Hytrin (terazosin hydrochloride) Side Effects, Uses Dosages

Side Effects for Hytrin (terazosin hydrochloride)

Low blood pressure, fatigue,sleeplessness

Begin to work well at the beginning use, then in week two, begin to feel tired a lot, had the stumbles frequently, sleep would be sporadic at nite. And my BP fell to very low numbers, felt light headed most of the day.

I got lucky. The only side effect I felt was a runny (dripping) nose. it comes and goes. Other than that no other side effects.

I was switched from doxazosin to hytrin because of supply and demand reasons according to my physician. Started with 1mg for a week, then increased to 5mg daily. One year ago increased dosage to 10mg seeking even more relief from urinary symptoms. Other than a runny nose I had no side effects.. Although there has been definite relief from urinary problems associated with BPH, I may return to 5 mg daily as I really haven't noticed much difference in urinary relief between 5mg and 10mg. However, one thing that has happened in the last four months is that I began having a problem with erectile dysfunction. I cannot say for certain that it is the terazosin causing the problem but I am researching this aspect now.

Dizziness at first, faded after a few days. B/P dropped 40 points. Slow urine stream eased, much better, I thought sexual response was odd but some note that, mine improved by quite a bit. I am happy thus far

Slight dizziness, reverse ejaculation, no change either way in libido, guys, unexplainable weight gain (6 lbs in 6 mos) and heavy exercise and diet won't take it off (may or may not be related to drug, but it's a heck of a coincidence). Hair loss, again possible coincidence.

Some relief from BPH but still having difficulty urinating at night. Burning and slight pain continue; might be having intermittent minor UTIs. Doc says no cancer. Positive effect of drug seems to be wearing off after 6 months. Almost no point in taking it any more. Going to see doc about trying something else. Not a bad drug, but not a super one either. All I can say is I agree that Hytrin is better than nothing.

Most side effects were brief: stuffy nose, achy joints. I've noticed a slight increase in libido and erectile performance. Reverse ejaculation continues, but still get some positive discharge.

Was on Flomax for one day and thought I was having a stroke. Dr. switched me to Hytrin. Took two weeks for any positive effect. It's been 30 days now and have definitely noticed positive effect on urination, though I can't say I'm back to normal. Some days I pee well, other days it's more difficult. Hey, some relief is better than none. Better libido, less ED, but still not performing at the level I'd like. All in all this drug has been helpful for me. Give it a try. For me most of the sides went away in a few days and after a month the effect on my BPH has been good. Be patient when you try this drug. It takes a while to work.

swollen ankles tiiitus difficult sleeping rapid heart beat

stopped drug after 4 years last 2 years 5 mg a day did nothing for bl pr. better than nothing for bph

Only noticed side effect was dizziness upon standing. No sexual side effects at this dosage ever.

After taking this drug for 15 years my BPH took an unexpected bad turn and I was switched to Rapaflo. I do not like the Rapaflo side effects, especially on the sexual side. I am going back to urologist to see if a switch back could be possible

urinary urgency, increase flow

Slight headache, some dizzyness when beginning the drug, orthostatic hypotension.

Switched from Flomax to Hytrin and thank God I did. Works great, I can piss like a racehorse again, have no vertigo at all, can ejaculate normally again, and don't have to worry about "floppy iris syndrome" as much. Moved from 1 mg. a day to 2mg. after the 1st. week. Side effects flare up briefly when you up the dosage, then subside in 1 or 2 days. Added benefit of spontaneous "night boners" again. Haven't had those in the last 20yrs....!!! Great alpha blocker ...and cheap...!!!

BPH, urinary retention, repeat UTI

Rapid heart beat (110 BPM) lasting over 30 min. Chills under a heavy layer of blankets. Eyes (during sleep) wet as if infected. Insomnia. Anxiety/nervousness. Slight increase Blood Pressure, to no increase. No dizzyness.

Took Terazosin generic for Hytrin. Seemed helpful: increased flow, able to urinate longer. Insomnia on first and second night, 4 hrs sleep each night. Chills lasting 20-30 minutes when very warm. Though entirely different drugs, experienced similar side effects with Flomax. If you experience chills, elevated heart rate, or significant eye problems STOP USING and call the Dr. May be a good drug if your body can handle it, mine can't.

Severe diziness, and spinning sensation all night with first dose. Second night almost fell down when getting up to urinate and hand to crawl to the bathroom and back to the bed, 3rd night lightheadache and dizzy, decided to try accupuncture instead

Growing impotence, reduced sexual response, as dosage rose from 2mg through 4mg to 6mg. Very little and light syncope.

