Minipress (prazosin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Minipress (prazosin hydrochloride)

Blurred vision, nausea, dizziness, low blood pressure, fast pulse rate.

Is not potent enough to reduce the B.P. to 120mg where I wanted it to get but it did reduce it by a couple of point. My Physician didnt want me to increase the dose so he added another drug. My greatest satisfaction though was that it helps me sleep very well, this was pleasantly unexpected

I was so hung over in the morning I could not function. Driving that way was dangerous. Didn’t help the nightmares either.

Psychiatrist did not consider I was on other blood pressure medicine. Blood pressure went into the toilet

PTSD - night terrors panic in sleep

Shortness of breath, no energy, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue next day for hours. 1mg I still have nightmare but no longer wake up having panic. 2mg don't dream at all or at least can't remember. Worse is no energy left over for much of anything. Activity weakens me now

Works but hopefully I will try 1mg again to see if I can regain energy for yoga and walking

Blurred vision,stuffy nose,shortage and difficulty of breath,pareasthesia,chest pain,heavy and tightness,feeling cool and body shaky,arms and legs numbness,joint pain and swelling,lethargic,fatigue,giddy,throat dry ,tightness and hard to swallow food,rash and hives at elbow&feets,eyes pain from internal,insomia,anxiety,heart palpitation,nausea,body pins&flushing..

I had try alot hypertension medicine:atenolol,metoprolol,kerlone,concor,coversyl,renitec,cozaar,micardis ,diovan,amlodipine,plendil,dialtiazem,herbesser,carvedilol,inderal,physioten, indapamide and body cant tolerate to all side effect and allergic reaction, already stop taking medicine for 3month but side effect still in my body,and try natural way to reduce my blood pressure but cant,

Shortness of breath, wheezing,weakness,lack of energy, blurred vision, pounding heart beat, depression, ED.

Lightheadedness - most distressing

for Post traumatic stress syndrome

The only side effects I experienced were headache and stomach pain for about a week.

This drug has helped me sleep more peacefully and calm. I no longer "thrash" and cry out in my sleep.

postursal hyperhension, unable to work as carpenter especialy at height due to dizzy spells

as a huseband i am not as before. my ... does not get errected any more

MINIPRESS (PRAZOSIN HYDROCHLORIDE): Prazosin is used with or without other medications to treat high blood pressure. Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Prazosin belongs to a class of medications called alpha blockers. It works by relaxing and widening blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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decreased libido, weight gain, dry mouth, lethargy, flattened affect, electrical shock sensations

I have a hormone imbalance since a tubal ligation - having a heavy period every 2 weeks and one huge acne pimple that comes back in the same spot. My hair has atleast stopped falling out and I'm crazy horny. I did lose 2 pounds but the rash on my face hurts. I'm trying a few things to make sure the rash is not an allergic reaction and related to the pill. I also now have small white heads all over - I think I rather have a clear face with one pimple than this rash!

Please do NOT receive Botox!!! Just go ahead and google deadliest poison and you will find botulinum toxin aka Botox. I am currently lower than I have ever been. I feel like I lost my well being and health overnight for something so stupid and cosmetic. This toxin can spread past injection spot and affect your entire body. And injector will not be held liable. PLEASE AVOID!

Never taking this again. Hope I feel back to my normal crazy self soon. 👍🏼

It is difficult for me to take naps now, and I feel more amorous. My mind can race, but I'm more alert. Dreams have become very vivid, which I like. Unfavorable side effects include: tummy rumbles, slight constipation, having to take a pill.

Symptomps gone after switching to Diovan.

Sleepiness, a little foggy at times. I cannot function without it or I use the fentanyl patch.

This drug causes so much muscle pain in my lower back that I can't stand for longer than 15 min. without being in pain. I used to be active but since taking this drug it's all I can do to walk to the mailbox and back and then I have to lie down. I'm going to ask my Dr. to change me to Lovaza which is natural made from Omega-3.

No energy and shortness of breath.. Brian Fog.

I am in decent physical shape and run about 3 miles 3-4 times per week. But, my blood pressure has been borderline 140/80 for some years. Last year (2009), my pressure stayed at about 150/90ish. I began taking Cozaar and Dr. prescribed 50MG per day. Blood pressure did not change so I was prescribed 100MG per day. Within one week, I began to have numerous dangerous side effects. Chest pain was piecing with pain from upper abdomen through shoulders and back, dizziness, lower back pain, vision bluriness, trouble breathing, and increase of blood pressure to 176/103. Dr. took me off drug immediately and the last event with the drug ended with upper respiratory infection and a follow-on bronchitis bout.