Micardis (telmisartan) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Micardis (telmisartan)

Dizziness, heart palps, shortness of breath. Not sure what to take because I'm super sensitive. Anxiety through the roof

A new cardiologist switched me from another BP to this drug. I does not lower my BP at all and it scares me 180/95 .

It makes me feel miserable, unstable walk, headaches, bloated, depressed. I never had high diastolic numbers, but with this drug I have. I will go back on my other BP meds today, because I can't see my cardiologist until next week. I need sleep and to feel better again.

A new cardiologist switched me from another BP to this drug. I does not lower my BP at all and it scares me 180/95 .

It makes me feel miserable, unstable walk, headaches, bloated, depressed. I never had high diastolic numbers, but with this drug I have. I will go back on my other BP meds today, because I can't see my cardiologist until next week. I need sleep and to feel better again.

Anxiety and panic attacks that made it difficult to drive. It didn’t help my bp, and the longer I took it, the worse the anxiety and the bp became.

Severe large hot and itchy hives all over body but more concentrated on palms and soles. Retested after a week. Verified micardis as culprit

Found supportive literature. Rare but not unheard of.

BP still swings from high to slightly high, ringing in ears, general feeling of not well. Muscle cramps at night, upset stomach, slightly lightheaded most of the time. I had no symptoms of high BP till I started Rx.

Increase pvc's, anxiety, occasionally runs of tachycardia, bigemeny for hours, fogginess, my doctor won't change my med, also increasing liver pain/ bile duct pain after I eat, they sent me to cardiologist, still won't change my med?????Why???

Upset stomach, insomnia, nausea, anxiety, frequent nighttime urination.

I am not going to continue with this med. I know it's only 1 day, but I feel absolutely dreadful. Didn't sleep at all.

Pains in legs. Also week. Anxiety. HeadacheHave no energy. Did better on Cozaar

I have been on micardis for many years and it has always controlled my blood pressure at a low dose. But after reading these comments I am wondering if this may be the reason for my anxiety and panic attacks. I never had anxiety in my life and then they just started happening out of the blue about the same time I started taking micardis in 2008. I went to the emergency room several times till I was put on Xanax for the panic attacks. I have been taking Xanax ever since.

Could micardis be the reason for my anxiety/panic attacks?

Extreme dizziness, weight gain, bloated, constipation, dry mouth, poor sleep, joints swelling, and just started with chest pain. After reading the reviews I know I am not crazy! I had anxiety and severe sinuses problems like I cant breathe thru my nose.

I am speaking with my doctor and asking to be taken off. I'm gonna do it the old fashion way by exercising more and changing diet.

Elevated BP, increased chest pain & dyspnea with exertion, dizziness, headache

I did not tolerate ARBs 20 years ago but was assured by the physician that the newer drugs in this family had so few side effects as to be negligible. Will not continue this drug as it seems to be ineffective. BPs much higher than before taking it.

Muscle weakness and stiffness. I walk several miles a day and it became very uncomfortable. Also odd tiny muscle spasms started about 5 months after I started taking it. Stopped taking it a week ago. Managing BP with weight loss, exercise, beets, and magnesium. BP is same as when taking micardis. Not taking meds ever again. The anxiety and fear of the side effects are NOT worth it. I feel like I've been poisoning myself

Sinus congestion and cold like symptomsWorsening anxietyExtreme dry mouthFatigue

Extreme physical fatigue, blurred vision, anxiety and panic attacks, nasal and chest congestion, constant sore throat, totally cannot handle humidity or heat...feel like I m drowning. Dizzy. Terrible drug for me.

Was on valsartan then switched to this drug...in the same drug family. I ve been on it 8 mos and feel like I m going to die. Side effects just keep coming. My doc says can t be the drug ...I know it is. It is controlling b pressure but quality of life is horrible.

Bloating, dry mouth, feeling anxious, tiredness, stomach pain and discomfort, excessive gas, morning nausea,depression not wanting to be at work or around people

All the doctors say is the side effects are better than what could happen. Problem is trying to live life daily on this stuff has become shocking.

Control the blood Pressure but the side effects are horrible-heart pain palpations anxiety shaking...hate it

Severe bloating, sinus congestion, joint pain, blurred vision

It did reduce the Systolic BP, but diastolic consistently at. 100

MICARDIS (TELMISARTAN): This medication is used to treat high blood pressure (hypertension). Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Telmisartan belongs to a class of drugs called angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs). It works by relaxing blood vessels so blood can flow more easily. (Sources: U.S. Centers for Medicare Services, FDA) Download our Free Resource Guide:


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No period. Cramping during the week I should have period. Very emotional.

I just came across this site, I was taking omeprazole it's an awful tablet took it for 3 months, have been off it now for 3 weeks and feeling much better, I had awful acid reflux that lasted for hours especially in the night. Really have to be careful what you eat i.e tomatoes, Mayo, anything with acid in basically. Had bloods done and liver enzymes went through the roof, had to can scan and all sorts but they now think it was the medication that caused the enzymes to rise. I have never felt so ill, but now know it was the tablet, as people have written in this site it truly is a really bad drug and more awareness and information given before you take the tablet. I have only now come across this site and wish I had seen it soonerSent from my iPhone

Dizziness that comes on suddenly and lasts for hours, headaches, low blood sugar. Waking up through out the night too.

Just feeling better. It just takes away the phyiscal aspects of depression, unreasonable fear. I realize that I basically have a physical addiction to it and I'll be on it forever. I'll take that tradeoff to not have to experience life without it.

I have not had seizures, depressive episodes, or forceful intruding thoughts; but this might be short lived since I am only at 13 weeks.

major anxiety, shakiness, inability to think, heart pounding, nauseousness, crying, irrational, loss of appetite

dizziness, equilibrim, droziness, somewhat depressed

sinus infection, PN drip severe

I am a 51 year old female with first time high blood pressure. After three weeks on dyazide I've lost 11 pounds! I don't retain fluids and I'm not having the problem with constant urination like others noted here. I cannot use any other type of BP meds because I'm a asthmatic so beta blockers will not work well with my asthma meds. Anyway, bottom line with dyazide I'm just simply not hungry (this is a good thing as I'm about 35 pounds overweight). I do feel dizzy occasionally and initially had a sense of restlessness, but that is subsiding. I would recommend this medication. BP is down, weight is down. A GOOD THING!

Major depression, ocd, anxiety, pts