Moduretic 5-50 (amiloride hydrochloride; hydrochlorothiazide) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Moduretic 5-50 (amiloride hydrochloride; hydrochlorothiazide)

severe nausea, vomitting, lost weight

I had severe nausea and vomitting with this medication. I lost 10 lbs in 5 days.

prevent calcium loss-kidneys/urine

helping somewhat....less calcium flushing out in urine but has not stopped problem completely. I am told calcium loss is cause of osteopenia diagnosis

I have used the brand name only. Despite being told they are the same, after 2 weeks on a generic,I ended up in the ER with a question of congestive heart failure. Moduretic has saved me. Thank God for Moduretic 5/50.Sadly and scarily, I have a hard time finding pharmacies that carry it and have to drive at times 200 miles. But I cannot be without it.

Side Effects formoduretic 5-50 (amiloride hydrochloride; hydrochlorothiazide) - User Comments


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nausea and vomiting headaches body aches hostpitilazation

It work great on reducing cholesteral level, but its side effects became another problem for me. I will discuss it with my doctor in my next visit.

Loss of period, vaginal dryness, muscle pain (only a few days after getting the shot), and painful sex

As soon as they gave me the migraine cocktail with compazine, I went into a full blown panic attack. I had to call for the nurse twice because they did not give me a call Button. I told them I wanted the IV taken out of my arm. They kept asking me if I was sure and I told him yes that I wanted it taken out. They said that they can give me Benadryl to counteract the medicine but I told them just to take it out that I had to leave the room. Finally, once they brought me outside I was able to calm down some and they gave me some Benadryl. I'm so glad I had someone to drive me home because I was totally out of it with the medication and did not comprehend anything that was going on. Also was jittery and had no appetite to eat. When I got home, I kept falling asleep, getting up and walking around. I couldn't even stand to watch TV for only a certain limit of time. This is the worst experience ever. I would never take this medication again. I would rather have a migraine.

To lower glucose and to lose weight

becouse I stop to see my period

Everything you can imagine. Worse was severe anxiety, rapid heart beat, paranoia, hallucinations, nightmares, trembling, felt like my skin was crawling.

I have had this in now for 2 and a half years and I just want it out. It works really well in terms of preventing pregnancy but the bleeding is unbearable. I never know when it will start or stop. Some months I'll be bleeding on and off for 3 weeks of the month. I have tried to eat healthy and exercise but I keep gaining weight. I'm going to have it removed very soon mainly due to the bleeding. I could handle irregular periods, but this is a common thing now to be bleeding for a week then it will stop for five day and start all over again. I can't handle that.

Initially rapid heartbeat and insomia. After one week 4 pound weight gain. After 6 weeks 6.5 pound weight gain, puffy face, bloat belly, redistribution of fat to mid-section.

This med is now considered by migraine specialists to be archaic in the prophylaxis of the disease. It's relatively safe and it's cheap, which I imagine is why it still gets prescribed. I feel that I may have slept a little better on this med. But, to be honest, the very best cure for my migraines is total avoidance of any triggers. Given that my triggers include virtually all external stimuli (from sound and light to noise and the ordinary business of life), it seems that I am, in our culture, very disabled. I'm trying to make the point that maybe we get migraines because we are not physiologically designed for, nor have we adapted, to the crazy demands of 21stC life.