Can't tolerate the side effects I now have. Original application was for BPH in preparatin for TURP procedure performed last June. Hypertension increased after the procedure (surprisingly), so nephrologist switched uses to this purpose.

While it improved my urination issues (frequent visits, reduced stream, straining) it made sleep very difficult. Instead of getting up at night to go to the bathroom, I was awakened several times from not being able to breath through my nose. I stopped taking it 1 1/2 ago. I've just been prescribed Flomax following a Cystoscopy. I'm concerned I'll have the same symptoms.

it works well to help with the urination problem,but I have fatigue that may be related to the drug.

First took it for BPH when I had no hypertension. Side effects of reverse ejaculation and extreme tiredness never went away & I discontinued drug. Later, when I developed hypertension, I started on it again and this time was side effect free for 2 months, on 5 mg. taken at bedtime. Lowered blood pressure & relieved BPH nicely. Then began experiencing breathing difficulties & pounding heart in late morning, which would go away after several hours. Lowered dosage to 2.5 mg. Side effects did not gone away, and BPH relief is unsatisfactory at this dosage.

Terrible side effects when taken for BPH alone, w/o hypertension. Reverse ejaculation; constant fatigue, even on 1 mg. dose, even after several weeks. Terrible drug at the time, had to discontinue it. But later, when I experienced high blood pressure, drug lowered it very well and relieved my BPH symptoms, and I had none of the previous side effects, even on 5 mg. dose. It became an excellent drug for me.

I think this drug may have caused my hair thining out also when the presure falls suddensly you may feel very weak or in your legs.

Started at 1 mg still at 1 mg symptoms of urine stream stoppage went away within days of begining dosage. No relapse of symptoms.

No side effects. Started at 2mg, increased to 5mg. Stream flow increased substantially. Still get up a couple of times a night, but this is related to my personal sleep pattern and probaly unrelated to the prostate problem.

Very satisfied with this drug. Does not CURE the underlying problem (unfortunately), but sure makes it more tolerable and avoids the need for surgery (at least thus far)

Side Effects forhytrin (terazosin hydrochloride) - User Comments


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Like with Depakote it caused serious hair loss. I felt great but that caused me to stop using it. I just started back. Did no have weight gain.

You will need an rx to get the medicine. My dentist had never heard of it, it was recommended to me by a regular doctor, but if you ask for it that can find it for you.

Very sore for eight hours at the injection site. I could not raise my arm. On day two I started to get a rash on my neck. It is now day five and I finally went to urgent care to find out what the heck is going on. I thought it was shingles but also know that shingles looked a little different than this. It sounds like the symptoms of a rash that many people on this website are describing. It is extremely itchy and sometimes on fire. I have steroid cream that I hope now will help. I will not get the second shot.

Cramping, Breakthrough bleeding

Nothing out of the ordinary to report after 3 doses. Had the typical symptoms and no long term affects that I can reasonably suggest

Joint pain/cracking all over, settling in my left and right knees and achilles tendons as well as my left shoulder and occasionally wrists. While taking the medicine I also experienced a rapid poundiing heartrate, insomnia, night sweats, really intense dreams and fatique. Two weeks after taking the medicine I was hobbling like an 80 year old man and was unable to walk more than a few feet. Now a month later I am still experiencing pain and tightness in both of my legs. Before taking this medicine I was running and biking on a regular basis, now I am happy when I can walk more than a block or two without pain.

Sleeplessness due to shortness of breath, facial swelling, sore throat, loose bowel movements, crying, confusion, lack of concentration, itchy watery eyes, headache, itchy rash on my neck.

Celebrex worked totally fine for a 7 years and then I started to become lightheaded and dizzy, occasionally nauseous, without being sick. It's a shame as this drug really worked for me. Back to the drawing board for pain management for me.

I am completely happy with Lexapro. It softens the rough edges in life so I can better deal with it. It is worth taking and I am glad for it. Although i am taking the 20 mg as with the 10mg i still had the edgy feel after 30 days.

I started this about 4 months ago at 150 a day to counter the "blank, stupid, lazy" thing that was a big problem with the Lamictal I take as a mood stabilizer. It was a tremendous improvement! I could think, talk, find and remember things. I had a cheery atitude again. Now, I've decided to finally dump Lamictal and fear they'll take my Wellbutrin as well to start from scratch. Just want to encourage people to try as my experience was very positive.