. He had quit smoking when he was 69 but the damage was already done and we watched him slowly get worse and worse every year. I recommend anyone who is having a hard time quitting reevaluate whether they want to deal with a few weeks or months of depression and nightmares or years of breathing treatments, steroids, oxygen machines and movement restrictions. This medicine is nothing short of a miracle drug and I can't possibly be more impressed by how easily I quit. Weigh the consequences before you decide to stop taking no this med

Felt like I was lightheaded. And I had palpations and felt really tired and weak .

Significant fatigue, trouble staying asleep at night, vivid dreams, some dizziness and numbness, decreased libido, difficulty reaching orgasm, moderate weight loss and decreased appetite. Sleep problems are alleviated somewhat if I take the medicine in the morning; otherwise, I'll go to bed and wake up feeling like I hadn't slept at all.


I am actualy taking Sreroxat.Side effects:- Loss of appetite,lost 8Lb in 1 week, 3 hour bouts of profuse sweating 2 or 3 times a day, like a zombie, vivid dreams at night, constant yawning, clenched and chattering teeth. Loss of sex drive.

So far this stuff is working great for me. I have been dealing with IED for years now, and tried Cymbalta for a couple of years, but it seemed to lose it's effectiveness over time. Got off the Cymbalta, and even with slow tapering, the withdrawal was pretty rough. The IED returned so now I'm trying Viibryd. I felt better the very first day on 10mg. My Dr. gave me the trial pack to taper to 20mg and stay at that, but I think I'm going to stay at 10mg since it's doing the job for me at that dosage. I can't remember the last time I was always happy!

At the first 2-3 weeks it was a nightmare. Not only nausea and loss of appetite, but the feeling like your head were 100kg heavy. Zero libido for the entire using time.

pain in foot,knee,and back.....

Started really well and very satisfied until I gained 2 stone and felt really sluggish despite eating well and exercising regularly. I could not shift the weight so came off it and I have still not had a period two months on (I'm not pregnant!) So really messed my body up!